Forms of Greetings Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: 2

Week: 3

Topic: Forms of Greetings as Ways of Showing Respect

Sub-topic: Understanding Different Ways to Show Respect through Greetings

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to name at least one form of greeting.

Key Words: Greetings, Respect, Kneeling, Prostrating, Shaking, Bowing, Clenching, Cultural Practices.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Identify different forms of greetings.
  • Explain at least two ways greetings show respect.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Cultural Awareness, Social Interaction.

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids with images of various greetings.
  • Flashcards with key words.
  • Small mats for practical demonstration of kneeling and prostrating.


Forms of Greetings as ways of showing respect

  1. Kneeling: Some people greet by bending their knees.
  2. Prostrating: Others show respect by lying down briefly.
  3. Shaking of hands: We meet friends by holding their hands and moving them up and down.
  4. Bowing: Some cultures greet by bending the upper body forward.
  5. Clenching of fist: Friends may greet with a strong, friendly fist bump.

Remember, friends, these are all ways we show respect to people when we say hello!


  1. Greeting by bending knees is called _______. a) Hugging b) Kneeling c) Jumping d) Dancing
  2. To show respect by lying down briefly, it’s called _______. a) Prostrating b) Laughing c) Running d) Singing
  3. Meeting friends involves the friendly _______ of hands. a) Clapping b) Shaking c) Waving d) Hugging
  4. Greeting by bending the upper body forward is known as _______. a) Bouncing b) Nodding c) Bowing d) Spinning
  5. Showing respect with a friendly fist bump is called _______. a) Kicking b) Punching c) Slapping d) Clenching of fist
  6. _______ is a way of saying hello by moving hands up and down. a) Hugging b) Waving c) Kneeling d) Nodding
  7. To greet by lying down briefly is known as _______. a) Sleeping b) Prostrating c) Sitting d) Standing
  8. The friendly _______ involves holding hands and moving them. a) Hugging b) Shaking c) Waving d) Pointing
  9. Greeting with a strong, friendly _______ is like a special hand bump. a) Fist bump b) High-five c) Handshake d) Clenching of fist
  10. Saying hello by holding hands and moving them up and down is called _______. a) Squeezing b) Shaking c) Patting d) Clapping
  11. When we show respect by lying down briefly, we are _______. a) Jumping b) Prostrating c) Dancing d) Running
  12. The friendly _______ involves a special hand bump. a) Hugging b) Fist bump c) High-five d) Shaking
  13. _______ is a way of greeting by moving hands up and down. a) Waving b) Pointing c) Clenching of fist d) Kneeling
  14. When we greet by bending our knees, it’s called _______. a) Jumping b) Kneeling c) Dancing d) Nodding
  15. Saying hello by holding hands and moving them is called _______. a) Squeezing b) Shaking c) Clapping d) Patting
  1. Introduction
    • Quick review of the last lesson on “Family and Community.”
    • Brief explanation of the importance of showing respect.
  2. Forms of Greetings
    • Presentation of different forms: Kneeling, Prostrating, Shaking, Bowing, Clenching.
    • Discussion on cultural differences in greetings.
  3. Ways of Showing Respect through Greetings
    • Connecting each form of greeting to respect.
    • Real-life examples of how different greetings demonstrate respect.


Step 1 (Revision): The teacher revises the previous topic on “Family and Community” by asking students to share one way they greet their family members. Forms of Greeting and the Importance of Greeting Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Step 2 (Introduction of New Topic): The teacher introduces the new topic, “Forms of Greetings as Ways of Showing Respect,” by showing pictures of various greetings and explaining their significance in different cultures.

Step 3 (Teacher’s Activities):

  • Engage students in a discussion about the meaning of respect.
  • Present and explain each form of greeting using visual aids.
  • Discuss cultural practices related to greetings.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in the discussion about respect.
  • Identify and name different forms of greetings.
  • Ask questions and share their experiences with greetings.

Assessment: Observation of students’ ability to identify and explain at least two ways greetings show respect.


  1. Name one form of greeting shown in the pictures.
  2. What does the word “respect” mean?
  3. How do we show respect through shaking hands?
  4. Give an example of a cultural difference in greetings.
  5. Explain one way kneeling can show respect.
  6. Why is it important to understand different forms of greetings?
  7. Describe how prostrating can be a sign of respect.
  8. Share an experience of using a bow as a form of greeting.
  9. Connect clenching of fists to a friendly way of showing respect.
  10. How does understanding greetings help us in our daily lives?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on students’ understanding of different forms of greetings as ways of showing respect. Encourage them to practice respectful greetings in their interactions.

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