What is a plant? Agricultural Science Primary 2


What is a Plant:

  1. Living Organism: A plant is a living thing that grows and develops in the soil. The part of the plant that is above the soil level is the shoot while the part of the plant thar is in the soil is the root
  2. Produces its Own Food: Plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight and water.
  3. Roots: Plants have roots that anchor them in the soil and absorb water and nutrients.
  4. Stems: Stems provide support for the plant and transport water and nutrients.
  5. Leaves: Leaves are where photosynthesis occurs, converting sunlight into food for the plant.
  6. Flowers: Some plants produce flowers, which contain seeds for reproduction.
  7. Fruits: Fruits are produced by some plants and contain seeds for new plant growth.
  8. Oxygen Production: Plants release oxygen into the air as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
  9. Habitat: Plants can live in various habitats, including forests, grasslands, and deserts.
  10. Importance: Plants are important for providing food, oxygen, shelter, and beauty in our environment.



  1. A plant is a __________ organism. a) living b) non-living c) moving d) breathing
  2. Plants make their own food through the process of __________. a) respiration b) digestion c) photosynthesis d) transpiration
  3. The part of the plant that anchors it in the soil and absorbs water and nutrients is called __________. a) stems b) leaves c) roots d) flowers
  4. Leaves are where __________ occurs in plants. a) digestion b) reproduction c) photosynthesis d) respiration
  5. Some plants produce __________ for reproduction. a) flowers b) stems c) fruits d) roots
  6. Fruits contain __________ for new plant growth. a) water b) soil c) nutrients d) seeds
  7. Plants release __________ into the air as a byproduct of photosynthesis. a) carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c) oxygen d) hydrogen
  8. Plants can live in various __________. a) oceans b) deserts c) mountains d) icebergs
  9. Plants are important for providing __________ in our environment. a) food, water, and shelter b) shelter, warmth, and beauty c) food, oxygen, shelter, and beauty d) oxygen, water, and nutrients
  10. The part of the plant that provides support and transports water and nutrients is the __________. a) roots b) leaves c) stems d) flowers
  11. Photosynthesis converts __________ into food for the plant. a) sunlight b) water c) carbon dioxide d) all of the above
  12. Plants produce __________ through the process of photosynthesis. a) food b) oxygen c) carbon dioxide d) both a and b
  13. The reproductive part of the plant is the __________. a) roots b) stems c) leaves d) flowers
  14. Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil? a) roots b) stems c) leaves d) flowers
  15. Plants are important for maintaining __________ balance in the environment. a) ecological b) political c) social d) economic