Meaning of marketing concept Concepts under which organization conducts marketing activities


Subject : Marketing

Class : SS 3

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 1

Topic :

Meaning of marketing concept

Concepts under which organization

conducts marketing activities

  • The production concept
  • The product concept
  • The selling concepts
  • Marketing concept.


Previous Lesson :

Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Marketing

Behavioural Objectives :

To understand the meaning of marketing concept and the various concepts under which organizations conduct marketing activities.


Learning Materials :

  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Textbook of multiple-choice questions
  • Examples of companies applying marketing concepts (e.g., Apple, Coca-Cola, Amazon)


Content :


There are several concepts under which organizations conduct marketing activities. Some of the most important ones include:

  1. Production Concept: This concept focuses on producing products in large quantities at low costs, which can then be sold at affordable prices to consumers.
  2. Product Concept: This concept emphasizes the quality and features of the product itself, rather than the needs and desires of the customers. It assumes that customers will choose products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.
  3. Selling Concept: This concept focuses on aggressive selling and promotion of products to customers, regardless of their needs or wants. It assumes that customers need to be persuaded to buy products and that salespeople play a crucial role in making sales.
  4. Marketing Concept: This concept emphasizes customer needs and wants, and involves identifying and fulfilling them in a better way than competitors. It involves creating products that meet customer needs, promoting them effectively, and delivering them through superior customer service.
  5. Societal Marketing Concept: This concept goes beyond customer needs and wants, and considers the social and environmental impact of marketing activities. It involves creating products that benefit society as a whole, while still meeting customer needs and wants.


  1. Which of the following is the central idea behind the marketing concept? a. Producing products in large quantities at low costs. b. Emphasizing the quality and features of the product. c. Identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of customers. d. Aggressively selling and promoting products.
  2. Which concept assumes that customers will choose products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features? a. Production concept b. Product concept c. Selling concept d. Marketing concept
  3. Which concept focuses on aggressive selling and promotion of products to customers, regardless of their needs or wants? a. Production concept b. Product concept c. Selling concept d. Marketing concept
  4. Which concept involves creating products that benefit society as a whole, while still meeting customer needs and wants? a. Product concept b. Marketing concept c. Societal marketing concept d. Production concept
  5. Which concept involves producing products in large quantities at low costs, which can then be sold at affordable prices to consumers? a. Selling concept b. Production concept c. Product concept d. Marketing concept
  6. Which concept emphasizes the quality and features of the product itself, rather than the needs and desires of the customers? a. Marketing concept b. Production concept c. Selling concept d. Product concept
  7. Which concept assumes that customers need to be persuaded to buy products and that salespeople play a crucial role in making sales? a. Marketing concept b. Selling concept c. Production concept d. Product concept
  8. Which of the following is the philosophy that centers on identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of customers through the delivery of superior value? a. Production concept b. Product concept c. Selling concept d. Marketing concept
  9. Which concept involves creating products that meet customer needs, promoting them effectively, and delivering them through superior customer service? a. Societal marketing concept b. Production concept c. Marketing concept d. Selling concept
  10. Which concept goes beyond customer needs and wants, and considers the social and environmental impact of marketing activities? a. Marketing concept b. Societal marketing concept c. Selling concept d. Product concept

Lesson Presentation

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students if they know what marketing is and what it involves.
  • Briefly explain what marketing is and its importance for businesses.
  • Introduce the topic of the marketing concept and the various concepts under which organizations conduct marketing activities.

Body (40 minutes):

  • Use a PowerPoint presentation to explain the marketing concept and the various concepts under which organizations conduct marketing activities.
  • Discuss each concept in detail, providing examples of companies that apply these concepts in their marketing strategies.
  • Use the whiteboard to highlight the key points of each concept and encourage students to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

Activity (10 minutes):

  • Hand out multiple-choice questions related to the topic and ask students to complete them individually.
  • After completion, discuss the correct answers and provide explanations for each.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Summarize the main points of the lesson and highlight the importance of understanding marketing concepts.
  • Encourage students to think about how they can apply these concepts in their own lives, whether as consumers or potential entrepreneurs.
  • Thank students for their participation and ask if they have any remaining questions.


  • Students will be assessed based on their participation in the discussion and their performance on the multiple-choice questions.
  • The teacher will also observe the students’ understanding of the key concepts during the discussion and provide feedback as needed

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. What is marketing?
  2. What is the marketing concept?
  3. What is the focus of the marketing concept?
  4. What are the various concepts under which organizations conduct marketing activities?
  5. What is the production concept?
  6. What is the product concept?
  7. What is the selling concept?
  8. What is the marketing concept?
  9. What is the societal marketing concept?
  10. What is the importance of understanding marketing concepts?
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