1) A is any substance that changes the way the body or mind works (a)food (b)drug (c)water (d)none
2) drugs are drugs obtained from either plants or animals (a)synthetic (b)common (c)Naturally occurring (d)liquid
3) All these are examples of naturally occurring drugs EXCEPT (a)paracetamol (b)Tobacco (c)honey (d)kolanut
4) Kolanut contains that causes sleeplessness (a)salt (b)sugar (c)bitter (d)caffeine
5) All these are examples of synthetic drugs EXCEPT (a)honey (b)Aspirin (c)vitamin C (c)Paracetamol
6) are drugs that are manufactured by pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industries (a) Naturally occurring drugs (b)synthetic drugs (c)Tobacco (d)Salt
7) One of the following is not the effects of excessive use of drugs (a)Death (b)cancer (c)Truancy (d)sound health
8) is an act of taking drugs without doctor’s instruction (a)Drug use (b)hawker (c)Drug abuse (d)None
9) All these are hard drugs EXCEPT (a)paracetamol (b)marijuana (c)cocaine (d)heroin
10) The elements of weather include the following EXCEPT (a)Temperature (b)Water (c)humidity (d)wind
11) is a state of atmosphere at a particular time and place (a)condition (b)symbols (c)cloudy (d)weather
12) are the people that study weather (a)Sociologist (b)teacher (c)meteorologist (d)psychologist
13) The instrument used for measuring temperature is (a)rainguage (b)thermometer (c)hygrometer (d)barometer
14) One of the following is not a weather symbol (a)sunny (b)Rainy (c)cloudy (d)monthly
15) A weather will enable you to keep all of the data you have collected in a well organized manner (a)chart (b)symbol (c)element (d)sunny
16) The earth is in shape (a)triangle (b)square (c)spherical (d)rectangular
17) All these are examples of heavenly bodies EXCEPT (a)the sun (b)the food (c)the moon (d)the stars
18) The sun rises in the and sets in the (a)North, south (b)East, North (c)South, west (d)East, west
19) The sun allows plants to make their food through a process called (a)precipitation (b)photosynthesis (c)manufacturing (d)observation
20) The moon is about the size of the earth (a)One-quarter (b)half (c)one-fifth (d)One
21) The moon takes about days to move round the earth (a)30 (b)14 (c)28 (d)32
22) is the largest planet (a)Earth (b)Venus (c)Jupiter (d)Mercury
23) The process of making compost is called (a)Mixture (b)composting (c)fertilizer (d)material
24) One of the following is a method of making compost (a)Heap (b)water (c)gather (d)partial
25) One of the following is not a food crops (a)Yam (b)maize (c)millet (d)cocoa
26) means to turn round and round on a particular spot
27) The complete rotation of the earth around its axis takes hours
28) Eclipse of the sun also called
29) and are weather symbols
30) The instrument used for measuring rainfall is
31) and are examples of naturally occurring drugs
32) OTC means
33) Two examples of synthetic drugs are and
34) Excessive use of drugs can cause
35) and are methods of making compost
36) The is the center of solar system
37) and are examples of food crops
38) and are the elements of weather
39) Cocoa can be processed into
1) Define drugs: Mention 4 example of naturally occurring drugs (i) _____________________________________
- _________________________________________iii_______________________________iv. ________________________
2) State 4 effects of drug abuse: i.._____________________________________ ii. _______________________________
iii. _________________________________________________ iv. _____________________________________________
3) Explain briefly how to make compost by using pit method __________________________________________________
4) Define weather: state 4 weather symbols i..__________________________________ ii. ________________________
iii. _________________________________________________ iv. _____________________________________________
5) In tabular form, mention 4 examples of food and cash crops
Food crops Cash crops
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