Starting Up A Computer From Power Source To Power Button Primary 1 Computer Studies

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Topic: Starting Up A Computer: Things That Are Needed To Know

Sub-topic: Power Source to Power Button

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to share if they know anything about turning on a computer.

Key Words: Power source, Power button, Wires, Electricity, Screen, Mouse, Keyboard

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify and name the components involved in starting up a computer.
  • Pupils should understand the sequence of steps in the start-up procedure.

Embedded Core Skills: Cognitive recognition, Sequencing skills, Descriptive skills

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures and diagrams of computer components
  • Flashcards with labels
  • A model computer setup (if available)
  • Whiteboard and markers


  1. Power Source: 🔌 This is like the computer’s battery. It gives the computer energy.
  2. Power Button: 🔘 The power button is like a magic switch. Press it to turn the computer on or off.
  3. Connecting Wires: 🤝 Wires are like computer friends. They connect the computer to the power source.
  4. Electricity: ⚡ Electricity is like the computer’s food. It travels through the wires to power up the computer.
  5. Wait for Lights: 🟢 After pressing the power button, wait for lights to show up. That means the computer is waking up.
  6. Screen: 🖥️ The screen is like the computer’s face. It shows pictures and words.
  7. Mouse and Keyboard: 🖱️⌨️ These are like the computer’s hands. Use them to tell the computer what to do.
  8. Be Patient: 🕰️ Sometimes the computer needs a moment to wake up. Be patient, and it will start working.

Starting up a computer is like waking up a friend – press the magic button, wait for lights, and have fun! 🌟🖥️


  1. The power source is like the computer’s ___________.
    • a) Food
    • b) Water
    • c) Battery
    • d) Friend
  2. The power button is like a magic ___________.
    • a) Hat
    • b) Switch
    • c) Toy
    • d) Door
  3. Connecting wires are like computer ___________.
    • a) Pets
    • b) Friends
    • c) Books
    • d) Songs
  4. Electricity is like the computer’s ___________.
    • a) Clothes
    • b) Food
    • c) Music
    • d) Games
  5. Wait for ___________ after pressing the power button.
    • a) Rain
    • b) Lights
    • c) Birds
    • d) Flowers
  6. The screen is like the computer’s ___________.
    • a) Face
    • b) Hand
    • c) Leg
    • d) Tail
  7. The mouse and keyboard are like the computer’s ___________.
    • a) Eyes
    • b) Hands
    • c) Ears
    • d) Nose
  8. Starting up a computer is like waking up a ___________.
    • a) Robot
    • b) Friend
    • c) Toy
    • d) Animal
  9. The power button is pressed to turn the computer ___________.
    • a) Purple
    • b) On or off
    • c) Small
    • d) Fast
  10. Connecting wires are like computer ___________.
    • a) Enemies
    • b) Stories
    • c) Friends
    • d) Cars
  11. Electricity travels through wires to power up the ___________.
    • a) Toys
    • b) Computer
    • c) Garden
    • d) School
  12. The screen shows pictures and ___________.
    • a) Numbers
    • b) Words
    • c) Songs
    • d) Food
  13. The mouse and keyboard are used to tell the computer ___________ to do.
    • a) Where
    • b) How
    • c) What
    • d) When
  14. Be ___________ while waiting for the computer to start.
    • a) Angry
    • b) Patient
    • c) Fast
    • d) Loud
  15. Starting up a computer is like pressing a ___________.
    • a) Toy
    • b) Switch
    • c) Cake
    • d) Animal


Things That Are Needed To Know

Starting up a computer involves a series of steps to bring it to life and ready for use. Here’s a simple explanation of the start-up procedure:

  1. Connect to Power Source: Plug the computer into an electrical outlet using a power source. This provides the energy needed for the computer to function.
  2. Press Power Button: Locate the power button on the computer. Press the power button to turn the computer on. It’s like magic – the computer wakes up.
  3. Connecting Wires: Ensure that all necessary wires, like the power cable, are connected properly. These wires are like friends that help the computer communicate with the outside world.
  4. Wait for Lights: After pressing the power button, wait for indicator lights to appear. These lights signal that the computer is waking up and getting ready to work.
  5. Screen Activation: The computer’s screen, which is like its face, will activate and display images. This is where you’ll see pictures, words, and everything the computer wants to show you.
  6. Mouse and Keyboard Ready: Connect the mouse and keyboard to the computer. They are like the computer’s hands – use them to interact with the computer and tell it what to do.
  7. Be Patient: Sometimes, the computer needs a moment to start up. Be patient and allow it the time it needs to fully wake up and be ready for use.
  8. Ready to Use: Once you see the screen and everything looks active, your computer is ready to use. You can now begin your computer adventure, whether it’s playing games, typing stories, or exploring the digital world! 🚀🖥️
  1. To bring a computer to life, it needs to be connected to a ___________.
    • a) School
    • b) Playground
    • c) Power source
    • d) Garden
  2. The magic switch that turns the computer on or off is the ___________.
    • a) Hat
    • b) Toy
    • c) Switch
    • d) Door
  3. Wires connected to the computer are like helpful ___________.
    • a) Enemies
    • b) Friends
    • c) Stories
    • d) Songs
  4. Electricity travels through wires to provide ___________ to the computer.
    • a) Food
    • b) Water
    • c) Air
    • d) Energy
  5. After pressing the power button, wait for ___________ to show up.
    • a) Birds
    • b) Lights
    • c) Rain
    • d) Flowers
  6. The screen of the computer is like its ___________.
    • a) Face
    • b) Hand
    • c) Leg
    • d) Tail
  7. The mouse and keyboard are like the computer’s ___________.
    • a) Eyes
    • b) Hands
    • c) Ears
    • d) Nose
  8. While waiting for the computer to start, it’s essential to be ___________.
    • a) Angry
    • b) Patient
    • c) Fast
    • d) Loud
  9. The power button is pressed to turn the computer ___________ or off.
    • a) Purple
    • b) On
    • c) Small
    • d) Fast
  10. The wires connected to the computer help it ___________ with the outside world.
    • a) Hide
    • b) Fight
    • c) Communicate
    • d) Sleep
  11. The lights that appear after pressing the power button indicate that the computer is ___________ up.
    • a) Growing
    • b) Waking
    • c) Sleeping
    • d) Eating
  12. The screen of the computer displays ___________ and words.
    • a) Numbers
    • b) Pictures
    • c) Songs
    • d) Food
  13. The mouse and keyboard are used to ___________ with the computer.
    • a) Dance
    • b) Sleep
    • c) Communicate
    • d) Sing
  14. Patience is important while waiting for the computer to ___________.
    • a) Play
    • b) Stop
    • c) Start
    • d) Sleep
  15. Once the screen is active, the computer is ___________ to use.
    • a) Ready
    • b) Tired
    • c) Happy
    • d) Angry
  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Teacher revises the previous topic by asking students if they remember what happens when we turn on a computer.
  2. New Topic Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Teacher introduces the new topic: “Today, we will learn how to start up a computer. It’s like waking up our computer friend. Let’s find out what we need to know!”
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Teacher presents pictures and diagrams of computer components – power source, power button, wires, screen, mouse, and keyboard.
    • Describes the function of each component in simple terms.
  4. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes):
    • Pupils engage in a class discussion, sharing what they know about starting up a computer.
    • Group activity: Arrange flashcards in the correct sequence to show the start-up procedure.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes):
    • Teacher assesses understanding by asking individual students to point to and name key components involved in starting up a computer.
    • Observes participation during the group activity

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the first thing we need to connect to the computer to give it energy?
  2. Which button is like the magic switch to turn the computer on or off?
  3. What are the wires connected to the computer like?
  4. What travels through the wires to give power to the computer?
  5. After pressing the power button, what do we wait for to show up?
  6. What is the screen of the computer compared to?
  7. Name one part that is like the computer’s hands.
  8. What is the mouse and keyboard used for?
  9. Why is patience important when waiting for the computer to start?
  10. What does the teacher do during the conclusion of the lesson?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provides positive feedback on the group activity.
  • Reinforces the importance of understanding the start-up procedure for using computers in various activities.

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