Creating a play with the theme of honesty/integrity /right attitude to work Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 5

Topic: Creating a Play with the Theme of Honesty/Integrity/Right Attitude to Work

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic understanding of honesty, integrity, and the importance of having the right attitude towards work.

Key Words: Honesty, integrity, right attitude, play, theme, creativity.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will be able to understand the importance of honesty, integrity, and the right attitude towards work.
  • Students will be able to brainstorm ideas for a play with the given theme.
  • Students will be able to collaborate in groups to write a short script for the play.
  • Students will be able to perform their play in front of the class.

Embedded Core Skills: Creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking.

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Cultural and Creative Arts.
  • Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook Book 5.
  • Cardboard with inscriptions showing Arabic text symbols (for inspiration).
  • Audio device for playing background music.
  • Audiovisual aids for illustrating concepts (optional).


  1. Revision: The teacher revises the previous topic on honesty, integrity, and the right attitude towards work, asking students to recall key points.
  2. Introduction: The teacher introduces the new topic of creating a play with the theme of honesty, integrity, and the right attitude towards work.
  3. Brainstorming: The teacher facilitates a brainstorming session where students share ideas for the plot, characters, and dialogue of the play.

Title: The Integrity Initiative

Act 1: Setting the Stage

  • The play opens in a bustling office environment, where employees are seen busy with their tasks.
  • The main character, Sarah, is introduced as a dedicated and hardworking employee who values honesty and integrity in her work.

Act 2: The Challenge

  • Sarah’s integrity is put to the test when she discovers a discrepancy in the company’s financial records.
  • Despite pressure from her colleagues to ignore the issue, Sarah chooses to confront her boss, Mr. Thompson, about the discrepancy.

Act 3: Facing Consequences

  • Mr. Thompson reacts angrily to Sarah’s revelation, accusing her of causing trouble and threatening to fire her.
  • Sarah stands her ground, explaining that she believes in doing the right thing and maintaining integrity in the workplace.

Act 4: Redemption and Resolution

  • As the truth comes to light, it is revealed that the discrepancy was due to a simple accounting error and not intentional wrongdoing.
  • Mr. Thompson apologizes to Sarah for his harsh reaction and commends her for her honesty and integrity.
  • The play ends on a positive note, with Sarah’s integrity earning her respect and admiration from her colleagues, and the company implementing new measures to ensure transparency and integrity in its operations.

Key Themes:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Right attitude towards work
  • Courage
  • Accountability

Moral of the Story:

  • Upholding honesty and integrity, even in the face of adversity, leads to respect, trust, and positive outcomes in both personal and professional life.


  1. Sarah values __________ in her work.
    • a) dishonesty
    • b) integrity
    • c) laziness
    • d) deception
  2. When Sarah discovers a discrepancy in the company’s financial records, she chooses to __________.
    • a) ignore it
    • b) confront her boss
    • c) blame her colleagues
    • d) quit her job
  3. Mr. Thompson reacts angrily to Sarah’s revelation and threatens to __________.
    • a) promote her
    • b) fire her
    • c) reward her
    • d) ignore her
  4. Sarah believes in doing __________ in the workplace.
    • a) the wrong thing
    • b) what benefits her
    • c) the right thing
    • d) nothing
  5. The discrepancy in the company’s financial records was due to __________.
    • a) intentional wrongdoing
    • b) Sarah’s mistake
    • c) a simple accounting error
    • d) lack of transparency

Explanation of key themes of the play :

  1. Honesty: Honesty refers to the quality of being truthful, sincere, and straightforward in one’s actions and words. It involves being truthful in all situations, even when it may be difficult or uncomfortable. Honest individuals are trustworthy and reliable, and they uphold moral and ethical principles in their interactions with others.
  2. Integrity: Integrity is the adherence to moral and ethical principles, even when no one is watching. It involves consistency in one’s actions, values, and beliefs, regardless of external pressures or temptations. Individuals with integrity are honest, reliable, and principled, and they strive to do what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular.
  3. Right attitude towards work: Having the right attitude towards work means approaching tasks and responsibilities with enthusiasm, dedication, and a positive mindset. It involves being proactive, taking initiative, and demonstrating a strong work ethic. Individuals with the right attitude towards work are committed to excellence, they take pride in their work, and they strive to achieve their goals with diligence and perseverance.
  4. Courage: Courage is the ability to face challenges, adversity, and fear with bravery and determination. It involves taking risks, standing up for what is right, and facing difficult situations with confidence and resilience. Courageous individuals are willing to step out of their comfort zones, speak up against injustice, and take action to achieve their goals, even in the face of opposition or obstacles.
  5. Accountability: Accountability is the obligation to take responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and their consequences. It involves being answerable for one’s behavior and performance, both to oneself and to others. Individuals who are accountable accept ownership of their mistakes, learn from them, and strive to improve. They also hold others accountable for their actions and work collaboratively towards common goals.

Evaluation :

  1. Honesty means being __________ and __________.
    • a) truthful, sincere
    • b) dishonest, deceptive
    • c) lazy, careless
    • d) shy, quiet
  2. Integrity involves sticking to your __________, even when no one is watching.
    • a) values
    • b) lies
    • c) excuses
    • d) mistakes
  3. Having the right attitude towards work means being __________ and __________.
    • a) lazy, unmotivated
    • b) enthusiastic, dedicated
    • c) angry, frustrated
    • d) careless, irresponsible
  4. Courage is the ability to face challenges with __________ and __________.
    • a) fear, doubt
    • b) bravery, determination
    • c) laziness, cowardice
    • d) sadness, despair
  5. Accountability means taking __________ for your __________.
    • a) risks, actions
    • b) responsibility, actions
    • c) credit, work
    • d) excuses, mistakes
  6. Honesty involves telling the __________ at all times.
    • a) truth
    • b) lies
    • c) secrets
    • d) jokes
  7. Integrity means doing the __________ thing, even when it’s __________.
    • a) easy, difficult
    • b) wrong, easy
    • c) difficult, easy
    • d) right, difficult
  8. The right attitude towards work includes being __________ and __________.
    • a) lazy, careless
    • b) enthusiastic, responsible
    • c) angry, impatient
    • d) sad, tired
  9. Courage is needed to face __________ and __________.
    • a) challenges, opportunities
    • b) success, failure
    • c) fear, doubt
    • d) happiness, joy
  10. Accountability means taking ownership of your __________ and __________.
    • a) successes, failures
    • b) actions, decisions
    • c) excuses, laziness
    • d) happiness, sadness
  11. Honesty involves being __________ and __________.
    • a) reliable, dishonest
    • b) trustworthy, dishonest
    • c) lazy, careless
    • d) shy, quiet
  12. Integrity means staying true to your __________.
    • a) values
    • b) lies
    • c) excuses
    • d) mistakes
  13. The right attitude towards work means being __________ and __________.
    • a) lazy, unmotivated
    • b) enthusiastic, dedicated
    • c) angry, frustrated
    • d) careless, irresponsible
  14. Courage is the ability to face challenges with __________ and __________.
    • a) fear, doubt
    • b) bravery, determination
    • c) laziness, cowardice
    • d) sadness, despair
  15. Accountability means taking __________ for your __________.
    • a) risks, actions
    • b) responsibility, actions
    • c) credit, work
    • d) excuses, mistakes

Uses of drama in teaching explained in simpler terms:

  1. Engagement: Drama makes learning fun and exciting, keeping students interested and involved in the lesson.
  2. Creativity: It encourages students to use their imagination and come up with creative ideas and solutions.
  3. Communication: Drama helps students improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills by practicing speaking clearly and using body language effectively.
  4. Confidence: Acting in dramas builds confidence as students perform in front of others and receive positive feedback.
  5. Empathy: Through role-playing, students learn to understand and empathize with different perspectives and experiences.
  6. Critical Thinking: Drama activities require students to analyze situations, make decisions, and solve problems, enhancing their critical thinking skills.
  7. Collaboration: Students work together in drama activities, learning to cooperate, listen to others, and share ideas.
  8. Cultural Understanding: Drama allows students to explore different cultures, traditions, and historical events through role-play and storytelling.
  9. Emotional Expression: Drama provides a safe space for students to express and explore their emotions, helping them develop emotional intelligence.
  10. Memory: Acting out scenes and remembering lines in drama activities improves students’ memory skills.


Evaluation :

  1. Drama in teaching makes learning __________.
    • a) boring
    • b) fun
    • c) difficult
    • d) tiring
  2. In drama, students use their __________ to come up with ideas.
    • a) hands
    • b) imagination
    • c) feet
    • d) eyes
  3. Drama helps students improve their __________ skills.
    • a) math
    • b) communication
    • c) cooking
    • d) swimming
  4. Acting in dramas can build __________ in students.
    • a) fear
    • b) confidence
    • c) anger
    • d) sadness
  5. Through drama, students learn to understand different __________.
    • a) languages
    • b) cultures
    • c) animals
    • d) colors
  6. Drama helps students become better at __________.
    • a) singing
    • b) dancing
    • c) thinking
    • d) sleeping
  7. Drama activities require students to __________ with others.
    • a) fight
    • b) argue
    • c) cooperate
    • d) ignore
  8. Drama allows students to express their __________.
    • a) emotions
    • b) clothes
    • c) food
    • d) toys
  9. Drama helps students learn about __________ events.
    • a) historical
    • b) future
    • c) imaginary
    • d) magical
  10. Drama activities can help improve students’ __________.
    • a) memory
    • b) hearing
    • c) taste
    • d) smell
  11. Drama makes learning more __________ for students.
    • a) difficult
    • b) exciting
    • c) boring
    • d) frustrating
  12. Drama activities allow students to __________ with each other.
    • a) compete
    • b) collaborate
    • c) argue
    • d) fight
  13. Through drama, students can learn to __________ with different situations.
    • a) dance
    • b) cope
    • c) cook
    • d) cry
  14. Drama helps students become better at __________ with others.
    • a) communicating
    • b) sleeping
    • c) hiding
    • d) running
  15. Drama allows students to explore their __________.
    • a) imagination
    • b) laziness
    • c) anger
    • d) sadness


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, emphasizing the importance of honesty, integrity, and the right attitude towards work. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, explaining that students will be creating a play with the theme of honesty, integrity, and the right attitude towards work. Step 3: The teacher encourages students to give their own contributions and corrects any misconceptions they may have.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate brainstorming session.
  • Guide students in group work to create the script.
  • Provide feedback and corrections as needed.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in brainstorming.
  • Work collaboratively in groups to write the script.
  • Practice their roles and lines for the play.


  • The teacher assesses students’ participation in the brainstorming session and group work.
  • The teacher evaluates the quality of the script and the students’ performances in the play.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the theme of our play?
  2. Why is honesty important in our daily lives?
  3. How did you contribute to the brainstorming session?
  4. What is the role of integrity in the workplace?
  5. Can you explain the concept of having the right attitude towards work?
  6. What did you learn from creating the play?
  7. How did your group collaborate to write the script?
  8. What challenges did you face during the process?
  9. How did you overcome those challenges?
  10. What was your favorite part of performing the play?


  • The teacher goes around to mark students’ performances and provides feedback.
  • Any necessary corrections or clarifications are addressed before concluding the lesson.

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