Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Poetry English Grammar Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject:  English Studies 


Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2


Term: Third Term  / 3rd Term 


Week: Week 6 & 7



 Vocabulary building – New words and meaning.

i i Reading Oral and written comprehension. 1 Grammar – Expressing ownership.

 Structure – Present, past and future tense.

  Composition – Composition about myself.




Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

Asking question about the present, Past and future action.


that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Ask question about the future by making use of the past, present or future Tense
  • Recite the twinkle twinkle Twinkle Twinkle little star poem 



Instructional Materials 

1. Wall chart showing the rhyme.

2. Flash card showing the key words in the rhymes.

3. Approved course book.



Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization




Vocabulary building Teaching of the new words and meaning.

Building vocabulary is important for students as it helps them understand new words and their meanings. Here are some tips and examples for teaching new words and their meanings to Primary 2 pupils:

1. Introduce New Words

  • Use context: Teach new words in sentences and situations where they make sense.
    • Example: “The cat sat on the mat.” 🐱
  • Relate to familiar words: Compare new words to words pupils already know.
    • Example: “A big elephant is like a giant cow.” 🐘 🐄

2. Use Visuals

  • Show pictures: Use images or drawings to illustrate the new words.
    • Example: Show a picture of a tree when teaching the word “tree.” 🌳
  • Use flashcards: Use flashcards with pictures and words to help pupils learn.

3. Repeat New Words

  • Practice: Say the new word multiple times with the pupils.
    • Example: “The word is ‘sun.’ Repeat after me: sun.” ☀️
  • Play games: Use games like word matching or bingo to practice new words.

4. Use Actions

  • Act out the word: Use gestures or body movements to help students remember the new word.
    • Example: For “jump,” jump up and down with the pupils. 🦘

5. Teach Word Meanings

  • Provide simple definitions: Explain the meaning of the new word in simple terms.
    • Example: “‘Jump’ means to hop off the ground.”
  • Use synonyms or antonyms: Compare the new word with similar or opposite words.
    • Example: “Happy” is the opposite of “sad.” 😊 😢

6. Use the New Words in Sentences

  • Create sentences: Use the new words in sentences to show how they fit in context.
    • Example: “The dog likes to run.” 🐶
  • Ask pupils to make sentences: Have pupils create their own sentences using the new words.

7. Review New Words

  • Review regularly: Go over the new words regularly to reinforce learning.
    • Example: Have a weekly quiz or activity to review the words.
  • Use the words in conversation: Encourage pupils to use the new words in their speaking and writing.

By using these strategies, you can help pupils build their vocabulary and improve their understanding of new words and their meanings. Let me know if you need more examples or explanations!


  1. The opposite of “happy” is _______. a. glad b. excited c. sad d. cheerful

  2. The word “jump” means to _______. a. hop off the ground b. walk slowly c. fly high d. sit down

  3. A synonym for “big” is _______. a. tiny b. huge c. small d. little

  4. The word “hot” is the opposite of _______. a. cold b. warm c. cool d. freezing

  5. To “run” means to _______. a. sleep b. stand still c. move quickly d. talk slowly

  6. The opposite of “fast” is _______. a. quick b. rapid c. speedy d. slow

  7. The word “night” means the time when it is _______. a. light b. rainy c. dark d. windy

  8. A synonym for “happy” is _______. a. sad b. joyful c. upset d. angry

  9. The word “friend” means someone you _______. a. like b. ignore c. hate d. avoid

  10. To “read” means to look at and understand _______. a. books b. walls c. sky d. ground

  11. The opposite of “new” is _______. a. young b. fresh c. old d. recent

  12. A synonym for “quiet” is _______. a. noisy b. silent c. loud d. shouting

  13. The word “morning” means the time of day when the sun _______. a. sets b. shines c. rises d. hides

  14. To “draw” means to create pictures with a _______. a. paintbrush b. crayon c. pencil d. pen

  15. The opposite of “thick” is _______. a. wide b. thin c. short d. long

ii Reading – Oral and written comprehension.

How the Cunning Tortoise Got His Shell Shattered

Ade was a tortoise known for being very clever. He loved to play tricks on his friends. One day, he thought of a plan to trick his friend Wale, who was a rabbit.

Ade invited Wale to a race. He said, “Let’s race to the big tree and back. The winner gets a basket of juicy carrots.” Wale agreed, excited to win the race.

Before the race, Ade told Wale, “Let’s start together and count to three.” But Ade had a trick in mind. He wanted to start running before Wale.

When they started the race, Ade ran ahead without waiting. Wale tried his best to catch up, but Ade was already far ahead. Ade thought he would win.

As Ade ran fast, he tripped over a rock and fell hard on his back. His shell cracked, and he felt a sharp pain. Wale caught up and saw Ade on the ground.

Wale said, “Ade, you should not have tricked me. Now your shell is broken because you were too cunning.”

Ade felt bad for tricking Wale and for hurting himself. He promised to be honest from then on and never trick his friends again.

Wale helped Ade walk home, and they became good friends again. Ade learned that being honest is always better than being cunning.

  1. Ade was a _______ known for being clever. a. rabbit b. turtle c. tortoise d. deer

  2. Ade loved to play _______ on his friends. a. sports b. games c. music d. tricks

  3. Ade invited Wale to a _______. a. party b. race c. dinner d. swim

  4. The winner of the race would get a basket of _______. a. juicy apples b. sweet berries c. red cherries d. juicy carrots

  5. Ade planned to start running _______ Wale. a. after b. with c. before d. next to

  6. Ade ran fast and tripped over a _______. a. tree b. rock c. bush d. stick

  7. Ade’s shell _______ when he fell. a. cracked b. grew c. changed d. disappeared

  8. Wale was a _______. a. fox b. deer c. rabbit d. squirrel

  9. Wale helped Ade _______ home. a. hop b. walk c. run d. swim

  10. Ade felt bad for tricking _______. a. his mother b. his sister c. himself d. Wale

  11. Ade promised to be _______ from then on. a. slow b. honest c. mean d. lazy

  12. Wale caught up to Ade and saw him on the _______. a. tree b. road c. ground d. rock

  13. Ade and Wale became good _______ again. a. friends b. cousins c. brothers d. strangers

  14. Ade’s shell got _______ when he fell. a. better b. bigger c. smaller d. broken

  15. Wale said Ade should not have _______ him. a. tricked b. helped c. played with d. ignored

Grammar- Present, past and future tense.

iv. Structure – Writing about the expression of ownership.


Twinkle twinkle little star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star


Teacher’s Activities

1. Reads the rhyme(s) slowly (several times) to the pupils.

2. Demonstrate the action involved in the rhymes.

3. Explains the message in the rhyme to the pupils.

4. Teach relevant song to the pupils involving particular sounds.

  1. Twinkle, twinkle, little _______.” a. moon b. sun c. star d. light

  2. “How I _______ what you are.” a. know b. wonder c. imagine d. think

  3. “Up above the _______ so high.” a. sky b. world c. clouds d. stars

  4. “Like a diamond in the _______.” a. night b. sky c. water d. air

  5. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” is a _______. a. story b. rhyme c. poem d. song

  6. The teacher reads the rhyme _______ to the pupils. a. quickly b. loudly c. slowly d. softly

  7. The teacher _______ the action involved in the rhyme. a. explains b. demonstrates c. draws d. repeats

  8. The teacher helps pupils understand the _______ in the rhyme. a. music b. characters c. message d. words

  9. The star is compared to a _______ in the sky. a. flower b. tree c. cloud d. diamond

  10. The teacher teaches a song with similar _______ to the rhyme. a. sounds b. movements c. notes d. words

  11. The teacher uses _______ to help pupils engage with the rhyme. a. drawings b. questions c. actions d. toys

  12. Pupils learn the rhyme through repetition and _______. a. drawings b. actions c. silence d. reading

  13. The teacher may use _______ to reinforce the rhyme. a. puzzles b. flashcards c. stories d. books

  14. The rhyme is about a star shining in the _______. a. daytime b. water c. sky d. ground

  15. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” helps pupils learn about _______. a. flowers b. the night sky c. the ocean d. forests

These questions help pupils recall it


Pupils’ Activities

1. Listen attentively to the teacher.

2. Read the rhymes aloud together, in groups and individually.

3. Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

4. Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught.

5. Memorize the rhyme.

Presentation : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

Pupils’ Activities

1. Repeat the sentences after the teacher.
2. Answer questions individually and in pairs.
3. Express possessive words in sentences.
4. Identify possessive words in given sentences.



1. Read simple rhymes correctly.

2. Sing song to emphasize some given sounds.

Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.

Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.


Summary: Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.

Wrap-up [conclusion]: Teacher corrects and marks pupils’ notes.


Previous Lesson


Asking question about the present, Past and future action.


Next Lesson 


Adjectives and adverbs usages in sentences



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