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 Subject: SOCIAL STUDIES      Duration: 2HRS    Class: JSS 3


Instruction: Answer all question in this section 

  1. The group of people related by blood is called…….. A. Family B. Organization C. Member D. Father
  2. The process by which government sells its shares in companies to individual and group is………   A. Commercialization B. Deregulation C. Import Trade D. Privatization
  3. The buying and selling of goods and service in order to satisfy human want is called?     A. Farming B. Manufacturing C. Marketing D. Trading
  4. The two system of Farming are ……… A. Livestock and  Arable farming B. Mixed and dairy farming C. Poultry and Fishing farming D. Tradition and Mechanized farming
  5. The conflict between Modakeke and Ife is……….. Type of conflict.   A. Inter Communal B. Inter nation  C. Inter Ethnic  D. International 
  6. ………… refer to the connection that exist between individual and group of society    A. Community member B. Social environment C. Social organization D. Organization society
  7. The type of marriage performed according to the tradition and custom of group of people is …………. Marriage.   A. Court B. Customary C. Religion D. Securities
  8. The method of storing things in a refrigerator is known as ………. A. Killing B. Smoking C. Salting D. refrigeration 
  9. One of the following is NOT a primary role of the family? A. Ensure continued existence of the community B. Involve in child trafficking C. Provide for the need of Family D. Take care of the young ones
  10. A person is said to be a ……… when he cannot live without a particular drug of substance.   A. Drug abuse B. Drug baron C. Drug addict D. Drug trafficking  
  11. The habit of self medication is ……….. A. Drug abuse B. Drug baron C. Drug addict D. Drug trafficking  
  12. A place where teaching and learning takes place called ………. A. Hospital B. Kitchen C. Market D. School
  13. ………. Is a low land between two hills?  A. Delta B. Hill C. Lake D. Valley
  14. There are ……… and ………. Classification of settlement.  A. region and urban B. remote and rural C. rural and rural D. rural and urban 
  15. Cotton is common in which of these States? A. Delta B. Enugu C. Kano D. Oyo
  16. A situation in which a woman has more than one husband is …………… A. endogamy B. monogamy C. polyandry D. polygamy 
  17. Love, loyal and willingness to serve one’s country is called…….. A. bravery B. Citizenship C. Patriotism D. Warmth 
  18. ………….. Is the major reason for the amalgamation of southern and northern Nigeria. A Coat of Arm B. National Anthem C. National Flag D. National pledge 
  19. ………….. Is an emblem which shows the unity of the country and stands for authority and powers?   A. Formal and Informal education B. Junior and Senior School C. Primary and Secondary School D. 6-3-3-4 and 6-5-4
  20. There are ……… types of environment.    A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 
  21. Friendship could be defined as……..  A. a state of being cruel to others B. a state of being emotionally attached to someone you like C. a state of fighting one another D. a state  of loving one only things are good
  22. A saying that “culture is dynamic” means ……… A. Culture has a lot of powers B. Culture is a kind of dynamism C. Culture does not remain the same D. Culture and Dynamism are related
  23. We can prevent HIV/AID by ………   A. Eating balance diet B. Not playing together C. Sharing sharp object D. Use of screened blood 
  24. ……………. Is a way of improving friendship?  A. Disagreeing with each other B. Exchange of gifts C. Making trouble D. Quarreling 
  25. The following factors could destroy friendship EXCEPT…….. A. Betrayal of trust B. Gossiping C. Honesty D. Selfishness
  26. Permanent separation of husband and wife is called……… A. Companionship B. Divorce C. Monogamy D. Polygamy
  27. The following are sources of population data EXCEPT……. A. Birth rate B. Census C. Death rate D. Wealth rate
  28. Agents of socialization does not include ……….  A. Mass Media B. Peer Group C. Police D. Religion Institution 
  29. The institution responsible for the teaching of value and moral in our society is the ………. Institution   A. economic B. political C. legal D. religious 
  30. The Nigeria economy is dominated by the export of ……… product.    A. chemical B. crude oil C. agriculture D. engineering
  31. The process by which a child acquires language value and belief is known as.   A. specialization B. integration C. socialization D. civilization 
  32. Which of the following option shows similarity in our religion? A. Unity B. Holy land C. Symbols D. Mode of worships
  33. From the option below, indicate one advantage of a mono company.     A. Diversification B. Deregulation C. Industrialization D. Specialization 
  34. Chose from the following one that is NOT a main economic activity.   A. Industry B. Education C. Export D. Farming
  35. From the alternative, select one skill necessary when seeking help.  A. Passiveness B. Manipulation C. Assertiveness D. Shyness  
  36. Identify from the underlisted, one that is NOT an effect of gender stereotype.  A. Kill initiative B. Promote gender equally C. Cam limit achievement D. Encourage unnecessary rivalry
  37. Chose from the alternative three voluntary organizations found in schools.    A. Newspaper B. Internet C. Face book D. Talking Drum
  38. Indicate from the alternative three voluntary organizations found in schools.  A. Girls guide, Rotary club, Inner Wheel      B. Boys brigade, Girls Brigade and Red cross     C. Man O’ war, Pirates, and Sheriff guards    D. Red cross, Boys scout and Black axe
  39. The Ibibio in the south-south region of Nigeria call God…….   A. Osalobua B. Tamara C. Oghene D. Abasi
  40. Chose from the following one that is NOT a characteristic of a goods goal.    A. Achievable B. Measurable C. No time limit D. Realistic
  41. Living peacefully with people of different religion is called religious…..  A. tolerance B. difference  C. Intolerance D. faith
  42. Kin relationship that could be traced to father lineage is known as………. A. partridge B. lineage C. partlineal D. percentage
  43. From the following, indicate one that is NOT a challenge in Marriage.   A. Death B. Faithfulness C. Quarrels D. Separation.
  44.  Which of the following is NOT one of the causes of corruption?   A. poverty B. insecurity C. greed D. contentment 
  45. Taking drugs more than the prescribed dosage is a form of …….. Abuse.  A. stimulant B. substance C. drug D. medical
  46. Indicate from the underlisted one that is NOT a function of marriage.    A. Security B. Companionship C. Procreation D. Share of love
  47. Select from the underlisted one that is NOT a characteristic of a secondary social group.   A. They are linked by occupation B. Belong to the, same family D. Relate intimately with each other
  48. A marriage between people of the different ethnic group is called……..marriage.   A. Inter-ethnic B. inter-states C. different language D. inter tribal
  49. All these are dangers for abusing drugs EXCEPT……..    A. brain damage B. rejection from family C. health problem D. academic progress
  50. Select from the alternative provide, one advantage of inter-ethnic marriage.  A. Promote inter-ethnic segregation B. interfere with ethnic  identity C. Eliminate ethnic D. Encourage tribalism
  51. Chose from the following, one reason why a man is referred to as a social animal.  A. He learn social studies B. Man lives in a community C. He acquires wealth D. He interact with others
  52. From the option, identify one document that guarantee the right of citizen.    A. National passport B. Birth certificate C. Constitution D. National ID card
  53. The judgment a person makes of him/herself best describes……  A. Self esteem B. Decision making C. Values  D. Negotiation 
  54. From the various ways we express ourselves, pick out one of the most appropriate from the option listed.   A. Passiveness B. Assertiveness C. Aggressiveness D. Manipulation 
  55. From the options, select ways of encouraging members of the school community.  A. Loyalty and respect B. Discipline and cooperation C. Reward and Award D. Acceptance and Responsibilities 
  56. Marriage ceremony based  on the law and  custom of the bride is known as…………marriage  A. Customary B. Traditional C. Ordinance D. Religious 
  57. Choose from option provided the best way to determine the population a country. A. Voting B. Registration C. Election D. Census 
  58. Indicate from the following strategy for achieving global cooperation.   A. Bilateral and multilateral agreement B. Economic Dependence C. Control of less  developed countries D. Use of Interpol to harass less developed state.
  59. The smallest social unit is ____(a) family (v) marriage (c) cult (d) group
  60. The legal union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife is know as _____(a) marriage (b) courtship (c) relationship (d) friendship.
  61.  Which of these is not a factor responsible for children and women trafficking in Nigeria                               (a) Poverty   (b) Greed  (c) increase in family value  (d) Ignorance  (e) Low value of money
  62. How can one prevent human trafficking?                                                                                          (a) people should be enligthened on the evil effect of the act   (b) people must be sent to school to know more about the business    (c) law enforcement personnel must know those involved in the trafficking    (d) job should be created for the traffickers                                (e) citizen should embrace trafficking
  63. All are harmful traditional practices except                             (a) Female Genital mutilation  (b) Late Marriage   (c) son preference  (d) widowhood practices   (e) killing of twins
  64. One of the basic units of population is ________                                                            (a) Family   (b) agriculture   (c) Education   (d) house   (e) International trade
  65. The factors that are responsible for population growth are one of the following EXCEPT                     (a) birth rate   (b) death rate   (c) migration  (d) per capital income    (\e) immigration
  66. The following are the factors that affects high population EXCEPT                                                     (a) increase in crime rate   (b) insufficient food   (c) unemployment    (d) inadequate housing    (e) high rate of job opportunities
  67. One of the problem of low population growth is ______                                        (a) inadequate labour force   (b) improved technology and agriculture   (c) rapid development   (d) enough money to share   (e) adequate infrastructure
  68. What is the objective of family life education                                                                                                      (a) to teach youths how to get married    (b) to teach youth how to make quick money            (c) to teach youth about human development and personal skills      (d) to give youths formal education
  69. All are core messages of family life education EXCEPT                                        (a) human development   (b) acquisition of personal skills     (c) gender issue and their effect    (d) man and his environment
  70. In 1953, Nigeria’s population was put at _______                                                                                     (a) 40 million   (b) 31 million   (c) 10 million   (d) 50 million  (e) 140 million
  71. The type of population census in which the officials only count those who is physically present is _____     (a) auto population census   (b) democratic population census   (c) defacto population census   (d) Dejure population census   (e) Data Capture Population census
  72. Why do we carry out census?                                                                                                                            (a) to know the number of people in the country   (b) to know the physical environment        (c) to know what to export to other countries   (d) to know the number of males in the country
  73. The act of love, loyalty and support, one gives to his country is called________                                            (a) communism    (b) loyalty    (c) nationalism   (d) patriotism   (e) sectionalism
  74. Which of the following is NOT a good condition of living in a community ?    (a) adaption    (b) Cooperation   (c) Interaction   (d) Intimidation    (e) obedience
  75. A group of people living together within a given area of land is called _______                                              (a) class   (b) community   (c) company    (d) Crowd   (e) Family
  76. The process by which legally contracted marriage is terminated by a court of law is called     (a) abolition   (b) agreement   (c) divorce  (d) marriage   (e) separation
  77. The system of government used by the British in Nigeria is known as                                                      (a) association   (b) assimilation   (c) Indirect rule   (d) parliamentary    (e) President
  78. The following are the duties of followers EXCEPT                                                                                     (a) cooperation   (b) dedication   (c) diligence   (d) disobedience   (e) loyalty
  79. Which of the following countries has the highest population in the world?                                               (a) China   (b) South Africa   (c) Nigeria   (d) Russia   (e) U.S.A
  80. The biggest hydro-electric power station in Nigeria is located at                                             (a) Egbin     (b) Jebba    (c) Kaduna   (d) Kainji    (e) Shiroro
  81. The first school in life is the ______                                                    (a) class   (b) church   (c) home   (d) market   (e) Mosque
  82. The sharing of information with many people in many places with the aid of machines is known as              (a) mass communication    (b) micro tall radio   (c) telephone   (d) btelex   (e) telegram
  83. The science that deals with population studies is _______                                                  (a) demography   (b) geography   (c) mathematics   (d) sociology    (e) statistics
  84. Which of the following mineral resources gives Nigeria the highest foreign exchange                         (a) Tin   (b) Coal    (c) crude oil    (d) iron ore   (e) manganese
  85. Which of the following is NOT a Nigeria ethnic group                                       (a) Ijebu    (b) Hamite   (c) Itsekiri    (d) Jukun   (e) Nupe
  86. In a democratic era, a leader emerges mostly                                           (a) decree    (b) election   (c) personality    (d) royal blood   (e) wealth
  87. Which of the following symbols is NOT common to Nigeria                                  (a) National anthem   (b) Nigerian Coat of arms   (c) National flag   (d) National Pledge        (e) National religion
  88. In what year was the National Youth Service Corps established?                                          (a) 1971   (b) 1972   (c) 1973   (d) 1974    (e) 1975
  89. The type of marriage where a woman marries two or more husbands is called _______-            (a) hexogamy    (b) mongamy    (c) polyandry    (d) polygamy   (e) waxogamy
  90. Leaders and followers should work hand in hand to achieve the _____ goals of their community.      (a) average   (b) common   (c) personal   (d) political   (e) selfish
  91. It rains most in Nigeria in the                                                                                                                           (a) North-central   (b) North-west   (c) South-south    (d) South-east   (e) South-West
  92. ________ is the definition of Peace                                                                       (a) a situation where there is no physical violence, conflict or war     (b) A situation where there is physical violence, conflict and war   (c) A situation where everybody does whatever he likes    (d) A situation where there is no government.
  93. Peace brings all lof these EXCEPT    (a) development   (b) peaceful coexistence    (c) integration                (d) selfishness   
  94. How can we promote Peace in Nigeria?(a) By providing unequal opportunities for all   (b) By providing equal opportunities for all    (c) By not respecting human dignity    (d)By allowing intolerance
  95. What is an open conflict. (a) It is a conflict that leads to war fight etc    (b) It is a conflict that does not come into the open   (c) It is struggle for position or wealth   (d) It is conflict over beliefs, values and morals
  96. Which of the following is NOT a type of conflict?                                        (a) Violent conflict   (b) non-violent conflict   (c) direct conflict   (d) personal conflict
  97. These are causes of conflict EXCEPT (a) the desire to become very rich   (b) political factor   (c) order lines   (d) aggressiveness
  98. Which of the following is NOT acquired during the process of socialization?                                                 (a) Attitude   (b) knowledge   (c) Riches   (d) Skill   (e) Values
  99. The pattern of group behaviour can be changed for better through         ___z                                                    (a) enrichment of the group   (b) exemplary leadership    (c) hard punishment for offenders    (d) increase in group membership   (e) stratification of the society
  100. Voyage refers to travelling by __________                                            (a) air   (b) land   (c) rail   (d) road    (e) sea
  101. The confluence river in Nigeria is located in _______ state                                      (a) Sokoto   (b) Katsina   (c) Kogi   (d) Kwara   (e) Niger
  102. Which of these is the positive impact of rural-urban migration? It can lead to                                             (a) adequate manpower supply   (b) increase in crime rate   (c) overpopulation of the cities               (d) scarcity of food supply   (e) too much pressure on social  ammenities
  103. Stability in the community can be achieved through encouraging the citizen to be                                (a) deviant   (b) disciplined   (c) greedy   (d) selfish   (e) Tribalistic
  104. The following make up the labour force EXCEPT                                            (a) artisans   (b) engineers   (c) labourer   (d) students    (e) teachers
  105. Until October 1960,Nigeria was under                                                          (a) American Colony    (b) British Colony   (c) British Settlement   (d) French Colony                     (e) Portuguese colony
  106. Speaker is to the House of Representative, as _____ is to the Senate                                                                  (a) Chairman   (b) Chief Whip    (c) Clerk   (d) Minority leader   (e) President 
  107. Which of the following is the lowest court in Nigeria?                                      (a) Federal Court of Appeal    (b) High Court   (c) Magistrate    (d) Sharia Court             (e) Supreme Court
  108. The head of the family in Nigeria is    _____                                                                 (a) aunty    (b) Father    (c) Mother    (d) nephew   (e)Uncle
  109. Which of the following is a local craft industry in Nigeria                                    (a) Building industry    (b) Iron and Steel   (c) Gold mining industry   (d) Textile Manufacturing industry   (e) Weaving and blacksmthing industry.
  110. ________ is one of the means of population control                                                                            (a) family planning   (b) killing the people    (c) abortion   (d) slave the people                                       (e) encourage early marriage
  111. The difference between immigration and emigration is ____________                              (a) Birth rate   (B) Death rate    (c)population census    (d) Next migration
  112. The chairman of National Population Commission of Nigeria is    _________                       (a) Prof Wole Soyinka    (b) Dr. Sumaila Danko Makama     (c) Chief Ken Nnamani      (d) Hon. Dimeji Bankole    (e) Dr. John Odey
  113. The chairman of Independent Electoral Commission is _____________                   (a) Prof Maurice Iwu   (b) Prof Ataihiru Jega  (c) Senator David Mark     (d) Chief Joseph Sanusi   (e) Rajio Fashola
  114. The first Prime-Minister of Nigeria was                                  (a) Chief Obafemi Awolowo    (b) Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe   (c) Dr. Nwafor Orizu   (d) Sir Ahnadu Bello  (e) Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
  115. __________ is defined as the absence of disturbances, querelling or breakdown of laws and order         (a) Conflict    (b) War   (c) Peace    (d) Anarchy    (e) None of the above
  116. One of the following is a type of conflict            (a) Rulke of lawa   (b) Indirect or structural    (c) Aggressiveness   (d) class strugle     (e)social justice
  117. The National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP) was set up to handle casesof ______    (a) Human trafficking    (b) Drug Abuse   (c) Fake Drugs   (d) War   (e) All of the above
  118. Which of these disciplinary measures can assist to achieve stability in schools    student from airing their view                 (a) condoling staff excesses   (b) creation communication gap    (c) Discouraging student from airing their views   (d) keeping the students gainfully occupied      (e)making teachers to be strict and authoritarian 
  119. The headquarters of ECOWAS is in                                                             (a) Addis-Ababa     (b) Abidjan    (c) Accra    (d) Lagos   (e) Lome
  120. Goodluck Jonathan became the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the                          (a) 6th May, 2010   (b) 29th May,2009    (c) 1st October, 2009    (d) 1st January 2005    (e) 1st May 2009






Answer Three (3) Questions in this section

  1. Define Conflicts?
  2. Mention 4 examples of conflicts and explain each
  3. Highlight five (5) ways of promoting peace in our society
  4. State five (5) characteristic of low self esteem and explain
  5. a. State five (5) group of cult in our society
  6. Mention five (5) cause of cultism in Nigeria and suggest possible solution 
  7. Explain five (5) consequence of Harmful Tradition Practice 
  8. What is human trafficking?
  9. Identify and explain briefly any four (4) factors that can cause the acts
  10. State five (5) harmful traditional practices in your state.
  11. Suggest five (5) ways by which harmful traditional practices can be stopped in our society.
  12. What is population?
  13.  List 2 basi unit of population census
  14. State five (5) consequences of over population
  15. What is population census
  16. State two importance of population census
  17. Identify any three (3) of population census
  18. Highlight  three (3) reasons for teaching sex education in schools
  19. List and explain briefly  5 ways of promoting peace in our community
  20. State five effects of conflict in your country.




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