Consequences of Ethnicity Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Civic Education Lesson Plan for Primary 4

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 4
Term: Third Term
Week: 4
Topic: Consequences of Ethnicity
Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify and list the consequences of ethnicity.
  2. Explain the effects of communal conflicts, political violence, and nepotism.
  3. Justify why understanding these consequences is important.

Key Words

  • Ethnicity
  • Consequences
  • Communal conflicts
  • Political violence
  • Nepotism

Entry Behaviour

Ask pupils to share any experiences or observations related to conflicts or unfair treatment they’ve witnessed in their communities.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures depicting communal conflicts, political violence, and nepotism
  • Flashcards with key words
  • Chart paper and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss with pupils about conflicts they’ve heard of or witnessed in their communities, and how they think these conflicts may be related to ethnicity.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Social awareness

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Civic Education textbook for Primary 4

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards
  • Pictures
  • Chart paper and markers


Consequences of Ethnicity

Itemizing Consequences:

  1. Communal Conflicts: When ethnic groups fight each other over land or resources.
    • Example: Clashes between farmers and herders over grazing land. 🏞️
  2. Political Violence: Ethnic tensions leading to violence during elections or power struggles.
    • Example: Riots or protests between supporters of different ethnic groups. 🔥
  3. Nepotism: Giving unfair advantages to people from one’s own ethnic group.
    • Example: Employing only relatives or friends from the same ethnic background. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Explaining Consequences:

  • Communal Conflicts: These conflicts can lead to destruction of property and loss of lives, causing fear and insecurity.
  • Political Violence: Political violence disrupts peace and stability, affecting the well-being of communities and hindering development.
  • Nepotism: Nepotism undermines fairness and meritocracy, leading to feelings of injustice and resentment.

Justifying Consequences:

  • Communal Conflicts: People fight to protect their resources and way of life, but it often results in suffering for everyone involved.
  • Political Violence: Politicians use ethnicity to gain power, but violence harms innocent people and damages society.
  • Nepotism: While it may seem natural to favor one’s own group, it creates inequality and hinders progress for society as a whole.

Understanding the consequences of ethnicity helps us work towards a more peaceful and fair society.

Consequences of Ethnicity – Evaluation Questions

  1. Communal conflicts are consequences of ______. a) Ethnicity b) Religion c) Language d) Geography
  2. Ethnic tensions can lead to ______ during elections. a) Festivals b) Political violence c) Celebrations d) Education
  3. Nepotism involves giving unfair advantages to people based on their ______. a) Skills b) Ethnicity c) Age d) Gender
  4. Giving jobs only to people from one’s own ethnic group is an example of ______. a) Meritocracy b) Nepotism c) Equality d) Fairness
  5. Communal conflicts can result in ______ of property and loss of lives. a) Destruction b) Celebration c) Growth d) Education
  6. Political violence disrupts ______ and stability in society. a) Peace b) War c) Friendship d) Fun
  7. Nepotism undermines fairness and ______ in decision-making. a) Equality b) Meritocracy c) Injustice d) Inequality
  8. People often fight in communal conflicts to protect their ______. a) Resources b) Toys c) Books d) Computers
  9. Political violence affects the well-being of ______. a) Animals b) Communities c) Plants d) Rivers
  10. Nepotism creates feelings of ______ and resentment. a) Happiness b) Injustice c) Peace d) Joy
  11. Ethnic tensions can lead to ______ during elections. a) Peace b) Celebration c) Political violence d) Cooperation
  12. Nepotism hinders progress and ______ in society. a) Unity b) Division c) Growth d) Happiness
  13. Communal conflicts arise due to disputes over ______ or resources. a) Money b) Land c) Food d) Clothes
  14. Political violence disrupts the ______ of communities. a) Peace b) War c) Joy d) Happiness
  15. Nepotism involves giving unfair advantages based on ______. a) Skills b) Ethnicity c) Age d) Gender


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic (5 minutes)

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic (5 minutes)

  • Teacher writes “Consequences of Ethnicity” on the board.
  • Explain that consequences are the results or effects of something happening.

Step 3: Exploring the New Topic (25 minutes)

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Itemizing Consequences:
    • Discuss communal conflicts, political violence, and nepotism as consequences of ethnicity.
    • Show pictures and examples for each consequence.
  2. Explaining Consequences:
    • Describe the effects of communal conflicts, such as destruction of property and loss of lives.
    • Explain how political violence disrupts peace and stability in society.
    • Discuss the unfairness and negative impact of nepotism on communities.
  3. Justifying Understanding:
    • Discuss why it’s important to understand these consequences to work towards peace and fairness in society.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils will listen and take notes.
  • Pupils will observe pictures and flashcards.
  • Pupils will participate in discussions and share their thoughts.

Step 4: Pupils’ Contributions and Corrections (10 minutes)

  • Teacher encourages pupils to share examples or stories related to the consequences of ethnicity.
  • Teacher corrects and guides pupils’ understanding where necessary.


  • Teacher gives pupils short exercises to complete in their notebooks.

Consequences of Ethnicity – Class Activity Discussion 

  1. Q: What are consequences of ethnicity? A: Consequences of ethnicity include communal conflicts, political violence, and nepotism.
  2. Q: What is communal conflict? A: Communal conflict is when different ethnic groups fight each other over land or resources.
  3. Q: What is political violence? A: Political violence is violence that occurs during elections or power struggles between different ethnic groups.
  4. Q: What is nepotism? A: Nepotism is when people give unfair advantages to others from their own ethnic group, like jobs or opportunities.
  5. Q: How does communal conflict affect communities? A: Communal conflict can lead to destruction of property and loss of lives, causing fear and insecurity.
  6. Q: Why is political violence a problem? A: Political violence disrupts peace and stability, affecting the well-being of communities and hindering development.
  7. Q: What are examples of nepotism? A: Examples of nepotism include giving jobs only to people from one’s own ethnic group, instead of based on skills or qualifications.
  8. Q: Why do people engage in communal conflicts? A: People fight in communal conflicts to protect their resources or way of life, but it often results in suffering for everyone involved.
  9. Q: How does political violence affect society? A: Political violence harms innocent people and damages society, disrupting progress and causing division.
  10. Q: What are the consequences of nepotism? A: Nepotism undermines fairness and meritocracy, leading to feelings of injustice and resentment.
  11. Q: Can communal conflicts be resolved? A: Yes, through dialogue, mediation, and understanding among different ethnic groups.
  12. Q: Why is it important to understand the consequences of ethnicity? A: Understanding consequences helps us work towards a more peaceful and fair society where everyone is treated equally.
  13. Q: How can we prevent political violence? A: By promoting fair elections, respect for different opinions, and peaceful conflict resolution.
  14. Q: What can individuals do to combat nepotism? A: Individuals can advocate for fair treatment and merit-based decision-making, regardless of ethnic background.
  15. Q: How can communities promote unity and understanding? A: By celebrating diversity, fostering friendships across ethnic lines, and promoting equal opportunities for all.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What are three consequences of ethnicity?
  2. Explain one effect of communal conflicts.
  3. How does political violence disrupt society?
  4. What is nepotism, and why is it unfair?
  5. Why is it important to understand the consequences of ethnicity?
  6. How can communal conflicts affect communities?
  7. What can individuals do to prevent political violence?
  8. Why should people treat everyone fairly regardless of ethnicity?
  9. How can we promote unity and understanding in society?
  10. What are the consequences of nepotism?


  • Teacher goes around the class to mark pupils’ work and provide feedback.
  • Summarize the lesson by revisiting key points.
  • Encourage pupils to reflect on ways to promote peace and fairness in their communities.