
CLASS: PRIMARY 5                        

SUBJECT: Verbal Reasoning


Arrange the words in the order of the letters of the English Alphabet

  1. rabbit                                  sun                                pastor                           queen

______                             _____                              ______                         ______

  1. Zebra                                 apple                              orange                         monkey

______                               ______                           ______                        _______

  1. oracle pattern                               oak                                oat

______                              _______                          _____                             _____


Re-arrange these words in alphabetical order using numbers 1, 2,3 and 4

  1. Late ( )   love (    )   link  (    )   life  (    )
  2. Trade (    )    take (    )   tape  (    )   tool (    )
  3. Come (   )    crab  (     )   cool (    )   ease  (   )


Make another word by re-arranging the letters of each of these words

Example:   eat           tea

  1. brake    ____________
  2. Lamp _____________
  3. Evil    _____________

Give a homonym to each of these words.Example  bye  –  by

  1. sore _____________
  2. bye     _____________
  3. see     _____________

Choose from the option lettered a-d the one word that is similar in meaning to each  of the given words.

  1. Food ________(a) help          (b) meal          (c) eat             (d) drink
  2. broad   _________ (a) wide            (b) narrow          (c) new           (d) great

Re-arrange the given letters to make words.Example   Koa –Oak

  1. Ooklo ____________
  2. Ssclamoor _____________
  3. rabke ______________

Re-arrange these words into sentences

Example: I boy am   a  /    / I am a boy.

  1. Happy we are __________________________________
  2. Country Nigeria my is ___________________________
  3. room large the is _______________________________

Answer True/ False

  1. The sun sets in the west. __________________
  2. The eart is flat. _________________________
  3. A monk lives in the monastery. _________________

Fill in the gaps with the correct letters to make words.

  1. b a ____   ____  room    25.    K  _____  ____   ____her
  2. te ____  ____  vis ___  o n

Give a synonym for each of these words.

  1. Robust ________________
  2. Lean ________________

Arrange these words in alphabetical order

  1. hanger tape                 rainbow                      bucket

_______                      _____                       _______

  1. Onion            powder                 door                       pillow

_______                  _______              _______              _______














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