Third Term Examinations Primary 1 Social Studies





Answer all questions

1. _________ are unexpected event that happen to us when we do not expect them. (a) accident (b) movement (c) first aid

2. The following are common home accident except ________ (a) knife cut (b) road accident (c) burns from hot water

3. One causes of home accident is _______ (a) slippery floor (b) eating (c) drinking

4. _______ of the floor always prevent home accident.(a) dirt (b) mopping (c) jumping

5. We can care for accident victims by making friends with them to feel loved. TRUE/ FALSE

6. ________ is a condition of not feeling well in the body. (a) illness (b) movement (c) health

7. We should see the _______ when sick. (a) doctor (b) teacher (c) traer

8. We should use _______ recommended by doctors when sick. (a) medicine (b) food (c) tea

9. We should _______ well when we are sick. (a) work (b) rest (c) run

10. Sick people should take their medicine _________ (a) regularly (b) irregularly (c) once

11. __________ are preparations used to prevent or cute diseases. (a)medicine (b) food (c) water

12. Medicine may be given through ______ (a) mouth (b) teeth (c) finger

13. Medicine can be swallowed with _______ (a) water (b) blood (c) sand

14. Medicines are used to prevent _______ (a) disease (b) sleep (c) eating

15. Medicine can also be ________ into the body (a) put (b) injected (c) forced

16. One danger of wrong use of medicine is _________ (a) healthiness (b) death (c) none

17. Using the right medication we make us get _______ (a) well (b) sick (c) worst

18. _______ are substances we take into our body which are dangerous to the health. (a) hard drugs (b) drugs (c) food

19. Hard drugs make people _______(a) run mad (b) strong (c) look neat

20. Some people take hard drugs to prove that they are ________ (a) civilized (b) villagers (c) educated


Answer all questions

1a. What is accident?



b. List three common home accidents



2a. What is illness?



b. List two things to do when we are ill



3a. What is medicine?



b. List three dangers of wrong use of medicine



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