Revision Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Primary 5 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision – God’s Creation and Our Creative Role

Sub-topic: Reflecting on God’s Acts of Creation

Duration: 45 minutes

Set Induction: Begin with a brief prayer to create a reverent atmosphere, emphasizing gratitude for God’s creation.

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to share something they find beautiful in nature and discuss why they appreciate it.

Key Words:

  • Creation
  • Mercy
  • Reflect
  • Gratitude

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Reflect on God’s acts of creation.
  2. Understand the concept of God’s mercy in creation.
  3. Appreciate the beauty of God’s creation.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Reflective thinking
  • Spiritual awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Bible passages (Genesis 1)
  • Pictures of nature
  • Whiteboard and markers

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive discussions
  • Visual aids
  • Prayerful reflections

Instructional Materials:

  • Bible
  • Images of nature
  • Chart with key words and their meanings

Content of the Lesson: Explanation of keywords related to God’s creation and His merciful acts.


Step 1: Reflecting on God’s Creation (15 minutes)

  • Read relevant Bible passages from Genesis 1 about God’s creation.
  • Discuss the significance of each day of creation.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts on the beauty of God’s creation.

Step 2: Understanding God’s Mercy (15 minutes)

  • Discuss the concept of God’s mercy in the context of creation.
  • Relate mercy to God’s kindness in providing a beautiful and sustainable world.
  • Share examples of God’s mercy in everyday life.

Step 3: Appreciating God’s Creation (10 minutes)

  • Show pictures of different aspects of nature.
  • Discuss what each picture represents in God’s creation.
  • Encourage students to express gratitude for God’s wonderful works.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Guide the reading and discussion of Bible passages.
  • Facilitate discussions on God’s mercy and creation.
  • Encourage students to share their reflections.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Actively participate in Bible readings and discussions.
  • Share personal reflections on God’s creation.
  • Express gratitude for the beauty of nature.

Assessment: Evaluate students based on their engagement in discussions and their ability to reflect on God’s creation and mercy. Encourage respectful sharing of thoughts.


  1. God created the world in ________ days. a) Four b) Six c) Seven d) Ten
  2. In the creation story, God created light on which day? a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
  3. The concept of God’s mercy can be linked to His ________. a) Kindness b) Strictness c) Anger d) Indifference
  4. Gratitude means being ________ for what God has given us. a) Angry b) Thankful c) Disappointed d) Uninterested
  5. The beauty of God’s creation can be seen in ________. a) Man-made buildings b) Natural landscapes c) Technological inventions d) Artificial decorations
  6. Reflecting on God’s creation helps us to appreciate His ________. a) Creativity b) Power c) Kindness d) Control
  7. In the creation story, God created the first human on the ________ day. a) Fifth b) Sixth c) Seventh d) Eighth
  8. God’s acts of creation showcase His ________ for humanity. a) Displeasure b) Mercy c) Anger d) Strictness
  9. Expressing gratitude means showing ________ for God’s goodness. a) Unhappiness b) Ingratitude c) Thankfulness d) Indifference
  10. What is the main focus of our reflection on God’s creation? a) His anger b) His mercy c) His strictness d) His indifference
  11. In the creation story, God created the sky and the sea on the ________ day. a) Second b) Third c) Fourth d) Fifth
  12. The concept of God’s mercy is closely related to His ________. a) Punishment b) Blessings c) Unkindness d) Disapproval
  13. What does the term “creation” refer to? a) Human inventions b) Natural landscapes c) God’s acts of making d) Artificial decorations
  14. God’s acts of creation in the Bible demonstrate His ________ over everything. a) Love b) Power c) Displeasure d) Indifference
  15. Expressing gratitude for God’s creation involves being ________ for His wonderful works. a) Angry b) Disappointed c) Unthankful d) Thankful

Conclusion : Review students’ reflections and responses to fill-in-blank questions to assess their understanding of God’s creation, mercy, and gratitude. Provide positive feedback and encourage a deeper connection with spiritual

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