Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term
Lesson Plan Presentation
Second Term Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 7
Topic: Second Term Mid Term Test
Answer the following questions
Duration: 40 minutes
- Ministry means doing __________ work. a) Ordinary
b) God’s
c) Secret
d) Difficult - Jesus was prepared for His ministry at His __________. a) Birthday party
b) Baptism
c) Wedding
d) Graduation - Baptism means being dipped in __________. a) Chocolate
b) Water
c) Milk
d) Juice - Jesus’ baptism showed He was ready to begin His __________ work. a) Difficult
b) Ordinary
c) Special
d) Quiet - Who baptized Jesus? a) Peter
b) Mary
c) John the Baptist
d) David - During Jesus’ baptism, a voice from heaven said He was __________ special Son. a) An ordinary
b) A special
c) A quiet
d) A noisy - What symbol came down during Jesus’ baptism? a) Cloud
b) Sun
c) Dove
d) Star - Jesus’ baptism was like the __________ of His important work. a) End
b) Beginning
c) Middle
d) Side - John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the __________. a) Desert
b) River
c) Mountain
d) Forest - The voice from heaven said, “This is my __________ Son.” a) Ordinary
b) Special
c) Funny
d) Strange - The dove during Jesus’ baptism showed God’s __________ power. a) Ordinary
b) Strange
c) Special
d) Noisy - Jesus’ ministry teaches about __________ and kindness. a) Hate
b) Love
c) Anger
d) Sadness - Why is Jesus’ ministry important? a) It shows how to be __________.
b) It shows how to be mean.
c) It shows how to hide.
d) It shows how to be quiet. - Jesus’ ministry helps us learn how to __________ others. a) Ignore
b) Hate
c) Help
d) Scare - Baptism symbolizes the __________ of Jesus’ important work. a) End
b) Middle
c) Beginning
d) side - Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple for __________. a) Prayer
b) Celebration
c) Presentation
d) Playtime - The presentation in the temple showed that Jesus was a __________ baby chosen by God. a) Ordinary
b) Special
c) Funny
d) Simple - Simon and __________ were at the temple when Jesus was presented. a) Joseph
b) Anna
c) David
d) Ruth - Anna was a good woman who __________ God. a) Ignored
b) Loved
c) Disliked
d) Forgot - Simon said Jesus was God’s promised one, a __________ for everyone. a) Friend
b) Light
c) Gift
d) Song - The presentation in the temple was a special moment for __________. a) Mary and Joseph
b) Simon
c) Jesus and His family
d) Everyone in the town - The baby presented in the temple was chosen by __________. a) Friends
b) God
c) Parents
d) Relatives - Anna was __________ when she saw baby Jesus. a) Angry
b) Happy
c) Sad
d) Confused - Simon blessed the baby and his __________. a) Friends
b) Family
c) Pets
d) Neighbors - Simon said good things about the __________ of Jesus and His family. a) Past
b) Present
c) Future
d) Dreams - The presentation in the temple was a __________ tradition. a) New
b) Old
c) Strange
d) Funny - The names of the people at the temple when Jesus was presented were __________. a) John and Mary
b) Anna and Simon
c) David and Ruth
d) Joseph and Ruth - Simon said Jesus would be a __________ for everyone. a) Light
b) Shadow
c) Flower
d) Toy - The Bible passage about the presentation in the temple is found in __________. a) Luke 2:22-38
b) Matthew 5:16
c) John 3:16
d) Mark 1:14 - The presentation in the temple was a __________ moment for Jesus and His family. a) Regular
b) Unimportant
c) Special
d) Strange
2nd Term Mid Term Test Theory:
- Why did Mary and Joseph take baby Jesus to the temple?
- Can you name one person who was at the temple when Jesus was presented?
- What did Simon say about baby Jesus?
- Why do you think presenting babies in the temple was important?
- Can you say what “ministry” means?
- What is the event that prepared Jesus for His special job?
- Why is baptism important for Jesus?
- Describe baptism in your own words.
- Who can share what they think Jesus’ important work was?
- Why do you think ministry is like a special job for God?
- Can you mention one thing Jesus taught during His ministry?
- How can we help others like Jesus did in His special job?
- Where was Jesus born?
- Who received a special message from an angel about Mary’s baby?
- Name one of the gifts brought by the wise men.
- What does gold symbolize among the wise men’s gifts?
- Why did the angel talk to Joseph in a dream?
- What does frankincense represent among the wise men’s gifts?
- Can you mention one person from the Bible who visited baby Jesus?
- What is the meaning of myrrh among the wise men’s gifts?
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