Verbal Reasoning Topic: Derivations (contd)
Class: Basic 4
Subject: Verbal Reasoning
Topic: Derivations (contd)
(1)Fa mous (fa,no, eno) widely known
(2)ner vous ( fa, ner, eno)
_(1) __________ erious(un, se ,myst)
(2)__________ ous(vic ,anger, danger) not safe
(3)_________ tagious (con, can, sin) can be transmitted.
(4)Prepara ____________(ous, tion, ty)
(5) rejec __________ (tion ,ous ) an act of refusing something
(6) joy _________ (ous, tion) to be happy
(7) informa__________ (tion, ous) details about something.
(8)educa (ous, tion) a process of teaching and learning process
(9)marvel __________ (tion, ous) extremely wonderful
(10)humor __________ (ous, tion) funny and amusing