Yoruba Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes

Brief Overview

This Yoruba Language and Culture syllabus for Primary 1 is designed to introduce students to fundamental aspects of the Yoruba language and its cultural practices. Through various activities such as singing, role-playing, and storytelling, students will learn to recognize and use the Yoruba alphabet, understand basic vocabulary, and appreciate cultural practices. The curriculum is divided into 12 weeks, each focusing on specific topics to ensure a comprehensive understanding and gradual progression of skills.

Weekly List of Topics Covered Throughout the Term

Week 1

  1. Edè: Kíka Alífábéèti èdè Yorùbá
  2. Aşà: Items in the classroom
  3. Lítíréso: Orin Ikilò
    • Singing warning songs for children
    • Dancing to the songs
    • Naming musical instruments for dance

Week 2

  1. Edè:  Orin èdè Yorùbá
  2. Aşà: Ìwà Réré
  3. Lítíréso: Orin Idárayá

Week 3

  1. Edè:
  2. Aşà:
  3. Lítíréso:

Week 4

  1. Edè: Ìsọrọ-n-gbèsí láàárin akékoó
  2. Aşà: Ìmótótó ara ẹni

Week 5

  1. Edè: Síse ǹríkàn
  2. Aşà: Òjòṣé Ebí nínú Idílé
  3. Lítíréso: Orin kéékèèké àti ijó

Week 6

  1. Edè: Kíká Alífábéèti èdè Yorùbá
  2. Aşà: Ikíni
  3. Lítíréso: Eré Oṣupa ṣíṣe ní alé

Week 7

  1. Edè: Idánrawo fún Idaji Ṣáá Kínní
  2. Aşà: Idánrawo fún Idaji Ṣáá Kínní
  3. Lítíréso: Idánrawo fún Idaji Ṣáá Kínní

Week 8

  1. Edè: Kíkó Alífábéèti èdè Yorùbá
  2. Aşà: Imótótó Ayíká
  3. Lítíréso: Eré Oṣupa ṣíṣe ní alé

Week 9

  1. Edè: Itèsíwájú
  2. Aşà: Ikíni fún Iṣẹ́ ní ilé Yorùbá
  3. Lítíréso: Awọn Ewi kéékèèké

Week 10

  1. Edè: Agbéyèwò Iṣẹ́ Sáà Kìnní Lórí Edè
  2. Aşà: Agbéyèwò Iṣẹ́ Sáà Kìnní Lórí Aṣà
  3. Lítíréso: Agbéyèwò Iṣẹ́ Sáà Kìnní Lórí Lít

Week 11

  1. Edè: Ìdánrawọ̀
  2. Aşà: Ìdánrawọ̀
  3. Lítíréso: Ìdánrawọ̀

Week 12

  1. Exam Questions

By the end of the term, students will have a solid foundation in the Yoruba language and culture, which will be assessed through a combination of objective and theory questions.

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