Importance of Good Diets To Healthy Living Oral and Written Comprehension English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 5

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 5

Grade Level: Primary 3 Subject: English Grammar Term: Third Term Week: 5

Topic :  Importance of Good Diets To Healthy Living English Comprehension Primary 3 Third Term Week 5

Previous Lesson


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the concept of good diets and healthy living.
  2. Identify the benefits of eating nutritious foods.
  3. Develop an awareness of the importance of a balanced diet.
  4. Recognize the role of vitamins and minerals in maintaining a healthy body.
  5. Explain the significance of protein in growth and development.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Vocabulary development
  3. Critical thinking
  4. Speaking and listening
  5. Writing skills

Learning Materials:

  1. Comprehension passage: “The Importance of Good Diets to Healthy Living”
  2. Fill-in-the-blank worksheets
  3. Whiteboard or blackboard and markers
  4. Visual aids (pictures of fruits, vegetables, and healthy foods)
  5. Chart paper and markers
  6. Assessment rubrics


Importance Of Good Diets To Healthy Living

Title: The Importance of Good Diets for Healthy Living

Eating healthy foods is essential for our overall well-being. A good diet helps us stay healthy and strong. Let’s learn about the importance of good diets for healthy living.

Firstly, good diets provide us with energy. Just like a car needs fuel to run, our bodies need nutritious food to stay active and play all day. Eating fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins gives us the energy to jump, run, and have fun.

Secondly, good diets keep us healthy. Foods like fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals that make our bodies strong and protect us from getting sick. They help us fight off germs and make our immune system strong.

Thirdly, good diets help us grow. We need foods with proteins like milk, eggs, and meat to help our bodies grow taller and stronger. They make our bones and muscles healthy and give us the energy to learn and explore.

In conclusion, eating a good diet is important for healthy living. It gives us energy, keeps us healthy, and helps us grow. Let’s remember to eat a variety of nutritious foods every day to stay strong and live a happy, healthy life!




  1. Eating __________ foods is essential for our overall well-being. a) unhealthy b) nutritious c) sugary d) bland
  2. A good diet helps us stay __________ and strong. a) lazy b) tired c) healthy d) weak
  3. Good diets provide us with __________. a) boredom b) energy c) stress d) sadness
  4. Our bodies need __________ food to stay active and play all day. a) spicy b) junk c) nutritious d) frozen
  5. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals that make our bodies __________. a) sick b) weak c) strong d) invisible
  6. Good diets help us __________ off germs and stay healthy. a) attract b) fight c) ignore d) hide
  7. Foods with proteins like milk, eggs, and meat help our bodies __________ taller and stronger. a) shrink b) grow c) disappear d) soften
  8. Good diets make our bones and muscles __________. a) weak b) fragile c) healthy d) invisible
  9. Eating a variety of nutritious foods every day helps us stay __________. a) unhappy b) unhealthy c) weak d) strong
  10. A good diet is important for __________ living. a) unhealthy b) happy c) boring d) dirty


Lesson Plan Presentation: The Importance of Good Diets to Healthy Living


Previous Lesson 

  1. Introduction (5 minutes) a. Greet the students and engage them in a brief discussion about healthy living. b. Introduce the topic of the day: “The Importance of Good Diets to Healthy Living.” c. Display visual aids to grab their attention and generate curiosity.
  2. Comprehension Passage (10 minutes) a. Read aloud the comprehension passage on the importance of good diets. b. Encourage students to listen carefully and ask questions if they don’t understand. c. Discuss the passage, focusing on key points and vocabulary.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes) a. Present a chart paper with ten fill-in-the-blank questions related to the passage. b. Engage students in a class discussion, asking them to fill in the blanks individually. c. Provide explanations and examples to ensure understanding.
  4. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes) a. Distribute fill-in-the-blank worksheets to each student. b. Instruct students to complete the questions independently. c. Encourage peer discussion and collaboration while answering the questions.
  5. Assessment (10 minutes) a. Collect the completed worksheets for evaluation. b. Use the assessment rubrics to assess students’ understanding and participation.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Why is eating nutritious food important for our overall well-being?
  2. What are the benefits of a good diet for our health?
  3. Name three examples of nutritious foods.
  4. What do vitamins and minerals do for our bodies?
  5. How does protein contribute to growth and development?
  6. Explain the concept of a balanced diet.
  7. How can we stay healthy by eating a variety of foods?
  8. Why should we limit our intake of sugary and junk foods?
  9. What are the consequences of not having a balanced diet?
  10. How can you encourage others to adopt healthy eating habits?


Conclusion (5 minutes): a. Recap the main points discussed during the lesson. b. Emphasize the importance of making healthy food choices. c. Encourage students to share what they have learned with their families and friends. d. Provide a closing remark and express appreciation for their active participation.

Note: The duration of each section may vary based on the classroom dynamics and available time

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