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CLASS: J. S. S ONE                  


  1. One of these is NOT components of business studies (a) commerce (b) Book keeping (c) Commerce (d) Law
  2. Which of the following is not the benefits of business studies? (a) to educate about business (b) it teaches how to keep file and documents (c) to help people unconditionally (d) it teaches how office functions
  3. Which of the following Is NOT a professional in Business studies? (a)banker (b) secretary (c) Lawyer (d) Economist 
  4. Office staff is otherwise known as _____ (a) clergy (b) cleaner (c) messenger (d) clerical staff 
  5. Confidentiality in the organization means ______ (a) keeping the files in the new cabinet (b) keeping the staff member from danger (c) keeping information about the company from unauthorised person (d) keeping the registers with the security guards 
  6. Which of the following is not a reward for being truthful? (a) good reputation (b) bad reputation (c) promotion (d) increase in salary 
  7. The following are rewards for punctuality and regularity except ______ (a) greater productivity (b) high performance (c) laughter (d) awards 
  8. Work is also known as ______ (a) walk (b) job (c) driving (d) account 
  9. Re-exporting of goods brought into Nigeria to other countries is known as _____ trade. (a) entrepôt (b). export   (c) import  (d). retail
  10. An applicant seeking employment in an organization should direct his application to the_____ department (a) accounts    (b). personnel    (c) production   (d) sales
  11. The principal’s office is an example of ____ office. (a) big    (b) close   (c) large  (d) small
  12. Which of the following departments helps to improve the welfare of workers in an organization? (a) Accounts   (b). Administrative    (c) Personnel   (d) Purchasing
  13. Handling information in the office involves all the following except_____ (a) leaking   (b) processing   (c) . receiving   (d) recording
  14. Which of the following are divisions of home trade? (a) Private and Commercial   (b) Retail and commercial   (c) Wholesale and Retail (d) Retail and Private
  15. The ______ department is responsible for preparing workers’ wages. (a). accounts   (b) personnel    (c) production   (d) purchasing
  16. The office is the centre of information because of _______ (a) information is received and given (b) it is a place where only payments are made (c) only enquiries are made in the office  (d) the manager works there
  17. The process of moving people and goods from one place to another is_____  (a) advertising   (b) banking   (c) communication   (d) transportation
  18. Official communication is not the exchange of ____ (a). ideas    (b) information   (c) jokes   (d) news  
  19. When buying and selling involve other countries, it is referred to as _____ trade  (a). consumer     (b) foreign   (c) home   (d). retail
  20. Foreign trade consists of ——- parts. (a) 2   (b) 3   (c) 4   (d) 5  
  21. The essential qualities of a clerical staff consists of the following except being ____ (a) dishonest    (b). gentle   (c) honest   (d). polite
  22. Trade within a country is known as ____ trade (a) boundary    (b). foreign   (c) home   (d) international 
  23. Which of these sections does not belong to personnel department? (a) Interview programme   (b). promotion and discipline    (c) Re-assignment of staff   (d) Wages and salaries
  24. The two types of office layout are____  (a) open and close office    (b) small and large office    (c) open and small office   (d) large and closed office
  25. ______ department is responsible for buying all the materials and equipment needed by the organization. (a) Accounting  (b) Sales    (c) Purchasing    (d) Administrative 
  26. The following are attributes of truthfulness except _____ (a) consistent behaviour    (b) steadfastness  (c) straightforwardness   (d) greed
  27. Production is not complete until it get to _____ (a) wholesaler  (b) retailer   (c) consumer (d) agent 
  28. One of the following is NOT an aid to trade. (a) Banking (b) Insurance (c) Advertising (d) Stock
  29. _______ can be referred to as the situation in which a person says only what is true. (a) honesty (b) truthfulness (c) facts (d) forthrightness
  30. _______ is the creation of goods and services. (a) personnel (b) product (c) production (d) purchasing.




  1. (a) What is Business studies?

(b) Explain four (4) importance of Business studies

(c) List eight (8) career opportunities in Business studies.

  1.         (a) Define an Office

(b) Explain the two types of office in an organization and give two (2) examples of each of them.

(c) Write short note on any five (5) functions of an office

  1.         (a) Who is a clerical staff

(b) State four (4) personal qualities of a clerical staff

(c) Discuss four (4) functions of a clerk.

  1.           (a) Define department.

(b) Write short note on any four (4) departments that can be found in an organization. 

(c) Outline five (5) reasons why people lie. 

  1.           (a) What is commerce?

(b) State four (4) importance of commerce

(c) With the aid of diagram, show the divisions of commerce. 

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