Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Home Economics


SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS                                 


1)   _______     is a flat seam showing no stitches on the right side (a)French seam  (b)Lapped seam (c)Open seam 

2)    Another name for open seam is     _______  seam (a)plane  (b)plain  (c)plan 

3)    There are     _______       types of stitches (a)10   (b)5  (c)2 

4)    Uneven tacking is also known as   _______     (a)tall and short (b)fat and slim (c)long and short 

5)        _______   stitches is a long hand stitches that can be used in place of straight machine stitch (a)hemming (b)back (c)running 

6)    _______      stitches are usually removed after the permanent stitches have been applied (a)Temporary (b)Permanent (c)Decorative 

7)    _______      stitches can be used to sew fabric permanently (a)Tacking (b)Temporary  (c)permanent  

8)    Permanent stitches cannot be     _______   from fabrics (a)remoted (b)removed (c)tacked 

9)    _______      is the art or work of ornamenting fabrics with needle work (a)Decorative stitches (b)Permanent stitches (c)Temporary stitches 

10)      _______     is an example of decorative stitches (a)Hemming (b)Back stitches (c)Blanket 

11)                This is a/an   _______         tacking (a)even (b)uneven (c)tailor’s 


12)                This is a/an    _______         stitches (a)Running  (b)hemming  (c)back 

13)                This is a   _______     stitches (a)blanket  (b)long and short  (c)running 

14)                This is known as     _______   stitches (a)chain  (b)blanket  (c)feather 


15)                                    This is    _______     (a)Uneven   (b)even  (c)Herring- borne 

16)    Examples of permanent stitches are back stitch and _______      (a)hemming  (b)tacking (c)Even 

17)      _______     stitches are used to enhance the beauty of garments and materials (a)Embroidery (b)Open (c)close 

18)        _______   is the junction where two or more pieces of fabrics, leather etc are held together using stitches (a)sewing  (b)seam (c)stitches 

19)    _______      seam is neat and very narrow and is used for very light materials like blinds. (a)French  (b)plain (c)lapped 

20)    _______       seams are used for heavy materials. (a)French (b)lapped (c)plain 

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. 

1)       _______         is an example of material used in lapped seams 

2)        _______       seam is used for very light materials. 

3)       _______         seam is used to join edges of fabrics like sides and underarms of garments. 

4)    Embroidery enhance the        _______             of garments 

5)    Back stitch is a form of     _______          stitch 

6)           _______     stitch is a form of temporary stitch 

7)          _______     is the movement of needle and thread into and out of cloth in order to secure two pieces of fabrics 

8)       _______         is used to protect the finger when sewing. 

9)    _______          are used for passing thread through fabrics 

10)          _______     is used to mark materials 


THEORY (Attempt all) 

1a)    Define Temporary stitches: _______

  1. b) Give 3 examples of temporary stitches: i. _______ ii. _______

           iii. _______

2a)    Write two uses of temporary stitches: i. _______. _______

  1. b) Write two uses of permanent stitches : _______. _______

3a)    What is a stitch? _______

  1. b) Mention the two types of stitches we have: i. _______. _______

4a)    Define decorative stitches : _______

  1. b) List three types of decorative stitches we have . _______

5a)    Define seam? _______

  1. b) Mention three types of seams . i. _______
  2. _______ iii. _______


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