Revision Test Social Habits Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Social Habits Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes

Subject: Social Habits

Class: Kindergarten

Term: First Term

Week: 10

Topic: Revision Test

Sub-topic: Reviewing Key Concepts from Weeks 1-9

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the revision test, students should be able to:

  1. Recall and demonstrate understanding of key concepts covered in weeks 1-9.
  2. Apply their knowledge to answer questions and solve problems.
  3. Prepare for the upcoming assessments.


  • Revision
  • Test
  • Recall
  • Understanding
  • Preparation

Set Induction: The teacher will start by reviewing the rules and expectations for the test, ensuring students understand what is expected of them.

Entry Behaviour: Students are ready to engage in the revision test and demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered throughout the term.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Revision test papers
  • Answer sheets
  • Pencils or crayons

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss with students the importance of revising and preparing for assessments to help them remember what they have learned.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Recall and memory
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten
  • Previous lesson notes and materials

Instructional Materials:

  • Revision test papers
  • Answer sheets
  • Timer or clock

Content: The revision test will cover key concepts from the previous weeks, including:

  1. My Responsibilities (At Home)
  2. My Responsibilities (In School and Society)
  3. My Rights
  4. Child Abuse
  5. Public Places
  6. Traffic Rules and Traffic Light
  7. Stigmatization


Step 1: The teacher distributes the revision test papers and explains the instructions clearly to the students.

Step 2: Students complete the test independently, answering questions and solving problems to demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered.

Step 3: After the allocated time, the teacher collects the test papers and reviews the answers with the students, providing feedback and clarification where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Distribute the test papers and answer sheets.
  • Monitor students as they complete the test.
  • Review and mark the test papers.
  • Provide feedback and guidance to students.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Complete the revision test independently.
  • Demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered.
  • Participate in the review and discussion of the answers.


  • Review the completed test papers to assess students’ understanding and knowledge of the topics.
  • Provide feedback on areas where students may need additional support or clarification.

Evaluation Questions: The evaluation questions will be based on the content covered in the revision test, including:

  1. What are some of your responsibilities at home?
  2. Name one right you have as a child.
  3. What is a zebra crossing and how do you use it safely?
  4. Explain what stigmatization means.
  5. What does the red traffic light mean?

Conclusion: The teacher concludes the revision test by emphasizing the importance of reviewing and preparing for assessments to consolidate learning and prepare for future lessons.


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