Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.

SUBJECT: MUSIC                      TIME: 2hrs            CLASS: JSS  1

    1. Music is all about combination of (A)balls (B)slates (C)sounds (D)shirts (E)noises. 
    2. E.G.B.D.F are the letter names of the lines of the …… stave. (A) bass (B) treble (C) alto (D) tenor (E) movable
    3. The  ………… circles round the fourth line of the staff and fixes that line as “F” (A) bass clef (B) alto clef (C) treble clef (D) tenor clef (E) solo clef
    4. The musical note with four tails is ………. (A) minim (B) tails (C) quaver (D) note (E) hemi demi semi quaver
    5. All these are musical instrument except (A) quitar (B) organ (C) trumpet (D) hand trowel (E) flute
    6. Two crotchets added together is equal to a (A)  minim (B) crotchets (C) semibreve (D) quaver (E) semi quaver
    7. When a dot is placed after a note, it ……… (A) doubles the note (B) increases the note by half of its value(C) decreases it by half of its value (D) increases the note by a semitone (E) decreases the note by a tone.
    8. The short extra lines drawn above or below the staff to accommodate more notes is know as ………. (A) double bar (B) extension (C) pitch (D) rhythmic (E) ledger
    9. The combination of the Treble and Bass staff is known as ……………. Stave. (A) combined (B) orchestra (C) great (D) baritone (E) movable
    10. …………… lowers a note by one semitone in pitch. (A) Natural (B) Sharp (C) Flat (D) pause (E) Dot
    11. The first line of the Treble staff is …………. (A) G : C (B) A : E (C) A : B (D) E : A (E) C : D
    12. Double bar lines in music signifies the ……….. of a piece of music (A) end (B) cadences (C) beginning (D) middle (E) pitch
    13. The song tittle “Aye” was composed by …………. (A) Davido (B) Wiskid (C) Sunny Nneji (D) Sir Sina Peters (E)P Square.
    14. Rhythm is the ………. (A) length of a note value (B) movement or flow of musical sounds (C) volume of musical sounds (D) depth of musical instruments (E) length of musical chords.   
    15. ……….. is another name for hemi demi semi quaver note.(A)pitch (B)minim (C)sixty-fourth note (D)thirty-second note (E)sixteenth note.
    16. The level of sound is referred to as …………. (A) triad (B) rhythm (C) pitch (D) octave (E) interval
    17. A double bar line marks the  ………… in music (A) rest (B) sound (C) end (D) note (E) chord
    18. How many crotchets are there in a dotted minim? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5. (E) 6
    19. The symbol which is written at the beginning of the staff to determine the letter names of the lines and spaces is called (A) clef (B) rest (C) pause (D) sharp (E) natural.
    20. The musical note with two tails is ……….. (A) quaver (B) semiquaver (C)demi semi quaver (D) minim (E) hemi demi semi quaver.
    21. There are……. Musical alphabet(s) (A)1 (B)3 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7.
    22. “Half note” is another name for ……. (A) quaver (B) minim (C) semibreve (D) crotchet (E) semibreve.
    23. E.G.B.D.F are the letter names of the lines of the …… stave. (A) bass (B) treble (C) alto (D) tenor (E) pitch.
    24. The letter name of the third line of the treble stave is (A) B (B) C (C) D (D) E (E) A.

  • The alphabetical name for treble clef is (A) C  (B) D  (C) E  (D) F  

                                                   (E) G


  • Identify the staff which has “b” as its 3rd line (A) Alto  (B) Bass  

                                               (C) Soprano  (D) Tenor  (E) Treble.


  • Which of these notes has 4 beats? (A) Allabreve  (B) Crochet  

                                                    (C) Minim  (D) Quaver                   (E) Semibreve.


  • Sound is produced in a trumpet by being (A) Beaten  (B) Blown 

                                                  (C) Plucked  (D) Shaken  (E) Struck.


  • Identify a crotchet note among these (A)       (B)         (C)        (D)  



                                                       SECTION B 

       1.Draw ten treble clefs each in a stave.

      2.a. What is music?

  1. Describe sound.

      3.List ten kinds of music from both western world and Africa.

      4.Draw a five octave dummy keyboard.

      5 Indicate the following musical notes: i. minim ii. Quaver iii. Crotchet iv. breve v.         semibreve vi. Semiquaver vii.demi semi quaver viii. hemi demi semi quaver ix. Whole note x. half note.

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