Student Awards
- Best Overall Student
- For the student with the highest grades in all subjects.
- Most Improved Student
- For the student who has shown the most progress over the year.
- Best in Mathematics
- For the student with the highest score in Mathematics.
- Best in English
- For the student with the highest score in English.
- Best in Science
- For the student with the highest score in Science.
- Best in Social Studies
- For the student with the highest score in Social Studies.
- Best in Sports
- For the student who excels in sports activities.
- Best Attendance
- For the student with the best attendance record.
- Most Creative Student
- For the student who shows the most creativity in their work.
- Best Behavior
- For the student who displays the best behavior and respect.
- Leadership Award
- For the student who shows strong leadership skills.
- Best Class Representative
- For the student who represents their class with dedication and responsibility.
Staff Awards
- Teacher of the Year
- For the teacher with outstanding teaching performance.
- Most Dedicated Teacher
- For the teacher who shows great dedication and effort.
- Best Classroom Management
- For the teacher who manages their classroom most effectively.
- Innovation in Teaching
- For the teacher who uses the most innovative teaching methods.
- Best Attendance
- For the staff member with the best attendance record.
- Most Supportive Staff
- For the staff member who is always ready to help others.
- Best Administrative Staff
- For the administrative staff member who performs their duties exceptionally well.
- Best Sports Coach
- For the coach who leads sports activities most effectively.
- Outstanding New Teacher
- For the teacher who has shown great promise in their first year.
- Exemplary Service Award
- For the staff member who has shown long-term commitment and exceptional service to the school.
You have been selected as one of the members of the selection interview panel during personnel recruitment/employment of staff. Give and explain five (5) aspects to be considered during the interview.
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