3 Foods to Avoid if You Want to Look Young

Want to keep your complexion smooth and youthful? Take a look at your plate. What you leave off of your plate is sometimes just as important as the food you’re putting on your plate when it comes to nutrients that can affect your complexion. Put your best face forward (and improve your health) by keeping these to a minimum (remember that classic motto… moderation):

Sugar — Sweets and refined carbs raise glucose levels, which increases advanced glycation end products. These interfere with the repair of collagen and elastin, essential proteins that help skin retain its shape.

Saturated Fat — While not all saturated fats are created equal (hello, coconut oil), experts caution against consuming excessive amounts from marbled meats and full-fat dairy. These fats can induce skin-aging inflammation.

Alcohol — Except for red wine, alcohol can take a toll on your skin. It dries out the skin and when metabolized in the liver, it generates free radicals—known adversaries of healthy skin.

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