English Dictation For Primary 6 Term 2 Week 6

English Language 


Dictation / Spelling 


Second Term Lesson Note


Week 6


Primary 6 


Dictation For week 6 Primary 6 Second Term 


Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 

  1. Spell and pronounce correctly 
  2. Use the dictionary meaning of the given words 
  3. Write as the class teacher dictates 


Entry Behaviour

Pupils have previous knowledge of how to spell words


Instructional Materials

  • Audio Visual Resources 
  • Flash cards 
  • Online Dictionary 
  • Recommended English Textbook 
  • Chart 
  • Hard copy dictionary 


Methods of Teaching

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials 

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum



Spell the following words

  1. Gratitude
  2. Truth
  3. Mood
  4. Chance
  5. Deed
  6. Toward
  7. Ability
  8. Bosom
  9. Slight
  10. Annoying




The dictionary definitions for the words you provided:

  • Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
  • Truth: the quality or state of being true
  • Mood: a temporary state of mind or feeling
  • Chance: an opportunity or possibility
  • Deed: an act, especially a notable or courageous one
  • Toward: in the direction of
  • Ability: the quality or state of being able; a natural or acquired quality that makes it possible to do something
  • Bosom: the breast or chest
  • Slight: small in size, amount, or degree; not great
  • Annoying: causing annoyance; vexatious


Some sentences using the words for spelling this week :

  • I feel a deep sense of gratitude toward my parents for all their love and support.
  • It is important to always speak the truth, even if it is difficult.
  • His mood improved significantly after he got some rest.
  • I took a chance and applied for the job, even though I wasn’t completely qualified.
  • The deed to the house was transferred to the new owner.
  • She walked toward the door, ready to leave.
  • His ability to solve complex problems is impressive.
  • She rested her head on his bosom, feeling comforted by his presence.
  • The slight breeze was refreshing on a hot summer day.
  • His annoying habit of interrupting others made it difficult to have a conversation.


The lesson presentation is done step by step. The class teacher or subject teacher does the following


  1. Provide definitions: Make sure students understand the meanings of the words by providing clear definitions. You could use a dictionary or create your own definitions using simpler language.
  2. Use the words in context: Help students learn the words by using them in sentences or examples that show how they are used. This can help students understand how the words are used in different contexts.
  3. Practice pronunciation: Make sure students know how to pronounce the words correctly. You could have them repeat the words out loud or use pronunciation guides or audio recordings to help them practice.
  4. Create flashcards: Flashcards can be a helpful tool for reviewing and reinforcing new vocabulary. On one side of the card, write the word and on the other side, write the definition. Students can quiz themselves or each other by looking at the word and trying to remember the definition.
  5. Encourage students to use the words: Encourage students to use the new words they are learning in their own writing and speaking. This can help them practice using the words correctly and also helps them internalize their meanings.
  6. Review regularly: Regular review is important for helping students retain new vocabulary. Set aside time each week to review the words, either as a class or through individual practice.



The syllable breakdowns for the words for spellings:

  • Gratitude: gra-tude
  • Truth: truth
  • Mood: mood
  • Chance: chance
  • Deed: deed
  • Toward: to-ward
  • Ability: a-bil-i-ty
  • Bosom: bo-som
  • Slight: slight
  • Annoying: an-oy-ing



  1. Showing _____ is an important quality to have in life.
  2. It is always important to speak the _____, no matter how difficult it may be.
  3. His _____ changed dramatically after he received some upsetting news.
  4. I took a _____ and applied for the job, even though I wasn’t completely qualified.
  5. The _____ to the house was transferred to the new owner.
  6. She walked _____ the door, ready to leave.
  7. His _____ to solve complex problems is impressive.
  8. She rested her head on his _____, feeling comforted by his presence.
  9. The _____ breeze was refreshing on a hot summer day.
  10. His _____ habit of interrupting others made it difficult to have a conversation.





To conclude the lesson, the class teacher or subject teacher revises the entire lesson and links it to the following week lesson m



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