Nursery 1 Basic Science Revision Third Term

Subject : 

Basic Science and Tech

Term :

Third Term / 3rd Term


Week 10

Class :

Nursery 1


Revision Basic Science and Technology 


The part of the plant above the soil level is called the ______  (a) root (b) shoot (c) amber


Living things have _____ in them (a) lives (b) blood (c) gas


The part of the plant that is inside the soil is called the _____(a) root (b)  shoot (c) angel


Stones and sand are examples of _____ things (a) living (b) non living (c) special


The ______ supplies the plants with the needed water and other minerals (a) root (b) shoot (c) door


Mention four vegetables in your area


Mention four domestic animals


Mention four wild animals


Mention two parts of the plant


Mention two animals with their young ones

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