Third Term Examinations Agricultural Science JSS 3



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  1. The science that deals with the study of crops and field management is called: 

(a) agronomy (b) botany (c) entomology (d) horticulture 

(e) Pathology

  1. Which of the following is a dicotyledonous plant? (a) Cassava (b) pineapple (c) rice 

(d) sisal (e) sugarcane

  1. The most limiting factor in agricultural production in Nigeria is. (a) Capital (b) Farm inputs (c) farm machinery (d) labour (e) land
  2. Mechanized land clearing is done by (a) bush burning (b) caterpillar 

(c) Cutlass (d) grader (e) plough

  1. An advantage of commercial agriculture is that it (a) requires small space 

(b) Requires skilled labour (c) produces high returns (d) involves low capital 

(e) All of the above 

  1. The green revolution is an example of government agricultural (a) extension (b) policy (c) programme (d) regulation (e) research
  2. The Nigerian land use Act of 1978 puts the right ownership of land on the 

(a) Governor of a state (b) head of the family (c) head of the society 

(d) President of the farmers co-operative (e) traditional rulers 

  1. Which of the following crops produces latex? (a) Mango (b) Rubber (c) Citrus (d) Cassava (e) Sisal
  2. The main reason for establishing game reserves is to prevent wild-life from (a) being poached (b) being hunted periodically (c) attacking tourists 

(d) Becoming extinct (e) none of the above

  1. The biotic factor which derives much benefit from livestock and reduces productivity is a (a) predator (b) parasite (c) pathogen (d) microbe 

(e) Temperature

  1. Which of the following groups of crops grow best in the savanna Zone of West Africa (a) cotton, millet and groundnut (b) cocoa, kola and oilpalm (c) cotton, cocoa and guinea corn (d) banana, rubber and millet (e) shea butter, cocoa, millet
  2. The different between subsidy and loan is that subsidy (a) is a short term credit while loan is a long term credit (b) is a medium term credit while loan is a short term credit (c) requires a collateral while a loan does not (d) is not refundable (e) all of the above
  3. Which of the following groups comprises oily crops? (a) Groundnut, jute and cotton (b) Melon, coconut and sisalhemp    (c) Coconut, cotton and sunflower 

(d) Sunflower, rubber and jute (e) Oilpalm, sunflower and millet

  1. Pests of crops that feed by piercing and sucking include the following EXCEPT: (a) stem borers (b) aphids (c) cocoa mirids (d) cotton stainer (e) cassava mealy bug
  2. Which of these best describes land in agriculture? (a) Free gift of nature 

(b) Increase value with increase in population (c) permanently in place 

(d) Solid part of the earth’s crust (e) very important factor of production

  1. Which of the following is not a role of government in agricultural production? (a) provision of labour (b) provision of subsidies (c) building of storage facilities (d) provision of loans and credits (e) provision of loans
  2. Peasant farmers sell almost all their produce immediately after harvesting because (a) stored produce lose their quality (b) stored produce would be lost to pests (c) the prices offered for stored produce are low (d) the produce are perishable (e) there are inadequate storage facilities
  3. Which of the following is NOT an agricultural development programme in Nigeria? (a) Agricultural Development Project (b) Green Revolution 

(c) National Development for All (d) Operation Feed the Nation (e) River Basin Development Authority

  1. The major aim of government’s agricultural programmes in Nigeria include the following EXCEPT that it (a) encourages cash crop production (b) ensures quality control and standards (c) fixes prices of agricultural commodities 

(d) Increases food production (e) increases the gross domestic product

  1. Fibre can be obtained from the following EXCEPT (a) cotton (b) jute (c) kapok (d) kenaf (e) sheabutter
  2. Wastage of agricultural products during harvesting period is due to inadequate (a) agricultural education and extension (b) agricultural financing (c) implementation of government policies on agriculture (d) storage and processing facilities (e) transport facilities
  3. Which of the following systems of farming requires an intensive use of fertilizers? (a) Bush burning (b) Crop rotation (c) Mixed farming 

(d) Monocropping (e) Shifting cultivation

  1. The provision of farm inputs to farmers by the government can best be described as (a) capital (b) credit (c) gift (d) loan (e) subsidy
  2. Most agricultural policies do NOT benefit rural communities because (a) oof lack of foreign exchange to import the required expertise (b) of poor implementation (c) there are inadequate supply of electricity (d) they aim at benefiting the national economy (e) they are formulated by non-practising farmers 
  3. The limiting climatic factor to agricultural production in Nigeria is 

(a) Humidity (b) rainfall distribution (c) soil type (d) temperature (e) wind

  1. The nutrient used mainly for energy production is (a) carbohydrate 

(b) Carotene (c) mineral (d) protein (e) vitamin

  1. Which of these crops is wind pollinated? (a) Cassava (b) Cocoa (c) Coffee 

(d) Maize (e) Rubber

  1. Which of the following crops is a raw material for the production of chocolate? (a) Avocado pear (b) Banana (c) Cocoa (d) Coffee (e) Kolanut
  2. Which of the following is a day-neutral crop? (a) Cocoa (b) Coffee (c) Maize 

(d) Millet (e) Tomato

  1. The following are fib e crops EXCEPT (a) cotton (b) hemp (c) jute (d) rubber (e) sisal
  2. Which of the following is NOT a solution to problems of local farmers? 

(a) Rehabilitation of  bad roads (b) Subsidizing crude implements (c) Practising improved farming methods (d) Providing credit facilities by governments

  1. The main motive of the farmer in commercial agriculture is to (a) maximize profit (b) produce rare crop varieties (c) produce for family consumption 

(d) Increase risk

  1. The land tenure system which leads to land fragmentation is (a) freehold 

(b) Inheritance (c) pledging (d) gift

  1. Subsistence farming is parctised in West Africa on land mostly acquired through (a) pledge (b) donation (c) inheritance (d) purchase
  2. The roles of government in the development of agriculture in Nigeria include the following EXCEPT (a) reorganization of the rural communities 

(b) Provision of extension service (c) provision of feeder roads 

(d) Rehabilitation of feeder roads

  1. The main reason for governments enforcement of efficient quarantine laws is to (a) check the destruction of unproductive animals (b) attract school leavers into agriculture (c) give grants to researchers for agricultural problems 

(d) Check and control the inflow of animals and crops

  1. The most important objectives of the farm settlement scheme is to (a) supply farm tools to farmers (b) provide subsidy for small scale farmers 

(c) Demonstrate that farming can be profitable business (d) mechanise agriculture

  1. In which of the following is land used for agricultural purposes? (a) Forage production (b) Recreation (c) Mining (d) Road construction
  2. Which of the following climatic factor is primarily necessary for photosynthesis in crop plants? (a) Wind (b) Light (c) Rainfall (d) Temperature 
  3. An example of a biotic factor affecting crop or animal production is 

(a) Predator (b) soil texture (c) soil structure (d) light



1a.    Define Agricultural Science

  1. Enumerate five important of Agriculture
  2. State and explain Relationship between Industry and Agriculture

2a.    Define the term Land Tenure System

  1. Discuss briefly Land Use Decree
  2. In a tabular form, state six differences between subsistence and commercial agric

3a.    State five agricultural programs initiated in Nigeria

  1. Outline five ways by which non-government al organizations have contributed to the development of agriculture in Nigeria 
  2. Suggest two possible solutions to the problem of poor marketing channel 

4a.    Define Land 

  1. Enumerate five uses of Land for agricultural purpose

c    State five factors affecting Land availability

5a.    State five roles of science and technology in agriculture provision

  1. Mention one industry that uses each of the following agricultural produce as raw material

i    Cocoa    ii. Rubber    iii. Cotton    iv. Groundnut    v. Cassava

  1. Suggest two possible solutions to the problem of inadequate finance

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