Edu Delight Tutors
- The following are major areas in Home economics except (a) food and nutrition (b) clothing and textile (c) consumer education (d) agricultural science.
- Home Economics is the study of (a) how we gossip at home (b) how we relate to others (c) how we take care of the home (d) culture
- ——- areas in Home Economics educates the masses on wise selection of products and food stuffs in the market (a) Interior decoration (b) consumer education (c) food and nutrition (d) child development and care
- ——- involves in the provision of housing for all (a) clothing and textiles (b) housing and interior decoration (c) consumer education (d) outdoor catering
- —— was previously known as domestic science (a) agricultural science (b) Mathematics (c) Home economics (d) Basic technology.
- ——- is a career in Home economics (a) accountancy (b) banker (c) hotel manager (d) lawyer
- The Nigerian Certificate of Education (NCE) is awarded at ——– (a) secondary schools (b) universities (c) colleges of education (d) primary schools.
- Home Economics drew knowledge from the following subjects except (a) mathematics (b) agricultural science (c) Christian religious studies (d) Physics.
- ——– applies the principles of foods, science, and engineering in the development, production, processing, packaging and distribution of foods. (a) Researcher (b) Teacher (c) Nutritionist (d) Food technologist.
- —— subject teaches people how to spend their money wisely (a) Biology (b) English language (c) French (d) Home economics.
Another name for artificial hair is called——- (a) bald hair (b) fabric
- (c) fiber glass (d) attachment.
- What kind of hair is dull, dry and unattractive? (a) soft hair (b) long hair
- (c) dry hairs (d) short hair.
- When the glands are over active and produce more oil it could result to —–type of hair (a) soft hair (b) dry hair (c) greasy hair (d) all the types of hair.
- Each hair grows from a narrow tube in the skin called hair——- (a) follicle (b) pit (c) root (d) organ.
- Each Follicle has a tiny ——- near its base (a) pit (b) oil glands (c) scalp (d) follicle.
- _____ is a light sensitive part of the eye where images are formed (a) Retina (b) Pupil (c) Aqueous humous (d) Tear gland (e) Lens.
- ______ part of the eyes has the ability to increase or decrease the size of the pupil (a) Lens (b) Retina (c) Pupil (d) Iris.
- The ability to see distant objects alone is called______ (a) River blindness (b) Night blindness (c) Short sightedness (d) Long sightedness.
- Carrot, Green vegetables and Red palm oil are sources of (a) Vitamin K (b) Vitamin A (c) Vitamin E (d) Vitamin D.
- The eyes is a sense organ for (a) taste (b) talking (c) sight (d) feeling
- Ear is made up of ______ Parts (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5.
- The _____ ear is like a funnel that’s picks up vibrations. (a) middle
- (b) inner (c) chair (d) outer.
- The nose is made up of _______ and _______ (a) Cartilage and bones
- (b) Cartilage and pelvic (c) Cartilage and limps (d) Limbs and curve
- _____ is responsible for producing watery secretions in the nose (a) Cartilage (b) Glands (c) Septum (d) Nerves
- The nerve of smell that runs from the brain to the nose is called (a) Olfactory nerves (b) Olfactory nerve (c) Olfactory nerves (d) Sensory nerve
- One of the following contains sweat glands and blood vessels.
- (a) Epidermis (b) Dermis (c) Peridermis (d) Sweat pores
- Sweat is produced in the skin by (a) Dermis (b) Sweat pores (c) Sweat glands (d) Blood vessels
- When the sun shines on the skin one of the following is produced. (a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin A (d) Vitamin D
- Which of the following is not a skin injury? (a) Cuts (b) bruise (c) cancer (d) skin
- Whenever the skin is opened, torn or punctured by sharp objects, the result is (a) bruise (b) burn (c) cuts (d) bite
- The first set of teeth which human beings grow are called (a) Childhood (b) Milk teeth (c) Permanents teeth (d) Junior teeth.
- Which of the following is important for healthy teeth? (a) Floride (b) Chloride (c) Protein (d) Nutrient.
- ______ are replaced by permanent teeth (a) Permanent (b) Dentine (c) Temporary (d) Molars.
- ______ are four sharp pointed teeth (a) Incisors (b) Molars (c) Premolars (d) Canine
- _____ is the part that shows when you open your mouth or smile (a) Root (b) Crown (c) Neck (d) Milk teeth.
- State two functions of the nose
- State two results of lack of care of the ear.
- State three common eye defects and explain one of them.
- State two parts of the eyes and their functions.
- State four importance of Home Economics each to the family, nation and individual,
- State three career opportunities in home economics.
- Give a brief history of how Home Economics came into existence.
- Mention five major areas in Home Economics and explain them.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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