2nd Summative Test Grade 3 Agricultural Science



Instruction – Answer all the questions in section A


(a) carbohydrate (b)


1. Body building foods are ______________(a) carbohydrate (b) protein (e) vitamins (d) all of the above


2. Energy giving foods are called ______________ (a) carbohydrates (b) proteins (c) vitamins (d) water


3. Fruits are to be eaten ______________

(a) fresh (b) cooked (c) dried(d) boiled


4. A balanced diet may also be called an/a,______________ diet

(b) adequate (c) original (d) average


5. ______________  are foods that contain a lot of minerals. (a) Mineral

(b) Bread (e) Rice (d) Fanta


6. Orange belongs the classes of ______________ food

(a) Tuber crop (b) cereals (c) grain crops (d) fruit crops


7. We have ______________ classes of food

. (a) 10 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 7

8. ______________Food protects us from cold. (a) Protein (b) Fat and oil

(c) Mineral (d) Water


9. Unbalanced diet causes ______________

(a) lemon (b) kwashiorkor

(c) sweetness (d) all one person


10. Malnutrition occurs when there is a ______________ feeding


(a) good (b) any (c) bad (d) sweet


11. Grain crops give______________

(a) vitamin (b) all of the above (c) protein (d) carbohydrate


12. Pap is made from ______________

(a) meat (b) rice (c) beans (d) corn

13. ______________are adequate amount of the nutrients in foods which are necessary for good health. (a) Balanced diets (b) Balanced date (c) Balanced dance (d) Balanced dam


14. Yam belongs to a class of ______________

crops. (a) tuber (b) ornament (c) grain (d) fruit


15. Bow leg is also known as ______________

(a) goitre (b) kwashiorkor


(c) beriberi (d) tickets


16. Pepper belongs to the class of ______________(a) oil crops (b) ornamental crops (c) vegetable crops (d) Tuber Crops


17. To stay healthy, we need ______________diet (a) smooth (b) rough (c) adequate (d) carbohydrates


18. ______________ helps food to digest (a) protein (b) rough (c) water (d) mineral


19. Orange, fish, and liver are examples of mineral foods ______________ (a) True (b) false (c) maybe (d) I don’t know


20. There are ______________ types of Tuber Crops (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2





  1. What is balanced diet
  2. Mention the six classes of food
  3. Write out two functions of water in the body
  4. List the classes of crops that you know
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