Dance Motifs and Body Movement Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 6

Topic: Understanding Dance Motifs and Body Movements

Sub-topic: Exploring the Meaning and Application of Dance Motifs

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of body movements and their meanings in dance.

Key Words: Dance motifs, body movements, expressions, meanings, creativity.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will understand the concept of dance motifs and their significance in dance.
  • Students will be able to identify and interpret various body movements and their meanings.
  • Students will collaborate to create their own dance motifs and sequences.
  • Students will perform their dance motifs for the class.

Embedded Core Skills: Creativity, collaboration, communication, interpretation.

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Cultural and Creative Arts.
  • Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook Book 5.
  • Cardboard with inscriptions showing Arabic text symbols (for inspiration).
  • Audio device for playing examples of dance motifs.
  • Visual aids demonstrating body movements and their meanings.


  1. Revision: The teacher revises the previous topic on body movements in dance and their meanings.
  2. Introduction to Dance Motifs: The teacher introduces the concept of dance motifs, explaining how they are repeated movements that convey ideas or feelings.
  3. Exploring Body Movements: Students learn about different body movements in dance, such as forward, backward, and sideways motions.

Body Movement in Dance:

  • Body movements in dance include forward, backward, and sideways motions.
  • These movements are natural actions like running, walking, and jumping, which are incorporated into choreography.

Dance Motifs:

  • A motif is a repeated piece of movement that can vary in length and is used throughout a performance.
  • Motifs can express various ideas or feelings such as joy, excitement, love, sorrow, and friendship.
  • Motifs are created by joining three or four movements together, which can be changed, reversed, or extended in a dance routine.

Application of Dance Motif:

  • Dance begins as soon as the body starts to move, with feelings and ideas expressed through movement.
  • Different dance steps convey different meanings, such as raising arms high representing joy, leaping indicating excitement, and slow movements symbolizing sorrow.

Importance of Motifs in Dance:

  • Motifs strengthen the overall dance idea and help communicate ideas and feelings to the audience during performances.
  • They serve as building blocks for dance routines and act as reminders for dancers during their performances.

Understanding body movement and dance motifs enhances the expressive and communicative aspects of dance performances, making them more engaging and impactful for both dancers and audiences.

Creating a play with the theme of honesty/integrity /right attitude to work Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Class Activity Discussion :

  1. What are body movements in dance?
    • Body movements in dance include actions like walking, running, and jumping.
  2. What is a dance motif?
    • A dance motif is a repeated movement that expresses different ideas or feelings during a performance.
  3. How are dance motifs created?
    • Dance motifs are created by joining three or four movements together and can be changed, reversed, or extended.
  4. What are some examples of dance motifs?
    • Examples of dance motifs include raising arms high for joy, leaping for excitement, and slow movements for sorrow.
  5. Why are motifs important in dance?
    • Motifs strengthen the overall dance idea and help communicate feelings and ideas to the audience.
  6. What do fast movements in dance show?
    • Fast movements in dance can show excitement or joy.
  7. What does slow movement in dance indicate?
    • Slow movements in dance can indicate feelings of sorrow or sadness.
  8. How do dancers use motifs during performances?
    • Dancers use motifs as building blocks for their routines and as reminders during their performances.
  9. Can motifs be changed during a dance?
    • Yes, motifs can be changed, reversed, or extended to create different effects in a dance.
  10. What do dancers express through their movements?
    • Dancers express various ideas and feelings such as joy, excitement, love, and friendship through their movements.
Evaluation :
  1. What are some examples of body movements in dance?
    • a) Walking, running, jumping
    • b) Reading, writing, drawing
    • c) Cooking, cleaning, sleeping
    • d) Singing, playing, listening
  2. What is a dance __?
    • a) Song
    • b) Step
    • c) Motif
    • d) Game
  3. How are dance motifs __?
    • a) Created
    • b) Eaten
    • c) Played
    • d) Watched
  4. What do fast movements in dance show?
    • a) Excitement
    • b) Sleepiness
    • c) Boredom
    • d) Sadness
  5. What can slow movements in dance indicate?
    • a) Happiness
    • b) Sorrow
    • c) Anger
    • d) Fear
  6. What do dancers express through their movements?
    • a) Ideas and feelings
    • b) Recipes and stories
    • c) Colors and shapes
    • d) Numbers and letters
  7. Why are motifs important in dance?
    • a) They strengthen the dance idea
    • b) They make dancers tired
    • c) They confuse the audience
    • d) They cause accidents
  8. Can motifs be changed during a dance?
    • a) Yes
    • b) No
    • c) Sometimes
    • d) Maybe
  9. What are some examples of dance motifs?
    • a) Raising arms high for joy
    • b) Closing eyes for sleep
    • c) Eating food for hunger
    • d) Riding a bike for fun
  10. What do dancers use motifs as during performances?
    • a) Building blocks
    • b) Toys
    • c) Chairs
    • d) Mirrors
  11. What do dancers use to express different ideas or feelings?
    • a) Body movements
    • b) Books
    • c) Computers
    • d) Cars
  12. What is a repeated piece of movement in dance called?
    • a) Motif
    • b) Song
    • c) Story
    • d) Game
  13. What are some examples of fast movements in dance?
    • a) Leaping, jumping
    • b) Walking, standing
    • c) Sleeping, dreaming
    • d) Eating, drinking
  14. How many movements are joined together to create a sequence of a motif?
    • a) Three or four
    • b) One or two
    • c) Five or six
    • d) Seven or eight
  15. What do dancers communicate to the audience during performances?
    • a) Ideas and feelings
    • b) Recipes and instructions
    • c) Weather forecasts
    • d) Sports scores


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, ensuring students understand the meanings of various body movements in dance.


Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic of dance motifs, explaining their importance and relevance in dance.


Step 3: The teacher allows students to give their own contributions, encouraging them to share their understanding of dance motifs and body movements.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the concept of dance motifs using visual aids and examples.
  • Demonstrate various body movements and their meanings to students.
  • Guide students in creating their own dance motifs and sequences.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and participate in the discussion about dance motifs and body movements.
  • Practice interpreting different body movements and their meanings.
  • Collaborate with classmates to create and perform their own dance motifs.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding of dance motifs and body movements through observation and participation.
  • Students’ ability to create and perform their own dance motifs is evaluated based on creativity, interpretation, and performance.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are dance motifs?
  2. How do body movements convey ideas or feelings in dance?
  3. Can you give examples of different body movements in dance?
  4. Why are dance motifs important in dance performances?
  5. How do dancers use motifs to communicate with the audience?
  6. What is the significance of repeating movements in dance?
  7. How do you create your own dance motifs?
  8. What are some examples of dance motifs you can create?
  9. How do you interpret the meanings of different body movements in dance?
  10. Why is it important to collaborate with classmates when creating dance motifs?


  • The teacher goes around to mark students’ performances and provides feedback and encouragement.
  • Any necessary corrections or clarifications are addressed before concluding the lesson.
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