3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 3 Agric


SUBJECT: Agricultural Science



  1. Foods that supply energy to the body are called _____ (a) body building food (b) energy giving food (c) tissue repairing food
  2. The following are examples of starchy food except ______ (a) rice (b) yam (c) beans
  3. Eggs and meat are examples of _____ (a) energy-giving food (b) body-building food (c) none
  4. Another name for body-building food is _____ (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) mineral
  5. ______ are grown for their large edible seeds. (a) seed (b) tuber (c) oil
  6. Cassava supplies the body with enough _____ (a) energy (b) play (c) sleep
  7. ________ is an energy-giving food (a) bread (b) beans (c) vegetables
  8. Energy-giving food gives strength to farmer? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  9. Lack of protein in the body can lead to diseases called _______ (a) kwashiorkor (b) cholera (c) typhoid
  10. _____ is found in egg, milk and meat (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) vitamin
  11. Example of fruity vegetables are these except ____ (a) onion (b) tomato (c) water leaf
  12. Example of leafy vegetable are these except ______ (a) water leaf (b) bitter leaf (c) okro
  13. Fruits and vegetables give us _____ (a) vitamins (b) proteins (c) carbohydrate
  14. ______ is the vegetable in which the leaves can be eaten (a) leafy vegetables (b) fruity vegetables (c) none
  15. ______ maybe taken to complete the diet of man (a) fruit juice (b) oil (c) alcohol
  16. Lack of one of the six classes of food is known as ______ diet (a) unbalanced (b) balanced (c) none
  17. Unbalanced diet may also be known as ____ (a) malnutrition (b) balanced diet (c) full diet
  18. Eating unbalanced diet can lead to sicknesses and diseases? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  19. _____ is an abnormal condition or state of ill-health in animal. (a) wellness (b) disease (c) death
  20. A balanced diet contains ______ classes of food (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 8
    ______ is one of the six classes of
  21. food (a) carbohydrate (b) body (c) car
  22. ____ is one of the effects of unbalanced diet (a) goiter (b) headache (c) malaria
  23. Grain crops supplies _____ (a) carbohydrate (b) protein (c) fat
  24. We sue ______ to plant grain crop (a) seed (b) tuber (c) stem
  25. Ornamental plants can be used for ______ (a) beautification (b) food (c) juice
  26. A person that grow flower is called ______ (a) farmer (b) florist (c) trader
  27. Plants need ____ and ____ to grow (a) stone and wood (b) water and sunlight (c) oil and kerosene
  28. Farmers enhances soil fertility by adding ____ (a) fertilizer (b) poison (c) salt
  29. ______ is the act of removing unwanted plant (a) weeding (b) carrying (c) feeling
  30. An organism that causes damage to crops is called a _______ (a) pest (b) baby (c) boy

Part B

(1a) What are local vegetables? _________________________________________
(1b) Mention any four types of vegetables that you know?
(i) ____________________________ (ii) ________________________________
(iii) _____________________________ (iv) ______________________________

(2a) List three examples of leafy vegetables? (i) ____________________________
(ii)___________________________ (iii) ________________________________
(2b) List three examples of fruity vegetables? (i) ___________________________
(ii) ___________________________ (iii) _______________________________

(3a) What are ornamental plants? _______________________________________
(3b) Mention three uses of ornamental plants? (i) ___________________________ (ii) ____________________________ (iii) ___________________________

(4a) What is balanced diet? _____________________________________________
(4b)List four classes of food you know?
(i) _____________________________ (ii) _______________________________
(iii) ___________________________ (iv) ________________________________

(5a) Give four examples of fruits that you know?
(i) _____________________________ (ii) _______________________________
(iii) ___________________________ (iv) ________________________________
(5b) Name two uses of vegetables?
(i) ________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________

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