Subject: Christian Religious Studies (CRS)

Class: Senior Secondary School 1 (SS 1)


Term: First Term


Week: Week 12






Answer the following questions.

  1. Living water means water that……(a) springs from Jacob’s well (b) is running (c) the Samaritan woman drank (d) wells up to eternal life
  2. Food and water are needed by man for (a)reading (b) sustenance and growth (c) fighting(d) writing
  3. One value beside food and water that is necessary for growth and happiness is (a) anger(b) hatred (c) amazement (d) contentment
  4. ___as the name of the town Jesus and his disciple visited in Samaria (a) Arabia (b)Sychar (c) Judea (d) Jerusalem‘
  5. Everyone who drinks of the water from the well will —— again’(a) eat (b) desire (c)thirst (d)hunger
  6. The woman at the well had (a) two children (b) four husbands (c) one husband (d)no husband
  7. When Jesus asked the woman for a drink of water, she offered him(a) her cup (b) her pitcher(c) some money (d) a drink from her own well
  8. The Samaritans worshiped (a) in the synagogue (b) on Mount Gerizim (c) in the temple(d) at the well
  9. Jesus told the woman that he could give her ——— water’(a) cold (b) running(c) hot (d) living
  10. The woman was so excited about the living water that she left her(a) pitcher (b) water pot(c) children (d) husband
  11. After the woman left, she went into the city and told everyone to come and see Jesus. (a) the well (b) the synagogue (c) the temple (d) Mount Gerizim
  12. The Samaritans were a people who were (a) despised by the Jews (b) not considered to be Jews (c) related to the Jews (d) living in Judea
  13. The woman at the well was surprised that Jesus would speak to her because she was (a) a woman (b) a Samaritan (c) a sinner (d) all of the above
  14. The woman at the well was excited about the living water because it would (a) never make her thirsty again (b) allow her to live forever (c) heal her diseases (d) all of the above
  15. When Jesus told the woman that he could give her living water, he was (a) being symbolic (b) speaking metaphorically (c) telling her a parable (d) being literal
  16. The woman at the well went into the city to tell everyone about Jesus because she (a) believed in him (b) was excited about the living water (c) wanted to get more people to believe in him (d) all of the above
  17. The living water that Jesus offers is (a) available to everyone (b) only available to those who believe in him (c) a physical reality (d) only available to those who are thirsty
  18. The living water that Jesus offers is (a) something that we can physically see and touch (b) something that we can’t see or touch but can feel (c) something that we can’t see or touch and can’t feel (d) all of the above
  19. The living water is (a) a symbol of Jesus’ love for us (b) a representation of eternal life (c) both of the above (d) neither of the above
  20. The living water is (a) a physical reality that we can see and touch (b) something that we can’t see or touch but can feel (c) something that we can’t see or touch and can’t feel (d) all of the above.
  21. In which of these events was Jesus declared the son of God? (a) His birth (b) his ascension (c) his baptism (d) his triumphant entry (e) his resurrection.
  22. By which of the following are we qualified to be called sons of God? (a) Righteousness (b) baptism (c) faith (d) confirmation (e) creation.
  23. According to Paul, inside the body of Christ, there is no (a) order (b) authority (c) division (d) circumcision (e) hierarchy. 
  24. “Abba” is an Aramaic word for (a) Father (b) lord (c) Christ (d) messiah (e)savior. 
  25. Before faith came Christians were held prisoners by (a) law (b) devil (c) sins (d) Jews (e) gospel. 
  26. Which of these does not apply to a Christian? (a) Joint heir with Christ (b) born again (c) spiritual being (d) God’s workmanship (e) human being. 
  27. The purpose of redemption is to make us (a) holy (b) righteous (c) blameless (d) perfect (e) all of the above. 
  28. The law was given to Moses by (a) Christ (b) Paul (c) Peter (d) Jesus (e) God. 
  29. The law is not sin because it is ___________(a) just (b) spiritual (c) good (d) holy (e) all of the above. 
  30. Which is not an attribute of God? (a) Love (b) mercy (c) wrath (d) justice (e) peace. 
  31. According to Paul, all things work together for the ___________of those who love God. (a) destruction (b) benefit (c) downfall (d) progress (e) perfection. 
  32. The armor of God is for the purpose of ___________(a) worship (b) evangelism (c) warfare (d) all of the above (e) none of the above.
  33.  A life full of sin is (a) an old life (b) quality life (c) pleasant life (d) new life. 
  34. One of these is not a characteristics of old life (a) cheating (b) envy (c) disobedience (d)love 
  35. Those that continue in the old life will be (a) loved by God (b) happy (c) rich (d) eternally separated from God. 
  36. People still practicing the old life are under the control of (a) government (b)Satan (c) God (d) pastor. 
  37. The only way to get out of the old life is by (a) decision (b) force (c) man’s effort (d) God’s grace. 
  38. The first step in coming out of the old life is by (a) giving your life to Jesus Christ (b) repenting (c) confessing your sins (d) stopping sinning. 
  39. What should a Christian do with the old life? (a) continue in it (b) forget about it (c) crucify it (d) live it to the full. 
  40. One way of crucifying the old life is by (a) yielding to the Holy Spirit (b) studying the Bible (c) going to church (d) all of the above. 
  41. Those that have crucified the old life are now in ___________ with Christ. (a) enmity (b) love (c) agreement (d) covenant. 
  42. We cannot crucify the old life by ____________. (a) our own power (b) the Holy Spirit’s help (c) God’s grace (d) all of the above.
  43. Justification is (a) ability to keep the law. (b) having good character (c) forgiveness of sin

    (d) declaring the guilty guiltless on account of faith.

  44. Justification is meant for (a) the Jews (b) gentiles (c) those that keep the law (d) everyone.

  45. The following are fruits of justification except (a) peace (b) hope (c) humility (d) hatred.

  46. What are the conditions for justification? (a) Praying regularly (b) giving alms (c) rejoicing in the lord and paying homage (d) repentance and faith in God.

  47. One of these is not a condition for justification (a) faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus (b) strict observance of the law (c) accepting Christ as lord and personal savior (d) living an exemplary life.

  48. Justification is by (a) work (b) law (c) faith (d) character.

  49. Justification cannot be received through (a) works of the law (b) good character (c) keeping the law (d) faith.

  50. Justification comes through (a) Christ’s work on the cross (b) our work (c) keeping the law (d) by grace.






Answer the following questions.

  1. What circumstances led to Jesus’ declaration of Himself as the “Bread of Life”?
  2. Outline three moral lesson in this story?
  3. What do you think is the significance of this story?
  4. How does this story apply to your life?
  5. What do you think is the significance of the living water?
  6. How does the gift of the Holy Spirit apply to your life?
  7. What is the moral lesson in this story?
  8. How does this story apply to your life?
  9. State five rights of a citizen. 
  10. Mention two responsibilities of God’s children. 
  11. List two rights of God’s children.
  12. Old life is a life of sin. How true is this statement? 
  13. List ten features of the old life. 
  14. What will eventually happen to those who continue in the old life?
  15. What is the meaning of justification? 
  16. What is the need for justification? 
  17. What does Paul say about justification in Romans 3:23? 
  18. What does Paul say about justification in Galatians 3:19-21? 
  19. How does justification relate to our sinful nature?
  20.   From Paul’s letter to the Romans, explain the term ‘Justification’. 
  21. Identify the fruits of justification? 
  22. State conditions for justification. 
  23. Can man receive justification as far as righteousness of the law is concern? Discuss 
  24. What role does faith play in the lives of Christians today?
  25. What does justification mean?
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