Setting up the HTML Document Computer Studies Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Discover HTML: Building Your First Web Page

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Week: 8

Topic: Setting up the HTML Document

Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will understand how to set up an HTML document.
  • Students will be able to identify HTML tags and their purposes.
  • Students will learn the importance of metadata in HTML.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. HTML
  2. Text editor
  3. <!DOCTYPE html>
  4. <html>
  5. <head>
  6. <body>
  7. <title>
  8. <meta>
  9. Extension

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Textbooks: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5 Computer Studies
  • Visual aids: Images showing HTML tags and examples
  • Computers or tablets with text editors installed
  • Worksheets on HTML document structure

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Review with students the concept of writing and saving documents on computers.
  • Introduce the idea of HTML as a language used to create web pages.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Information literacy
  • Digital literacy
  • Problem-solving


  1. Introduction to HTML and its importance in creating web pages.
  2. Explanation of each step in setting up an HTML document, including choosing a text editor, using <!DOCTYPE html>, enclosing content with <html> tags, adding a language attribute, etc.

Setting up the HTML Document:

  1. Choose a text editor: šŸ–„ļø
    • Use software like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to write your HTML code.
  2. Start with <!DOCTYPE html>: šŸ“œ
    • This tells the browser that the document is written in HTML.
  3. Enclose content with <html> tags: šŸ·ļø
    • Use <html> at the beginning and </html> at the end to wrap your HTML code.
  4. Add a language attribute: šŸŒ
    • Inside the <html> tag, add lang=”en” (for English) or another language code.
  5. Add head and body sections: šŸ“‘
    • Separate your HTML content into <head> and <body> sections.
  6. Add a title in the head section: šŸ“
    • Inside the <head> section, use <title> to give your webpage a title.
  7. Add HTML elements in the body section: šŸ§©
    • Use tags like <p>, <h1>, <ul>, and <img> to structure your content.
  8. Set metadata with the <meta> tag: šŸ·ļø
    • Use <meta> tags to specify metadata like page title and character encoding.
  9. Save the file with a .html extension: šŸ’¾
    • When you’re done, save your file with a .html extension to make it an HTML document.

Class Activity Discussion about Setting up the HTML Document:

  1. What do you need to start creating an HTML document?
    • You need a text editor like Visual Studio Code.
  2. What is the first line of an HTML document?
    • It starts with <!DOCTYPE html>.
  3. How do you enclose the content of an HTML document?
    • You use <html> tags at the beginning and </html> tags at the end.
  4. Why is a language attribute added to the <html> tag?
    • It specifies the language used in the document.
  5. What are the two main sections of an HTML document?
    • The head and body sections.
  6. Where do you add the title of the HTML document?
    • In the head section using the <title> tag.
  7. What type of content goes in the body section of an HTML document?
    • HTML elements like paragraphs, headings, and images.
  8. How do you set metadata in an HTML document?
    • You use the <meta> tag to specify page title and character encoding.
  9. What file extension do you use when saving an HTML document?
    • .html extension.
  10. Can you name a text editor you can use for writing HTML code?
    • Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.
  11. Why is the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration important?
    • It tells the browser which version of HTML is being used.
  12. What is the purpose of the <html> tags in an HTML document?
    • They enclose all the content of the document.
  13. What information is typically included in the head section of an HTML document?
    • Metadata like page title and character encoding.
  14. How do you specify the language of an HTML document?
    • By adding a language attribute to the <html> tag.
  15. What is the significance of saving the HTML document with a .html extension?
    • It tells the computer that the file contains HTML code.


  1. How do you start an HTML document?
    • a) <!DOCTYPE html>
    • b) <html>
    • c) <head>
    • d) <title>
  2. What do you use to enclose the content of an HTML document?
    • a) <!DOCTYPE html>
    • b) <html>
    • c) <head>
    • d) <title>
  3. Which tag is used to specify the language of the HTML document?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <meta>
    • d) <body>
  4. Where do you add the title of the HTML document?
    • a) <head>
    • b) <body>
    • c) <title>
    • d) <meta>
  5. What section contains the main content of the HTML document?
    • a) <head>
    • b) <body>
    • c) <meta>
    • d) <!DOCTYPE html>
  6. How do you save an HTML document?
    • a) With a .css extension
    • b) With a .js extension
    • c) With a .html extension
    • d) With a .txt extension
  7. What is the purpose of the <meta> tag in HTML?
    • a) To add a title to the document
    • b) To specify the language of the document
    • c) To enclose the content of the document
    • d) To set metadata like page title and character encoding
  8. Which tag starts the HTML document structure?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <body>
    • d) <!DOCTYPE html>
  9. What comes after the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <meta>
    • d) <body>
  10. Where do you add HTML elements like paragraphs and headings?
    • a) <head>
    • b) <meta>
    • c) <body>
    • d) <title>
  11. What tag contains the title of the HTML document?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <title>
    • d) <meta>
  12. What tag encloses the metadata of the HTML document?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <title>
    • d) <meta>
  13. What section specifies the language of the HTML document?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <meta>
    • d) <body>
  14. Which tag is used to create the body of the HTML document?
    • a) <html>
    • b) <head>
    • c) <meta>
    • d) <body>
  15. How do you denote the end of the HTML document?
    • a) </html>
    • b) </head>
    • c) </title>
    • d) </meta>


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Presenting information about HTML document structure.
  • Demonstrating how to use HTML tags.
  • Guiding students through hands-on activities on computers or tablets.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participating in class discussions.
  • Practicing writing HTML code on computers or tablets.
  • Completing worksheets to reinforce learning.


  • Observing students’ participation and engagement during activities.
  • Reviewing completed worksheets to assess understanding.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the first line of an HTML document called?
  2. How do you enclose the content of an HTML document?
  3. What tag is used to specify the language of the HTML document?
  4. Where do you add the title of the HTML document?
  5. What section contains the main content of the HTML document?
  6. How do you set metadata in an HTML document?
  7. What file extension do you use when saving an HTML document?
  8. Can you name a text editor used for writing HTML code?
  9. Why is the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration important?
  10. What is the purpose of the <meta> tag in HTML?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to review students’ worksheets and provide feedback on their understanding of setting up an HTML document. Any misconceptions are addressed before concluding the lesson

Computer Studies Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes