


Class :Primary 6


Subject : English Grammar

Topic : Antonyms

Content :

What are antonyms?

Antonyms are words with their respective opposites.

Examples are
Good….. Bad
Nice…… Wicked
Up……… Down
Far……… Near
Dead…… Alive

Note that some words form their antonyms by add prefixes to their root words.

Examples of such words are

Merit…….. Demerit
Happy…… Unhappy
Legal……. Illegal
Normal…. Abnormal
Advantage……. Disadvantage

Some words form their antonyms by adding suffixes to their root words or changing their suffixes

Examples are

Careful… Careless
Hopeful… Hopeless
Helpful…. Helpless
Useful….. Useless
Merciful… Merciless

Write out the antonyms of these words

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