Social Studies JSS 1 Third Term Lesson Notes With Scheme of Work
- Revision of Last Term’s Work.
- Negotiation 1
- Meaning
- Situations That May Need Negotiation
- Steps in Successful Negotiation
- Negotiation II
- Factors that Influence Negotiation
- Negotiation and Refusal Skills Techniques
- Advantages of Negotiation and Negotiating
- Safer Sexual Behaviour
- Meaning
- Causes of STI/HIV/AIDS
- Effects of STI/HIV/AIDS
- Social Issues and Problems
- Examination Malpractice(s)
- Meaning
- Causes
- Effects
- Solution
- Cultism
- Causes
- Effects
- Prevention Measures
- National Unity and Integration
- Meaning
- Needs and Importance
- Influence of Man in the Environment
- Environment problems
- Revision
Topic: Revision of Last Term’s Work
Content: Last term the following topics were looked into
- Socialization
- Culture
- Characteristics of Culture
- Components of Culture
- Similarities in Culture
- Differences in Culture
- Uniqueness of Culture
- Social Studies can best be defined on the ____ A. Comprehensive study of man in his total environment B. Study of earth as the home of men C. Study of man and his physical environment only D. Study of men and nine planet E. Study of the relationship between man and other social groups
- The total way of life of the people is known as ____ A. Acculturation B. Culture C. Ethnicity D. Socialization E. Transformation
- Another name for material and non-material aspect of culture is ____ and ____A. concrete, simple B. manmade, natural C. simple, complex D. simple, flexible E. tangible, intangible
- The male child of one’s uncle is called ____ A. Cousin B. Danger C. Nephew D. Niece E. Son
- Which of the following is not a characteristics of primary group. They A. are closely related B. hate non-members of their groups C. have common rules among themselves D. share joys and sorrows at all times E. show feeling that they belong to a very close group
- Which of the following is not an example of secondary group A. Family B. Nigerian Union of Teachers C. Parent, Teacher Association D. Trade Union E. Voluntary Organisation
- Which of the following is not a factor that influences men’s behaviour in his environment? A. Belonging to some social group B. By knowing the norms of the society C. Going through the process of socialization D. Limiting of him/herself to one’s language E. Obeying the societal rules and regulation
- The following have the features of physical environment except A. Lakes B. Mountains C. Schools D. Trees E. Valleys
- The major occupation of riverine people is ____ A. agriculture B. farming C. fishing D. hunting E. swimming
- Family members consist of the following except A. Aunt B. Brother C. Friend D. Sister E. Uncle
- Every religion teaches the following except A. belief in the holy books B. existence of the supreme being C. love for one another D. man as a supreme being E. religious tolerance
- The Fulani’s are socio-culturally identified as ____A. Carvers B. Farmers C. Hunters D. Nomads E. Traders
- Which among the following is the most important in socializing the child? A. Community B. Family C. Mass media D. Peer group E. School
- The following are socialization process except ____ A. direct learning B. incidental learning C. learning from models D. role learning E. transfer of learning
- Which of the following is not a place where socialization takes place?A. Family B. Hospital C. Mass media D. Peer group E. School
- Which of the following is not a non-material aspect culture? A. Beliefs B. Ceremonies C. Cutlass D. Dancing E. Folk lore
- Benue state has two major tribes which include ____ and ____ A. Andoni, TIV B. Ibira, Fulani C. Idoma, Igala D. Tiv, Idoma E. Kambari, Gwari
- Oduduwa is the ancestral father of the ____ A. Efik B. Fulani C. Gwari D. Igbo E. Yoruba
- Ile-ife is the spiritual home of the ____ A. Fulani B. Hausa C. Igbo D. Nupe E. Yoruba
- What makes living together possible in any society is ____ A. controversy B. dispute C. division D. friction E. unity
- (a) What is Socialization?(b) Mention and explain 4 agents of socialization.
- (a) Define culture?(b) Mention characteristics of culture.(c)Mention two components of culture.
Topics: Negotiation
Content: Meaning of Negotiation
Negotiation is a means of getting one’s needs through the process of discussion and exchange of ideas. It can also be defined as a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome. It is a method by which people settle differences. It involves the use of creative problem solving skills in resolving such conflicts. Business wise, it can be seen as a bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties.
A good negotiator plans a strategic approach but prepares for the unexpected. Preparation entails gathering and assessing as many facts as possible.
Situation That May Need Negotiation
- Leadership tussle or problem
- Use of contraceptives
- To have or not to have sexual intercourse
- The type of parties to attend
- The club to join; membership of peer group
- What is negotiation?
- Mention three situations that may need negotiation.
Steps in Successful Negotiation
- State your position using ‘I’ statements, say what you want or need (e.g. I would like to make more money).
- Listen to the other person’s position.
- Find out what the other person wants or needs.
- Restate the person’s position to be sure you understand it.
- Both parties should consider their needs and purposes, then create alternatives that will work for both.
- Agree on a solution. Try it out and if it does not work start the process all over.
- Get an adult (parents, pastor etc.) to intervene when physical force is involved.
General Evaluation/Revision Question
- The following are conflict resolution method except A. Dialogue B. Hatred C. Mediation D. Negotiation E. Tolerance
- A good citizen should exhibit all the following except A. honesty B. Integrity C. Patriotism D. Selfishness E. Tolerance
- Disagreement which leads to lockouts, strikes civil disobedience, resolution and war is called __________ A. Agreement B. Conflict C. Harmony D. Peace E. Promotion
- A good _________ plans a strategic approach and prepares for the unexpected A. marketer B. buyer C. negotiator D. teacher E. banker
- _____________ can intervene when physical force is involved A. Baby B. Pastor C. Friend D. Stranger E. Hair dresser
Simplified Basic Social Studies for Basic 7 by R.A Yusuf. Pages 173-174
- ____ is a discussion aimed at arriving at a peaceful agreement A. Conflict B. Socialization C. Peer group D. Negotiation
- Effective communication is essential in any negotiation. Yes or No
- To ____ people must have the ability to exchange ideas, concerns, proposals and arguments. A. contest B. socialize C. negotiate D. money
- Negotiation promotes understanding and tolerance. Yes or No
- Negotiation works best when a problem/conflict is addressed in its early stage. Yes or No
- What is negotiation?
- Mention three suitable that may need negotiation.
Topic: Negotiation II
- Factors that Influences Negotiation.
- Negotiation and Refusal Skills and Techniques.
- Advantages of Negotiation.
- Negotiating Safer Sexual Behaviour.
Everyone negotiates. It is part of socializing, working, marriage etc.
People need to negotiate in many situation of dealing with peer pressure, participating in a team game, when going on a date and when making sexual decisions.
Factors that Influence Negotiation
- Effective Communication Skills: – Negotiation is an intense process, involving exchange of messages. A good negotiator needs to have a good command over Language.
- Maintaining one’s self-esteem:
- Upholding one’s Values: – Trust and mutual confidence are very relevant in any process of negotiation. People who are known to be honest, sincere, steady and reliable have an edge when they enter the process of negotiation. Credibility as a value is essential in the sense that both the parties involved in negotiation must possess.
- Discussion: – Adequate and reliable information about the various issues involved is essential for ensuring the success of a negotiation exercise. Effective negotiation often involves hard bargaining and well-informed teams enjoy better bargaining power.
Negotiation and Refusal Skills
- Prevention is the best medicine: Just say “NO”, if you are not prepared to have sex. Always know that there is nothing wrong with abstinence. You don’t show affection towards your partner through sex. Learn to say “NO” without hurting anyone’s feelings.
- Listening.
- Careful observation of the other person.
- Use of positive body language.
- Good verbal communication.
- Imagining oneself in the other person’s position.
- Identifying all the options in the situation.
- Reaching a mutual agreement.
Advantages of Negotiation
- Trust: – Trust is the building block of all relationships, includes those in business. For instance, face-to-face negotiations provide a much better formation for small-talk and building rapport with someone met for the first time. Negotiators can make assessment of facial expression, appearance, tone of voice and other personality and communication tracts.
- Less Conflict: – With face-to-face communication one has more interactive communication that allows for immediate feedback and discussion with non-verbal content.
- Focus: – Face-to-face negotiations allow both parties to focus on their respective needs and distractions from other employees in offices or issues with the connection.
- Better Result: – The most significance of negotiating face-to-face is an increased likelihood for a mutually beneficial resolution. Negotiators show commitment to finding an agreeable resolution.
- It promotes self-respect and tolerance.
- It enhances personal development and social harmony.
Negotiating Safer Sexual Behaviour
It is very important to talk with your partner about your feelings. The discussion must be open and honest in such a way that it can both protect you and correct some misunderstanding. Adults should talk about what should be and how they will practice safer sex in future.
Negotiation Techniques
S – Say ‘NO’ effectively
W – Why (give a clear reason for your decision)
A – Suggest an alternative (if you feel like)
T – Talk it out (Discuss your feelings)
Negotiation /Delay / Refusal skills
Below is an illustration of a refusal skill or discussion.
1. | Giving a reason or a skills | Mr. A: Let’s have sex… You’ll love it.
Miss B: I am going to wait until I am married. |
2. | Walk away | Mr. A: Why don’t we go upstairs and be alone?
Miss B: Actually I’m really having fun at the party, (and walk away as she says it). |
3. | Avoiding the situation | Avoid getting into situations where you will pressuredinto having sex. Example: don’t to a party if you are not comfortable with the people that are going to be there. |
4. | Changing the subject | Mr. A: Let’s go upstairs, I have something to show you Miss B: But it’s so much fun down here! Let’s hang out with our friends. |
5. | Discuss the consequences | Mr. A: Don’tworry, if you get pregnant we will marry each other.
Miss B: Of course, I am worried. I don’t want to get marry yet. |
6. | Reverse the pressure | If someone is pressuring you try to reverse the pressure.
Miss B: I don’t feel like risking my own life for a few minutes of pleasure… Do you? |
7. | Separate the person and the activity | Tell the person that even though you do not want to take part in the activity with them doesn’t mean that you don’t like them. |
8. | Honest and confident | Have a honest and confident discussion with your partner. |
9. | Delay the activity | Mr. A: Let’s have sex, come on.
Miss B: Not just yet, I’m not ready. |
- Mention five advantages of negotiation.
- Mention two factors that influence negotiation.
- Explain the negotiation techniques.
- Explain the skills necessary for effective negotiation.
- List and explain the steps in negotiation
Simplified Basic Social Studies for Basic 7 by R.A Yusuf. Pages 174 – 175
- The following are advantages of negotiation except ____ A. acceptance of responsibility B. enhancement of personal development C. promotion of self-respect E. non-tolerance
- Negotiation can resolve ____ A. conflicts B. information C. man D. solution
- Suggesting an alternative is a negotiation technique. Yes/No
- Discussion must be open and honest. Yes/No
- Negotiation promotes acceptance of responsibility. Yes/No
- What is negotiation?
- List and explain the steps in negotiation.
- What are the advantages of negotiation?
- Meaning
- Causes
Meaning: – STI means Sexually Transmitted Infections. It is also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases. They are infections or diseases that are sexually transmitted through unprotected sex or genital contact. Most people don’t experience any symptoms, so they are unaware they are infected.
In women, it can cause pain or a burning sensation when urination, a vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen during and after sex and bleeding during or after sex. It can also cause heavy period.
In man, it can cause pain or a burning sensation when wasting, a white cloudy or watery discharge from the tip of the penis, and pain or tenderness in the testicles. It can cause infertility if left untreated. Examples of such infection are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis etc. condoms are best way to avoid STI, they are not just for stopping pregnancy.
- It can be caused by sexual intercourse.
- Transmission of body fluid.
- Can be caused through kissing (Viral Hepatitis – Herpes, Saliva).
- From a pregnant or breastfeeding woman to her baby.
Inability to get pregnant.
- Not having sex
- The use of some vaccinations which may decrease the risk of certain infections.
- Having safer sex with the use of condoms.
- Having a small number of sexual partners.
Small fluid-filled bluster, headaches, backaches, itching, tingling sensation in the genital or anal area.
Flu like swollen glands or fever.
HIV means Human Immune Deficiency Virus.This destroys the immune system of man and makes it easier for AIDS i.e. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome to come in.
The hallmark of HIV infection is the progressive loss of the immune cell that makes it unable to fight off infections and other diseases that take advantage of a weakened immune system. One is said to have AIDS if he is tested positive to HIV.
- Unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier. (an already infected person)
- Infected mother can transfer it to her unborn baby.
- Sharing of sharp objects like needles, razor blade etc. with the carrier.
- When infected blood is transfused to another person.
- Define HIV
- Explain (2) two causes of HIV/AIDS.
- It results in series of illness.
- The carriers are always discriminated.
- A lot of money is spend in treating the carrier.
- A carrier can lose his job.
- It creates emotional problems for the carrier and his loved ones.
- HIV/AIDS can lead to divorce.
- It can eventually lead to death as it is incurable.
Though HIV/AIDS has no cure, it could be prevented;
- Singles should abstain from premarital sex while the married ones should be faithful to their spouses.
- Before blood transfusion, there should be proper screening.
- Sharp objects use by doctors, barbers, hairdresser, etc. should be sterilized before use.
- Everyone should also avoid sharing needles or any sharp object.
- The use of condoms. The act as barriers to prevent exchange of semen and vaginal fluids during sexual intercourse.
- Discuss how indiscrimination could occur because someone is HIV positive.
- Explain three (3) preventive methods of HIV/AIDS.
- Sex is the only avenue through which one can contact Aids. Discuss.
- Explain pre-marital sex.
- Which weakens the immune system between H.I.V and AIDS?
- List and explain the two (2) aspects of culture.
- Give three (3) mineral resources and their locations.
Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for JSS 1 by A. OluwasolaOyewole.Pages 65 and 66.
Fundamentals of Social Studies Book 1.Pages 54 – 63
Simplified Social Studies Basic 7 by Yusuf R.A.Pages 65 – 68
- Which of the following does not belong to the causes of HIV/AIDS? A. appropriate use of condom
B. transfusion of infected blood to uninfected person C. mother to child transmission D. sharing unsterilized syringe with HIV positive person E. unprotected sex with an infected person
- One of the following is not a symptom of HIV/AIDS. A. extreme tiredness B. prolonged dry cough C. skin rashes D. stomach pain E. swollen lymph glands in the neck
- The first case of AIDS in Nigeria was reported in the year ____ A. 1965 B. 1975 C, 1985 D. 2005
- A person can contact AIDS in all but one of the following ways. A. through the use of unsterilized infected sharp objects like injection needle B. through mosquito bite C. through transfusion of infected blood D. through sexual intercourse with a carrier
- The full meaning of HIV is _____ A. Human Immune Virus B. Humanity Introduction Diaspora
C. Humility in Dangerous Venus D. Human Immune Deficiency Virus
- AIDS cannot be cured but managed. A. Yes B. No C. Not sure D. All of the above
- Voluntary Counselling Testing Services can be acquired in all of the following except A. Health/Medical Institutions B. Supermarket C. Youth centres D. Special clinics
- The full meaning of AIDS is A. Acquired Immuno Deficiency B. Acquired Investment Development System C. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome D. Accelerated Investment Development Strategy
- What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
- Explain four (4) effects of HIV/AIDS.
- Examination Malpractices
- Meaning
- Causes
- Effects
- Solutions
Social Issues and Problems: Social problems are matters, vices or challenges which directly or indirectly affect many or all members of a society and are considered to the problems because of their effects on the society. They constitute nuisance to the members of the public. Social problems include: bribery and corruption, poverty, examination malpractices, crime, kidnapping, cultism, child abuse etc.
Examination Malpractice: Is defined as any deliberate act of wrong doing/abuse in any form of the rules and regulation governing the conduct of examination (Internal or External Examination). It is a wrong or illegal behaviour exhibited by a person before, during and after the examination.
It is also the act of violating the rules and regulations of an examination body in order to succeed. It ranges from copying answers from a textbook or sheet of paper, buying of examination questions to getting another person to write an examination for you.
Causes of Examination Malpractices
The causes of examination malpractices are numerous;
- Undue emphasis on paper qualification for placement in higher institution and other occupational opportunities.
- Difficult and poorly moderated examination.
- Poor preparation for examination.
- Lack or shortage of qualified teachers.
- Test anxiety and examination phobia.
- Poor library facilities.
- Negative peer groups.
- Lack of confidence.
- Poor test administration (e.g. shortage of question papers, poor timing etc.)
- Lack of motivation by teachers and parents.
- Examination malpractice constitutes a serious problems and threat to societal norms and values such as honesty, industry, etc.
- Inability to communicate correctly in English Language.
- Expulsion due to low academic performance despite the ‘good result” that was used to secure the admission
- Inability to cope outside the school’s system since they only got their ways through dubious means
- Examination questions should be well screened and the examination committee must ensure that the questions are not so difficult so as to discourage failure rates.
- There should be enough security measures during examination period.
- Schools should be well equipped in order to make the environment conducive for students to learn and develop good study habits.
- More qualified teachers should be employed in the educational system of the school.
- The teacher should not create examination phobia on the students.
- Those to be chosen as examination officials, supervisors, invigilators etc. should be people of proven integrity and high moral standards
- Give two (2) effects of examination malpractices.
- State four (4) solutions to examination malpractices.
- Explain how moral values are being threatened through examination malpractice.
- List those things that are necessary in the school to facilitate a conducive environment.
- How could one with ‘good result’ still be expelled?
- List the agents of socialization.
- State three (3) importance of Social Studies.
Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for JSS 1 by A. OluwasolaOyewolePages 64 and 65.
Simplified Social Studies Basic 7 by Yusuf R.A.Pages 61
Macmillan Social Studies Book 1 by M.A. Orebanjo and 55.
- Which of the following is not an effect of examination malpractices? A. Laziness B. Imprisonment C. Poor image of the country D. Promotion of hard work
- One may find it difficult to cope outside the school system because of involvement in examination malpractices. Yes or No?
- One of the following is a solution to examination malpractices. A. Some students cannot express themselves correctly B. Examination malpractices constitute a serious problemand threat to societal norms C. Teachers should not create examination phobia on the students D. Lack or shortage of qualified teachers.
- If the examination officials, supervisors etc. are of high moral standard, examination malpractices will be drastically reduces. Yes or No?
- Pick the one that is an effect of examination malpractices A. Expulsion B. Negative peer pressure C. Lack of confidence D. Security measures
- The effects for examination malpractice are the following except it A. is an easy way of passing examination B. kills reading culture C. makes students to be lazy D. makes one unable to depend his or her certificate E. lowers the quality of education
- The following are the contemporary social problems in Nigeria except ____ A. corruptionB. cultism C. examination malpractice D. HIV/AIDs E. unity
- Explain three effects of examination malpractices.
- Discuss how teachers could create examination phobia for students.
- Definition.
- Causes
- Effects
- Prevention Measures
This is an act of being in a secret cult (most especially in an educational institution) whereby the group members uphold same belief, ideology, interest etc. Members of secret cult are often in the possession of dangerous weapons.
Cultism is anti-social behaviour which is a deviant act. It is at variance with established norms of behaviour. It is non-conforming behaivour which usually contravenes the social rules of an institution in particular and the society in general. Cult activities were first noticed in the University of Ibadan (then University College) in 1952.
Causes of Cultism
- Lack of parental care: Some parents are too busy to cater for their children and this gives the children the liberty to join any group they wants to join.
- Greed:This could be over ambitiousto possess material things or to be in control.
- Peer group influence:People who are not confident of themselves or who like moving with the crowd will easily be lured into cultism.
- Academic failure: Some students who are academically weak could, through cultism force lecturers to award marks to them.
- External support: Some people pose as godfathers to the cultists. They always give them money and implore them to do wrong things for them.
- Unemployment: This brings about insecurity and in the bid to obtain the good things of life. They could go to any length.
- Define cultism.
- List and explain four (4) causes of unemployment.
Effects of Cultism
The following are consequences of cultism.
- Rapid fall in the standard of education: Most often that schools are closed down as a result of riots which is usually started violently by cult groups.
- High level of moral decadence: Due to the reckless living of the cult groups, some youths end up to be political thugs, hired assassins etc. and become a problem to the nation at large.
- Untimely death:Many lives have been cut short through cult’s rampage. Rival groups as well as innocent people are killed.
- Expulsion and rustication of students: Students engaged in cultism are expelled and rusticated/suspended from school and college.
Solutions to Cultism
- Parents should educate their wards concerning the vices of cultism and monitor them. Apart from that, give good home training.
- Students should also be advised by lecturers (teacher) on the dangers of cultism even during teaching.
- The influential people giving support to secret cult’s members should be punished.
- Government should also help out in combating this problem.
- Religious institution should educate their followers especially students about the evil of cultism.
- It may lead to violence and encourage criminal behaviour among the students.
- State three (3) effects of cultism
- What are the solutions to cultism?
- State how cultism could be eradicated
- From the causes above, which one does this saying ‘show me your friends and I will tell you who you are’ tallies with?
- Define Culture.
- Differentiate between the types of physical environment.
Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for JSS 1 by A. OluwasolaOyewole.Pages 64 and 65.
Simplified Social Studies Basic 7 by Yusuf R.A.Pages 61-64
Macmillan Social Studies Book 1 by M.A. Orebanjo 55 and 56
Objective Questions
- For some youths to end up becoming political thug, hired assassins etc. is as a result of A. untimely death B. pride C. high level of moral decadence D. academic failure
- The bad idea of belonging to a secret society in institution is called A. unionism B. freedom fighters C. socialism D. cultism
- One of the following is not a cause of cultism in Nigeria. A. greed B. academic failure C. drug abuse D contentment
- One of the following is not a solution to cultism. A. counselling B. punishment C. external support D. security
- __________ lives are lost during cultist clashes. A. Innocent B. cultists C. Both innocent and cultists D. Students
- Which of the following is not a cause of cultism A. Drug influence B. Environmental influence C. Peer group influence D. Poor home background E. Proper parental care
- The following are considered as societal problems except A. Corruption B. Cultism C. Dialogue D. Poverty E. Thuggery
- To curb cultism, students should A. arrest cultists B. Encourage cultism C. Fear cultism D. Fight with cult member E. Say “NO” to cultism
- What is cultism?
- Discuss how academic failure could make one to join cult.
- Meaning
- Needs
Integration is the process through which different parts come together to function as a whole. Nigeria as a country with over 250 ethnic groups functioning together as one is an example of integration. Without unity,
not even a two thing can function.
Needs for National Unity and Integration
- Nigeria is made up of more than 250 ethnic groups with varying cultures.
- Each of the ethnic groups had lived separately for centuries before the British Rulers brought them together.
- For Nigeria to develop, she needs to come together for every member to have a common sense of belonging
- The country can only witness development if there is adequate security.
- Foreign investors will establish industries when they are convinced that properties will not be destroyed either because of political, religious or ethnic crises.
- Define integration.
- What is the relevance of unity or integration?
Topic: Importance of National Unity and Integration
- National integration promotes peace and harmony in a society.
- It reduces areas of conflicts among different groups.
- National unity and integration ensure security of lives and properties of citizens from internal and external attacks.
- If there is national unity and integration, the resources in different ethnic groups could be jointly exploited and enjoyed.
- It allows Nigerians to live and work together in any part of the country.
- It promotes a sense of brotherhood and love among different cultures.
- Explain three importance of National unity and integration.
- Give an example of a resource in an ethnic exploited and enjoyed by all.
- List 15 ethnic groups in Nigeria.
- Give four resources from Nigeria that are jointly exploited and enjoyed by all.
- State two needs for national integration.
- State four characteristics of Secondary Social Group.
- In what way is the uniqueness of Nigerian culture seen.
Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for JSS Basic Seven by A. OluwasolaOyewole.Pages 78 – 83.
Macmillan Social Studies Book 1 by M.AOrebanjo Pages 62 – 64.
Simplified Basic Social Studies Book 1 by Yusuf R.A. Pages 33 – 36.
Fundamentals of Social Studies Booke 1 by J.O. Olatunde 71 – 80.
- All but one of the following promotes unity in Nigeria A. NYSC B. Nigeria Defence Academy C. Unity Schools D. Ethnic Militia.
- National unity and integration is needed in Nigeria because A. it is easy B. other countries have done such C. it facilitates a sense of belonging for every group D. of the traditional political system
- The following are the necessities of integration except A. to reduce conflict B. to promote political development C. to promote peace and harmony D. to promote cultural superiority.
- Integration is necessary in Nigeria to avoid A. growth B. conflict C. peace D. fairness
- The act of different group of people working together in harmony so as to achieve common goal is called A. association B. national pledge C. integration D. national symbols.
- The following are importance of national unity and integration except ____ A. achieving societal goals B. attracting foreign investment C. economic growth D. tarnishing societal image E. tourism attraction (NECO 2015 Q43)
- The following are factors that hinder the economic development in Nigeria except ____A. corruption B. due process C. insurgency D. pipeline vandalism E. poor leadership
- What is National integration?
- List four importance of National integration
What is environment?
Environment is everything that makes up our surroundings and effects our ability to live on the earth. The air are breathe, the water that covers most of the earth’s surface, the plants and animals around us and mountains, hill rock, rivers, soil and vegetation (climate features like rainfall, wind, weather, etc.). Environment can be physical and social.
How man influences his physical environment or makes them better to suit him in different ways, he makes bridges and roads to join places.For example, he builds bridges across rivers, lakes and forest to joins towns, village, markets. Man makes canals (water-way made by man) to shorten the distances between countries and towns.
Man also builds dams to irrigate his farms, to catch fish and generate hydroelectric power. E.g.Kanji dam in Nigeria. He farms to raise crop both cash and subsistence crops. Man builds shelter to protect himself from wild animals and weather.
It is important to note that man is a product of his environment. He has influenced his physical environment and the physical environment has equally influenced him too.
All resources of the environment are usually organized by man for optimum use. The ability of men to make the best use of these resources depends on his level of education, culture and technology. Through the available mineral resources, men engages in many different activities or occupation such as farming, fishing, plantation, agriculture etc. Man interferes with his environment through a number of these activities.
The Influence of Human Beings on the Physical Environment
Environment has a profound influence on man since it (environment) is the aggregate of external condition in the life of man. To survive, people depend on the physical environment. They adapt to it and modify it to suit their changing needs for things such as food, clothing, water, shelter and energy. However, in attempt to control the environment, they bring knowledge in science and technology.
Man influences his environment in the following ways.
- Man has exploited the resources of his environment to make life easier and comfortable for living. E.g. Generation of electricity, construction of dams for irrigation, etc.
- Man generates solar energy from sun light.
- Man builds modern houses, mines minerals resources and other valuables resources for his own use.
The intervention of human in the environment leads to environmental problems.
The Negative Effects of the Influence of Man in his Physical Environment
- Pollution: It involves the reduction of the quality of the natural resources- land, air and water bodies that are made dirty by dumping or adding unpleasant and harmful substances.
Types of pollution are: (1) air pollution (2) water pollution (3) land pollution
- Flooding: Is defined as the occurrence of excessive volume of water in areas not usually under water. It may occur where there is heavy rain fall in an area and all the water refuses to sink into the soil but flows on the earth’s surface as floods. Example of a state that experiences this is Lagos State.
- Erosion:Is the gradual removal of the top layer of the soil by agent of current such as wind, water or ice. It is the major global environmental problem.
- Deforestation: It involves the practice or processes that result in the change of forested land to non forest uses. It is the destruction of the forest without adequate provisions or measures to replenish it. E.g. wood has been used as building materials for houses and other things. The causes of deforestation vary from place to place.
- Global warming: This is referred to as “Green House Effect” is a situation where the atmosphere becomes warm due to rise in temperature as a result accumulation of harmful gases in the atmosphere. As the earth is getting hotter disaster like hurricanes, floods and droughts are getting more frequent.
- Define Environment.
- How does man influence his environment?
- What is physical environment?
- Differentiate between the physical and social environment.
- List four features of the physical environment.
- List four ways by which man influences his physical environment.
Simplified Basic Social Studies for Basic 7 by R.A. Yusuf.Pages 126 – 136
- The two types of environment are A. Physical and religious B. Physical and social C. Physical and spiritual D. Religious and social E. Social and spiritual
- Which of these is not a natural feature of man’s environment? A. Adamawa mountains B. Borehole C. Madara mountains D. Savanna hill E. Swamp forest
- The process of learning begins at ____ A. Adolescence B. Birth C. Puberty D. Six years E. Teenage age
- Lagos State experiences flood during rainy season. Yes/No
- Human beings have altered the balance of nature in ways that have brought both positive or negative development to the society. Yes/No
- Write short notes on the following
- Erosion
- Drought
- Deforestation
- Global warming
- Causes
- Effects
- Solutions
Environmental problem is the numerous and different challenges (problems) that threatens the lives of the people in their environment. Example of such pollution and natural hazards like storms and earthquakes. It could be caused by man or nature which poses a serious danger or risk to lives or properties of people in their environment. Environmental problems are consequences of human intervention in his environment. Variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world.
- Natural: This happens naturally and most of the time unexpectedly e.g. flood
- Man-made: This occurs due to daily activities of human beings e.g. air pollution.
These could be natural or man-made.
- Erosion: This is the washing away of the top layers of the soil by following water.
- Earthquake: It is the physical displacement of materials in the earth crust which leads to a sudden violent break of the earth surface.
- Flooding: This occurs when there is heavy downpour or when a river overflows its bank.
- Drought: This is a prolonged period of dry season in which there is no rainfall
- Hurricane and Cyclone: These are violent winds which destroy lives and properties
- Air Pollution: This is the release of unwanted or dangerous substances (smoke, fumes of machine, vehicles etc, and noise)into the atmosphere.
- Land Pollution: Toxic substance or oil spillage affects our land.
- Water Pollution: When pollutants like chemical are injected into rivers, seas etc, marine animals are destroyed and the water becomes poisonous.
- Deforestation:It leads to erosion of the soil and increases the occurrence of global warming.
- What is environmental problem?
- Mention any four causes of environmental problems.
- It leads to destruction of pants and animals.
- Environmental problems reduce the productivity of the society as it negates good healthy living.
- Solutions to environmental problems requires a lot of money and other resources
- It can lead to loss of lives and properties.
- Canal and drainage should be constructed in flood prone areas to control movement of water.
- Trees should be planted to replace those felled for timber and agricultural purposes.
- The environmental protection agencies should regulate the disposal of waste and use of noisy gadgets.
- People should be educated on proper disposal of waste.
- Citizens should also be advised not to build their houses along the banks of rivers.
- State four effects of environmental problems.
- Mention any four solutions to environmental problems.
Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies for Basic Seven by A. OluwasolaOyewole.Pages 18 & 20.
Fundamentals of Social Studies JSS Book 1 by Olatunde Pages 14-18
- Mention two uses of highlands to man.
- State the similarities in usefulness of both highlands and lowlands to man.
- Mention any four causes of environmental problems.
Objective Questions
- The type of environmental problem that happen unexpectedly is ____ A. food B. man-made C. natural D. pollution
- When there is a prolonged period of dry season with no rainfall we have ____ A. droughtB. summer C. famine D. dry season
- An example of man-made cause of environmental problem is ____ A. earthquake B. hurricane C. daily activities of human beings D. deforestation
- People living in a dirty environment full of excreta and flies will always have the attack of ____ A. bad sight B. sound sleep C. good sight D. cholera
- Solutions to environmental problems include the following except A.replanting of trees B. building of houses along the banks of the rivers C. canal and drainage construction D. the use of noisy gadgets should be regulated
- Which of the following is not caused by man’s activities? A. Afforestation B. Air pollution C. Deforestation D. Flooding E. land degradation
- Which of the following is not a feature of natural environment A. Hills B. Hospital C. Lakes D. Rivers E. Valley
- The following are environment problems except _________ A. cloud B. drought C. erosion D. flood E. pollution
- (a) Give the classification of environmental problems. (b) State the name of the body that protects environment in Nigeria
- Mention four (4) natural environmental problems and define any one.
- Which of the following contemporary problems is associated with family? A. Divorce B. Ethnicity C. Tribalism D. Over population
- Dishonesty can make one to engage in all but one of the following A. examination malpractices B. cheating C. transparency dealings D. fraudulent practices
- A breakdown of law and order in the society is known as A. social order B. social instability C. social orderliness D. harmony
- ____ has led to insecurity of lives and properties. A. Negative peer pressure B. Secret cult C. Crimes D. Sexual immorality
- An example of what leads to disunity in a nation is ____ A. divorce B. ethnicity C. negative peer pressure D. honesty
- Which of the following is NOT an example of dishonest character? A. Electoral fraud B. Selfless service C. Robbery D. Examination malpractices.
- All but one of the following agents can assist in solving contemporary problems A. Church B. Mosque C. Delinquent D. Non governmentalOrganisation.
- The full meaning of EFCC is A. Economic and Financial Crime Commission B. Endowment Fund for Crime Commission C. Economic Forum for Corporate Companies D. Emergency Financial Crime
- Committee for Defence of Human Rights is under ____ A. Public Opinion B. Civil society C. Government Policies D. Religious Organisations
- Contemporary problems and issues include all but one of the following A. HIV/AIDS B. Ethnicity C. Electoral fraud D. Economic Advancement Programme.