Some foreign culture that affect Nigerian values and culture Social Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Class : Primary 6

Subject : Social Studies

Term : First Term

Week : Week 5

Topic :
Some foreign culture that affect our values and culture

Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught

Pre Marital Sexual Relationship 

in their previous lesson

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Cultural awareness
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Communication skills
  4. Research skills

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Visual aids (pictures, videos)
  3. Maps showing Nigeria’s location in Africa
  4. Handouts with information on foreign cultures

Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Define culture
  • Explain foreign culture
  • Say the ways foreign culture is affecting our culture
  • Suggest the possible solutions

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of foreign cultures and their impact on Nigerian values.
  2. Identify examples of foreign cultures that have influenced Nigerian society.
  3. Discuss the positive and negative effects of foreign cultures on Nigerian culture.
  4. Appreciate the need to preserve and protect Nigerian cultural values


Culture as Identity:

  • Culture refers to the unique way of life, beliefs, customs, and traditions of a particular group of people. It is essentially our identity, defining who we are as individuals and as a community.
  • Our culture represents a significant part of our identity and serves as a symbol of what we stand for. It reflects our values, heritage, and shared experiences.

Culture as Total Way of Life:

  • Culture encompasses every aspect of our lives, constituting our “total way of life.” This includes how we greet one another, our religious beliefs and practices, the festivals we celebrate, the languages we speak, and our daily interactions with fellow community members.
  • It is not limited to a single element but rather encompasses a broad spectrum of customs and traditions that shape our behaviors and interactions.

Culture is our identity. Our culture is who we are and what we stand for.

Culture is the total way of life. Culture is shown in our greetings, religion, festivals, language and daily interactions with each other

However there are some foreign culture that are affecting our own culture.

Examples of these foreign cultural influences are seen in the following

1. Mode of dressing

2. Food

3. Religious practices

4. Music

5. Language

6. The types of building we live in

7. Greetings

8. Jobs that we do

9. Marriage practices

10. Festivals


Suggested solutions to how we can preserve and maintain our culture 

1. We must speak our own indigenous language at home

2. We must prepare and eat our own native foods at home

3. Parents must pass on the The younger generation our good core values that distinguish us as good people living in a great nation such as hospitality, honesty, greetings, hard work etc

4. Our culture is our identity


1. Mention five foreign culture that affect our values and culture


  1. Start with a brief discussion about what foreign cultures are and why they are important to study.
  2. Use maps and visual aids to show Nigeria’s location in Africa and its historical connections with other cultures.
  3. Present examples of foreign cultures that have influenced Nigeria, such as British colonialism, Arabic influence, and globalization.
  4. Discuss the positive aspects of foreign influence, such as technological advancements, and the negative aspects, such as loss of traditional values.

Step 1: Introduction to Foreign Cultures

  • Define foreign cultures and their significance.
  • Discuss Nigeria’s position in Africa and its historical interactions with foreign cultures.

Step 2: Examples of Foreign Cultures in Nigeria

  • Present specific examples of foreign cultures that have left their mark on Nigerian society.
  • Include British colonialism, Arab influence, and global pop culture.

Step 3: Positive and Negative Effects

  • Facilitate a discussion on the positive and negative effects of foreign cultures.
  • Encourage critical thinking about the impact of foreign influence on Nigerian values and traditions.

Step 4: Preserving Nigerian Cultural Values

  • Emphasize the importance of preserving Nigerian cultural values in the face of foreign influence.
  • Discuss ways to protect and promote Nigerian heritage.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Provide explanations and facilitate discussions.
  • Use visual aids and examples to engage students.
  • Encourage critical thinking and class participation.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Analyze the impact of foreign cultures on Nigeria.
  • Reflect on the importance of preserving their cultural values.


  • Assess students’ understanding through class discussions and participation.
  • Assign a small research project where students explore a specific foreign culture’s influence on Nigeria.

Evaluation :

  1. Culture represents our _______ and what we stand for. a) food b) identity c) hobbies d) games
  2. Culture is expressed in our _______ with each other. a) daily interactions b) televisions c) computers d) books
  3. Foreign cultures can have an impact on our own _______. a) music b) sports c) education d) culture
  4. Our culture is reflected in our _______. a) clothing b) hairstyles c) jewelry d) vehicles
  5. Festivals are part of our _______. a) culture b) animals c) furniture d) transportation
  6. The way we greet each other is part of our _______. a) culture b) mathematics c) science d) geography
  7. Foreign _______ can influence our religious practices. a) sports b) languages c) books d) cultures
  8. Our culture can be seen in the _______ we celebrate. a) movies b) festivals c) televisions d) computers
  9. _______ can affect the types of buildings we live in. a) Education b) Culture c) Geography d) Sports
  10. Music is one of the areas where foreign _______ can be observed. a) cultures b) cars c) jobs d) foods
  11. The food we eat can be influenced by foreign _______. a) hobbies b) cultures c) games d) languages
  12. The jobs we choose may be impacted by foreign _______. a) festivals b) religions c) cultures d) greetings
  13. The language we speak can be influenced by foreign _______. a) cultures b) vehicles c) festivals d) foods
  14. Our culture is reflected in the _______ we choose. a) hobbies b) movies c) computers d) books
  15. Marriage practices can be shaped by foreign _______. a) foods b) cultures c) jobs d) vehicles

Conclusion: In this lesson, students learned about foreign cultures that have influenced Nigerian values and culture. They discussed the positive and negative effects of these influences and recognized the importance of preserving Nigerian cultural values

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