Meaning of Ration



Subject : Agricultural Science


Term : Second Term


Class : JSS 2


Week 2


Topic :

Meaning of Ration




  1. Meaning of Ration
  2. Types of Ration
  3. Meaning, Causes and Symptoms of Malnutrition
  4. Factors that Affect Feed Requirements of Farm Animals
  5. Reasons for Feeding Farm Animals
  6. Equipment Used for Feeding Farm Animals

Animals require a balanced diet to maintain their health and growth. Feeds are the foods that are given to animals, and they can come in many forms, such as hay, grains, and supplements. The type of feed and the amount given to an animal will depend on the species, age, and size of the animal, as well as its purpose (e.g. milk production, meat production, or as a pet).

Feeding animals a balanced diet is important for maintaining their health and preventing diseases. It is also important to ensure that the feed is free from contamination and is stored properly to prevent spoilage


Meaning of Ration

Animal ration refers to the specific amount and mixture of feed that is given to an animal at a specific time. It is a balanced diet that is formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of a particular species, age, and size of animal, as well as its purpose (e.g. milk production, meat production, or as a pet).

Rations are usually formulated based on the nutritional requirements of the animal, and take into account factors such as the animal’s energy and protein needs, as well as any specific requirements for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Different rations may be used for different stages of an animal’s life, such as growth, pregnancy, or lactation.

A correctly formulated ration will help an animal to reach its full potential, whether it is for milk production, growth or other purposes. An animal ration is typically composed of forages, grains, protein supplements, mineral and vitamins.

Ration is the quantity or amount of feed given to farm animals daily or over a period of 24 hours. The type of ration given to a particular farm animal is largely dependent on the purpose of production.

A balanced ration is a ration containing all the nutrients in the right proportion for growth and development.

Types of Ration

  1. Maintenance ration
  2. Production ration

1. Maintenance Ration

This is the amount of feed given to an animal to prevent an increase or decrease in the life weight of the animal. It is given to maintain a particular weight, shape and size.

2. Production Ration

This ration is fed to animals for production purpose. It may be for the production of milk, eggs, meat, young ones or for work. The nutrient it contains are usually supplied in excess of maintenance requirement.

The following are examples of production ration:

(i) Grower ration: This is the feed given to growing animals. Ration with high protein content are particularly suited for rapid growth. Examples are broiler starter and broiler finisher diets.

(ii) Weaner’s ration: This is a ration fed to young animals whenever they are taken away from their mothers, i.e. (when weaned).

(iii) Fattener’s ration: This is meant for those animals that require very rapid increase in body weight before they are sent to the market.

(iv) Flushing: This is a special diet for female animals to be able to produce more fertile ova.

(v) Steaming up: This is a special diet for pregnant animals to prepare them for parturition. It is given few weeks before parturition.

(vi) Broiler mash

(vii) Layers mash

Meaning of Malnutrition

This is a condition in which an animal shows evidence of nutrient deficiency.

Animal malnutrition is a condition in which an animal is not getting the proper nutrients it needs to function properly and maintain good health. This can be caused by a lack of food, an imbalanced diet, or an inability to absorb or utilize the nutrients from the food that is consumed.

There are many types of malnutrition that can affect animals, such as protein-energy malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, and mineral imbalances. These deficiencies can lead to a wide range of health problems, including stunted growth, weakness, reproductive failure, and an increased susceptibility to disease. Severe malnutrition can also lead to death.

Malnutrition can be caused by a number of factors, including poverty, lack of knowledge about proper nutrition, and poor feeding practices. It is important to ensure that animals have access to a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs, and to monitor their health to detect and prevent malnutrition.

It’s also important to note that malnutrition can be caused by certain diseases such as parasite infestations and other conditions that affect the animal’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients. That’s why it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian in order to detect and treat underlying issues that could be contributing to malnutrition.

Causes of Malnutrition

  1. Unbalanced diet
  2. Low quality feeds
  3. Under feeding

Symptoms of Malnutrition

  1. Drop or low production (milk and egg)
  2. Susceptibility to diseases attack
  3. Emaciation and leanness
  4. Reduced growth
  5. High death rate

Factors that Affect Feed Requirements of Farm Animals

The level of nutrient or nutritional requirement of animals depend on the following factors:

  1. Age of the animal – young grower.
  2. Class of animal – egg producer, ruminant or non-ruminant, meat animal.
  3. Production level – growers, young layers and old layer dry sow.

Reasons for Feeding Farm Animals

Feeds are fed to farm animals for the following purposes.

  1. To provide necessary elements for repairing the wear and tear of the body to provide raw material for synthesis of body source in growth.
  2. To serve as a source of energy for vital processes in the body e.g growth, work, reproduction, respiration digestion etc. For generating heat necessary for maintaining body temperature. To serve as raw materials for the production of milk meat egg wool etc.

Equipment Used for Feeding Farm Animals

The different equipment used for feeding farm animals are listed below:

  1. Feed troughs: Feeds for animals are placed in the troughs for them to eat. Troughs could be wooden, iron or aluminum. Troughs should be cleansed on daily basis.
  2. Water troughs: Water for the animals is fetched in this equipment. The trough should as well be cleaned regularly
  3. Hay racks: They are used for feeding animals with hay and silage.
  4. Bowl: It is used to pack feedstuff into feeding troughs or containers.
  5. Trays: Feeds for chick and grower mash are place in the trays for young birds. Trays should be cleansed at all times.
  6. Spade and shovel: Spade and shovel are used to mix feed ingredients together.



  1. (a) Define ration

(b) List and explains the types of ration.

  1. (a) What is malnutrition?

(b) Enumerate three causes of malnutrition.

(c) State five symptoms of malnutrition.

  1. (a) Why are animals fed?

(b) List five equipment used in feeding animals.




  1. What type of feed is best for a growing calf? a) Hay b) Grains c) Supplements d) A balanced diet of hay and grains
  2. What is the primary cause of animal malnutrition? a) Lack of food b) Imbalanced diet c) Disease d) All of the above
  3. What is the purpose of a ration in animal feeding? a) To provide a balanced diet for the animal b) To increase weight gain c) To improve milk production d) All of the above
  4. Which nutrient is essential for the proper growth of animals? a) Protein b) Vitamins c) Minerals d) All of the above
  5. What is the best way to prevent malnutrition in animals? a) Feeding them a balanced diet b) Monitoring their health regularly c) Consulting a veterinarian d) All of the above
  6. What is the primary component of a ration for a lactating cow? a) Forages b) Grains c) Protein supplements d) All of the above
  7. What is the primary component of a ration for a growing pig? a) Forages b) Grains c) Protein supplements d) All of the above
  8. What is the primary component of a ration for a chicken? a) Forages b) Grains c) Protein supplements d) All of the above
  9. What is the primary component of a ration for a horse? a) Forages b) Grains c) Protein supplements d) All of the above
  10. What is the primary component of a ration for a sheep? a) Forages b) Grains c) Protein supplements d) All of the above