Nursery 1 Exams Social Habits



  1. Road manner, look left,  look  right  and  _____ (a)  look  left again   (b)  stand  again
  2. Cross the  road  ____(a)  slowly   (b)  fast
  3. Make sure  you  ____your  hand  after  using the  toilet  (a)  was   (b)  cream
  4. When you are  given  a gift, you  say  ____(a)  goodnight   (b)  thank you
  5. If your  daddy  buy a new  car  you say  ___(a)  congratulations  (b) thank  you
  6. We see  these  things  in the  market  ____(a)  stone  and sky  (b) yam  and rice
  7. If you  want  to move  and  someone  is on your  way, you  say  (a) excuse  (b)  push
  8. We have ___local  government  in Lagos  state  (a)  10  (b)  20
  9. You don’t  ____while  eating  (a)  talk

(b)  sit

  1. The family  consist  of  mother, father  and _____ (a) goat   (b) children


  1. It is very  good  to look  very well  before  crossing  the road  ____(a)  yes   (b) No
  2. It is good  to wash  our hand  before  and after  eating  (a) No  (b) yes
  3. We say  pardon  me when  we  do  something  wrong  (a) yes   (b) no
  4. Market is a place where  we buy  and  sell  (a) no   (b) yes
  5. We can  buy our  clothes  and  shoes  in the  market  (a) yes   (b) no


Say  the three  types  of  family

  1. ___________________________
  2. ____________________________
  3. ____________________________



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