SS 2 Biology Third Term Examination


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SUBJECT :  BIOLOGY           

CLASS: S. S. S 2       


Objective and Theory.

1.Which part of a gill of a fish is involved in gaseous   exchange?   A. gill slits   B. gill bers   C. gill filaments   D .gill scale 

  1. The movement of diaphragm is characteristic of gaseous exchange in   A. insect  B .fish  C .toad  D. mammal

3.Which of the following structures of  the human  body provides the best surface for absorption?  A. skin  B. stomach  C. alveolus  D. oesophagus

4.The stomata of  a leaf  perform s the same function  as   the   A. spiracle of insects   B. trachea of toad  C.  pharynx of  man   D. scale of fish

5.Which of the following  will happen when  the volume of the thoracic cavity decreased?  A. air circulates well in the  lungs   B .the lungs expand  C .the ribs move upwards  D. the pressures within  the lungs increases.

6.A grasshopper respires by means of its   A. lung- book  B. gills  C .lungs  D .tracheal tube

7.Floating plants are called    A. zooplankton   B.  newton   C. phytoplankton  D.     benthons.

8.The unique habitat created by mixing of fresh and salt water is   A. brackish  B. river  C. lake  D. ocean

  1. Which of the following is an aquatic habitat?  A. desert  B. grassland  C.ocean  D.force.

10.Which of the following is not  a type of estuary?  A.tidal marshes B. river mouth   C .embayment  D. pandanus

  1. An aquatic habitat that is not moving is   A .lotic  B .lentic  C. bentic  D. netic

12.Epiphytes are usually found in ……………..  habitat   A. desert  B. forest  C.  marsh land  D. grassland.

13.Which of the following is a xeromorphic plant?  A.  cactus  B. water leaf  C. water lily D. balsam plant.

14.The driest habitat is  A. desert    B. forest  C. savannah  D. swamp.

15.Trees in the mangroves  have  A .pnematophore   B. gametophyte   C. sporophyte   D .oocytes.

16.A low and  wet  land habitat representing a transition between aquatic and terrestrial habitat is   A.  marsh land  B. brackish  C .forest   D. desert.

17.The tiny pore on which  on the leaves are called  A. stomata   B. lenticels  C.  suberin  D. wax.

18.The largest and the deepest aquatic habitat among the following is   A. ocean  B. sea  C .lake  D. river.

19.Which of the following ecological factors are common to both terrestrial and aquatic habitats ?A rainfall, temperature , light and wind  B. salinity , rainfall,  temperature and light  C .tides , wind, rainfall and altitude D.pH, salinity,  rainfall and humidity.

20.The savannah is different from a rain forest by having trees  A. with fire- resistant thick bark  B. that are usually very tall C .with thin barks D. with broad leaves.

21.Which of these food chains is  not possible in a forest?  A. diatom—fly—toad—snake  B .fly—toad—snake—hawk  C. leaves –antelope—man—lion  D. leaves—caterpillar—bird—lion.

22.A chain of events in which one community is gradually replaced by one another in an orderly manner is   A. population  B. ecosystem  C. succession  D. estuary.

23.Which of the following will not affect population size?  A. predation B. competition  C. immigration  D .none of the above.

24.An adaptation to avoid over- crowding is  A .immigration  B .dispersal of seed  C. territorial behaviour  D. life cycle and life span.

25.Which  of the following biotic factors does not affect a population?  A. mortality  B. natality C .predation   D. food.

26.Which of the following food substances  is digested in the stomach?  A. carbohydrate  B .fat and oil  C. fat and protein  D .protein

27.In the enzymatic reaction starch  amylase sugar, starch is referred to as the   A. substrate   B. product    C. enzyme   D .reaction mixture.

28.If the gall bladder of a man is removed by surgical operation which of the following processes will be most seriously affected?   A .digestion of fat and oil   B. formation of urine   C. digestion of starch  D. conversion of protein.

29.Which of the following organ  produces bile?  A .gall bladder  B.pancrease  C .liver  D. stomach.

  1. In the mammalian tooth, the pulp cavity contains  A.pulp    B. pulp like structure  C .cement D. blood vessels.

31.Lipids are emulsified by alkaline. This means that they are  A.  split  up into droplet B. turned into fatty acids and glycerol  C .neutralized  D. turn into a base.

32.What is the end product of digested protein?  A. peptone  B. glycerol    C .polypeptide  D. amino acid.

33.Which of the following dental formulae represents the dentition in the rabbit?  A.1 2/1   C 0/0  P3/2  M 3/3  B.1.2/2  C1/2   P2/2  M3/3  C. 11/2  C0/0 P2/3 M.3/3  D.12/1 C0/1  P1/2  M2/3.

34.Which of these is not a function of mammalian blood?  A. engulfing bacteria B. production of hormones  C .transporting  ureas   D. transport of glucose.

35.Blood clotting is initiated by   A. leucocytes  B. platelets  C. haemoglobin  D.erythrocytes.

36.The circulatory system that does not allow the mixing of  oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in a mammalian heart is referred to as   A. open  B .closed   C. single   D.haemocoelic.

37.The  biscupid valve is located between the  A. left auricle and left ventricle  B. aorta and the left ventricle  C. superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.

38.Which of the following is not a medium for transportation in living organism?  A. cytoplasm B. blood C. bones  D. lymph.

39.Conjugation as a method of reproduction  does not occur in  A. hydra  B .spirogyra  C .mucor D. rhizopus.

40.The mode of asexual reproduction in  spirogyra is   A. binary fission  B .fragmentation  C. sporulation  D. budding.

41.Excretion is the process by which  organism  A. collect metabolic waste  B. remove unwanted water  C .remove undigested food from the body D. get rid of metabolic waste.

42.The cell division  responsible  the production of gametes is called  A .fragmentation  B .meiosis  C. mitosis D. sporulation.

  1. The cell  division responsible for growth is called   A. mitosis  B. binary fission  C .meiosis  D. conjugation.
  2. The tissues responsible for the transporting of mineral salt and water in a living plant is    A. cambium  B. xylem  C .phloem  D. sclerenchyma .
  3. The bone of the neck on which the skull rests on is known as  A. odontoid process  B. axis  C. occipital condyle  D. atlas.
  4. Two bones are joined together by  A. tendon  B .cartilage  C. ligament  D. synovial fluid.
  5. Which of these is not a tissue found in plants?  A. epidermis   B .phloem  C .xylem  D .dermis.
  6. If John has just eaten some maize with coconut, where will digestion begins in  his alimentary canal?  A. esophagus   B. stomach  C. duodenum  D .mouth.

49 .In which of the following  groups of organisms are flagella and cilia found?  A. flatworm   B .coelenterates  C. protozoa  D. nematodes.

50 .Which of the following  is the accessory organs of the digestive system ?  A .kidney  B. spleen  C .liver  D. lungs .

THEORY QUESTIONS; Answer only three questions  in this section.

1a.Defineexternal respiration(2mk

b.List  all structures involved in breathing in mammals(3mk

c.Describe the process of inhalation(3mk

d.State the structures for gaseous exchange in plants, toad, insects and crustacean(2mk

2a.Make a well labeled diagram of respiratory system of man(3mk

b.State five characteristics of a respiratory organ(5mk

c.What is oxygen debt?(1mk

d.Explain the word “muscle fatgue(1mk

2a.What is marsh?(1mk

b.List two types of marshes(2mk

c.State five characteristics of marsh(5mk

d.Name two animals found in marsh(1mk

3a. With or without diagram, describe the major ecological zones of the marine habitat(3mk

B .What is estuarine habitat?(1mk

  1. Mention two animal living in estuarine habitat(2mk
  2. Explain the effects of temperature and light in distribution of animals in marine habitat(2mk  
  3. State two characteristics of marine (2mk

4a.State two characteristics each of the plants community in tropical rain forest and savannah(4mk

  1. What is a forest?(2mk
  2. Name two animals and two forest plant and state their adaptive features(4mk

5aExplain (i) primary  (ii) secondary succession  (4mk

  1. Define succession(1mk

c.List four factors responsible for over population(2mk

d.State three causes of shortage of food(3mk

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