Nursery 1 Second Term Examination Basic Science and Technology
Basic Science and Technology
Class: Nursery 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 11
Topic: Examination of the Topics Covered in the First Term
Examination Instructions
For Teachers:
- Ensure that the exam environment is quiet and conducive to learning.
- Read the exam instructions aloud to the students.
- Ensure students have all necessary materials (pens, pencils, erasers, etc.) before starting the exam.
- Remind students to answer all questions to the best of their ability.
- Instruct students to avoid looking at other students’ papers during the exam.
- Make sure the students do not engage in any form of cheating or copying.
- Instruct students to write their names and class on their answer sheets.
- Walk around the room during the exam to supervise and provide assistance if necessary.
- Remind students to check their work before submitting it.
For Students:
- Do not talk or communicate with others during the exam.
- Do not look at other students’ answer sheets.
- Write clearly and neatly.
- Answer all the questions as best as you can.
- If you do not understand a question, raise your hand and ask the teacher for help.
- Use only your own work—cheating will not be tolerated.
- Do not bring any extra materials like books, phones, or notes into the exam room.
- Stay calm, take your time, and check your work before submitting.
- Once finished, wait quietly and do not disturb others.
Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)
- A fruit is a part of a plant that we can _____.
a) Eat
b) Build
c) Throw
d) Drink - Vegetables are good for our _____.
a) Teeth
b) Body
c) Shoes
d) Toys - _____ move on land.
a) Boats
b) Cars
c) Aeroplanes
d) Ships - _____ flies in the air.
a) Train
b) Bus
c) Aeroplane
d) Car - _____ floats on water.
a) Boat
b) Stone
c) Tree
d) Shoe - A ____ is used for transportation on the ground.
a) Boat
b) Car
c) Helicopter
d) Aeroplane - Fruits help us grow because they provide _____.
a) Sleep
b) Vitamins
c) Water
d) Food - _____ help us stay healthy.
a) Vegetables
b) Stones
c) Trees
d) Shoes - A sponge is a ____ object.
a) Floating
b) Sinking
c) Flying
d) Running - _____ sink in water.
a) Rubber balls
b) Stones
c) Leaves
d) Birds - _____ is used to fly in the sky.
a) Car
b) Boat
c) Aeroplane
d) Bus - Water transport includes _____.
a) Cars
b) Boats
c) Aeroplanes
d) Trains - _____ help us travel long distances.
a) Vegetables
b) Transport
c) Fruits
d) Books - Floating objects stay on the ____ of the water.
a) Bottom
b) Top
c) Inside
d) Side - _____ is good for your health.
a) Junk food
b) Vegetables
c) Candy
d) Soda - A fish is a _____ object.
a) Floating
b) Sinking
c) Flying
d) Moving - _____ is an example of land transport.
a) Boat
b) Train
c) Car
d) Aeroplane - Light objects will _____ on water.
a) Sink
b) Fly
c) Float
d) Jump - A ____ is a type of air transport.
a) Helicopter
b) Ship
c) Train
d) Bus - A ____ will sink in water.
a) Feather
b) Stone
c) Paper
d) Plastic - _____ and _____ are examples of transportation.
a) Fruits and vegetables
b) Planes and cars
c) Stones and rubber
d) Balls and shoes - Vegetables make us feel _____.
a) Tired
b) Lazy
c) Healthy
d) Sleepy - The ____ transports people in the sky.
a) Car
b) Boat
c) Aeroplane
d) Bus - A ____ can float on water.
a) Stone
b) Boat
c) Key
d) Leaf - A _____ is a floating object.
a) Chair
b) Stone
c) Sponge
d) Key - _____ is used to carry goods over the land.
a) Ship
b) Car
c) Bus
d) Helicopter - Vegetables grow in the _____.
a) Water
b) Air
c) Soil
d) Sky - _____ is an important type of transport.
a) Walking
b) Swimming
c) Transport
d) Playing - Fruits help us to stay _____.
a) Sick
b) Tired
c) Strong
d) Lazy - Fruits and vegetables grow in the _____.
a) Sky
b) Sea
c) Ground
d) Water
Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)
- What is a fruit?
- What do fruits help us with?
- What is a vegetable?
- What do vegetables do for our body?
- What is land transport?
- Name two things that move on land.
- Name two things that fly in the air.
- Name two things that float on water.
- Name two things that sink in water.
- What do you use to fly in the sky?
- What is the importance of vegetables?
- Why are fruits good for our health?
- What is air transport?
- What is the importance of transportation?
- What is water transport?
- How does a boat move on water?
- How does a car move on land?
- How do aeroplanes help us?
- Name two floating objects.
- Name two sinking objects.
- What do we need to grow fruits and vegetables?
- How can we tell if an object will float?
- Why do fruits help our body?
- Why are vegetables good for us?
- How does a car help us?
- How does a boat help us?
- How does a plane help us?
- What are the different ways we use transport?
- What helps objects float on water?
- Why do heavy objects sink?
Part C: True or False Questions (30 Statements)
- Fruits grow in the sky. (True/False)
- Vegetables are not good for our health. (True/False)
- A boat is used on water. (True/False)
- Aeroplanes fly in the air. (True/False)
- A stone floats on water. (True/False)
- Vegetables help us stay healthy. (True/False)
- Heavy objects float on water. (True/False)
- A rubber ball is a floating object. (True/False)
- Cars move on water. (True/False)
- Air transport includes aeroplanes. (True/False)
- Boats are used for water transportation. (True/False)
- Aeroplanes are used on land. (True/False)
- Fruits give us vitamins. (True/False)
- Stones sink in water. (True/False)
- Light objects float on water. (True/False)
- Heavy objects sink in water. (True/False)
- Vegetables grow in the sky. (True/False)
- Fruits give us energy. (True/False)
- Land transport includes cars. (True/False)
- Air transport helps us fly. (True/False)
- Transport helps us go to different places. (True/False)
- Floating objects stay at the bottom of water. (True/False)
- A sponge sinks in water. (True/False)
- A fish is an example of a floating object. (True/False)
- A key is a sinking object. (True/False)
- Fruits grow on trees. (True/False)
- Vegetables help our bodies grow strong. (True/False)
- A bus is a type of air transport. (True/False)
- Fruits are bad for us. (True/False)
- A plane helps us travel by Air (True/False)
Second Term Examination Questions Health Habits Nursery 1 Lesson Notes
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gap Questions (30 Questions)
- Vegetables help us to _____.
- Fruits grow on _____.
- A stone will ____ in water.
- Light objects will ____ on water.
- A boat floats on _____.
- Aeroplanes are used for _____.
- A car moves on _____.
- A ship is used on _____.
- Vegetables grow in _____.
- Fruits give us _____.
- Heavy objects ____ in water.
- A sponge is a ____ object.
- A key is a ____ object.
- Vegetables help us stay _____.
- Fruits help us grow _____.
- A plane is a type of ____ transport.
- A train is a
DRAW the traffic light
Draw the zebra crossing
Mention four safety rules on the road
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- ____________________________________
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Mention any four parts of the body
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- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________
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About The Author
Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.