Understanding Exhibitions: A Window to Art Cultural and Creative Arts JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 14-15 years
Topic: Exhibition
Sub-topic: Meaning and Types of Exhibition
Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define what an exhibition is.
  2. Identify and describe different types of exhibitions.
  3. Explain the significance of exhibitions in the art world.

Key Words

  • Exhibition
  • Solo
  • Juried
  • Commercial
  • Non-commercial
  • Group

Set Induction

Begin by asking students if they have ever attended an art exhibition and what their experiences were. Discuss their favorite parts of the exhibitions.

Entry Behaviour

Students should have a basic understanding of art and its presentation from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Examples of exhibition flyers or brochures
  • Images of different types of exhibitions
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Cultural and Creative Arts textbooks

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss previous lessons on display techniques and how exhibitions build on those concepts.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Organizational skills

Learning Materials

  • Visual aids illustrating different types of exhibitions
  • Handouts summarizing key points about exhibitions

Instructional Materials

  • Projector
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Sample exhibition materials


  1. Meaning of Exhibition:
    • An exhibition is a public display of artwork or items of interest, usually held in galleries, museums, or public spaces, to showcase the work of artists or groups.
  2. Types of Exhibitions:
    • Solo Exhibition:
      • An exhibition featuring the works of a single artist. It provides a comprehensive view of the artist’s work, style, and thematic concerns.
    • Juried Exhibition:
      • A competitive exhibition where selected works are chosen by a panel of judges. This type of exhibition typically showcases high-quality art based on criteria set by the jurors.
    • Commercial Exhibition:
      • An exhibition organized for selling art to the public. Artists or galleries may participate to promote and sell their works.
    • Non-commercial Group Exhibition:
      • An exhibition featuring multiple artists without a focus on sales. These exhibitions often aim to promote artistic dialogue and community engagement rather than commercial gain.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. An exhibition is a public display of _______. (a) music (b) food (c) artwork (d) clothes
  2. A _______ exhibition features the works of a single artist. (a) group (b) solo (c) juried (d) commercial
  3. In a juried exhibition, works are selected by a panel of _______. (a) critics (b) artists (c) judges (d) friends
  4. The purpose of a commercial exhibition is to _______ art to the public. (a) donate (b) sell (c) destroy (d) ignore
  5. A non-commercial group exhibition aims to promote _______ dialogue. (a) artistic (b) political (c) financial (d) personal
  6. Exhibitions are typically held in _______ or museums. (a) homes (b) stores (c) galleries (d) schools
  7. The works in a solo exhibition are focused on a single _______. (a) theme (b) color (c) artist (d) style
  8. Juried exhibitions usually involve a process of _______ works for display. (a) rejecting (b) buying (c) judging (d) ignoring
  9. Commercial exhibitions can be a source of _______ for artists. (a) trouble (b) criticism (c) income (d) stress
  10. Non-commercial exhibitions often emphasize _______ engagement with the community. (a) financial (b) artistic (c) social (d) political
  11. Artists often prepare _______ for exhibitions to showcase their work. (a) budgets (b) invitations (c) portfolios (d) emails
  12. An exhibition may feature various _______ of art, such as paintings and sculptures. (a) types (b) sizes (c) colors (d) names
  13. A solo exhibition allows an artist to present their _______ work. (a) previous (b) favorite (c) entire (d) hidden
  14. The jurors in a juried exhibition assess the _______ of the artworks. (a) quality (b) size (c) price (d) color
  15. Exhibitions can enhance an artist’s _______ and exposure in the art community. (a) fame (b) stress (c) skills (d) workload


Topic: Exhibition

Lesson Breakdown:

  1. Meaning of Exhibition
    • An exhibition is a public display of artworks or objects, usually arranged in a gallery, museum, or other dedicated space, for people to view and appreciate. Exhibitions can showcase various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, and installations.
  2. Types of Exhibitions
    • Solo Exhibition: An exhibition featuring the work of a single artist, allowing them to showcase their body of work and artistic style in depth.
    • Juried Exhibition: A competitive exhibition where artists submit their works to be reviewed by a panel of judges who select pieces for display based on certain criteria.
    • Commercial Exhibition: An exhibition organized for profit, often with the goal of selling the displayed artworks or attracting buyers and collectors.
    • Non-Commercial Group Exhibition: An exhibition featuring works by multiple artists, typically organized by art institutions or community organizations, where the focus is on artistic expression rather than profit.

Class Activities:

  1. Class Discussion:
    • Discuss the purpose of exhibitions and how they provide a platform for artists to showcase their work.
  2. Research Assignment:
    • Assign students to research a type of exhibition and present examples of notable exhibitions worldwide or locally.
  3. Mock Exhibition Setup:
    • Have students curate a mock exhibition in class, selecting works to display, labeling them, and arranging the space as if for an actual exhibition.


  • Define an exhibition.
  • List and describe two types of exhibitions.
  • Explain the purpose of a juried exhibition.

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is the main purpose of an exhibition?
    The main purpose of an exhibition is to showcase artwork to the public and provide a platform for artists to gain recognition.
  2. What is a solo exhibition?
    A solo exhibition features the works of a single artist, allowing them to present their style and thematic focus.
  3. What does juried mean in the context of exhibitions?
    Juried refers to exhibitions where artworks are selected by a panel of judges based on specific criteria.
  4. How does a commercial exhibition differ from a non-commercial one?
    A commercial exhibition focuses on selling artworks, while a non-commercial exhibition emphasizes artistic expression and community engagement.
  5. Why are group exhibitions important?
    Group exhibitions provide opportunities for collaboration, dialogue, and exposure for multiple artists.
  6. Can exhibitions be held in places other than galleries?
    Yes, exhibitions can also be held in museums, public spaces, and community centers.
  7. What types of artworks can be displayed in an exhibition?
    A variety of artworks can be displayed, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, and installations.
  8. What are the benefits of participating in a juried exhibition?
    Participating in a juried exhibition can enhance an artist’s credibility, provide networking opportunities, and increase visibility.
  9. How can an artist prepare for an exhibition?
    An artist can prepare by selecting their best works, creating promotional materials, and planning the layout of the display.
  10. What role do exhibitions play in the art community?
    Exhibitions foster connections between artists and the public, promote artistic dialogue, and contribute to cultural enrichment.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Display Techniques.”
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Exhibition.”
  3. Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to give their contributions and corrects them when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Lead discussions on the meaning of exhibitions and their importance in the art world.
  • Show examples of different types of exhibitions and discuss their characteristics.
  • Facilitate a group activity where students can brainstorm ideas for their own exhibitions.

Learners’ Activities

  • Participate in discussions and share experiences related to exhibitions they have attended.
  • Analyze the types of exhibitions presented and discuss their features.
  • Work in groups to create a plan for a hypothetical exhibition.


  • Observe student participation during discussions.
  • Review responses to fill-in-the-blank questions and FAQ.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is the definition of an exhibition?
  2. Name one type of exhibition and explain it.
  3. How do solo exhibitions differ from group exhibitions?
  4. What is the significance of juried exhibitions?
  5. Describe a commercial exhibition and its purpose.
  6. What are the benefits of attending an art exhibition?
  7. How can artists prepare for an exhibition?
  8. Why are non-commercial exhibitions important for artists?
  9. What types of artwork can be found in exhibitions?
  10. How do exhibitions contribute to the art community?


The teacher goes around to mark the answers and provides feedback on the topic. Emphasize the role of exhibitions in promoting artists and engaging the community with art.