Getting Parents More Involved


Getting more Involved

_Love your parents…._

You see people don’t leave organisation but they leave people.

Humans are versatile and likewise is our relation with each others.

When parents are not well treated or respected, they tend to complain and complain the more.

When appropriate answers or solutions are not given to these complains, then they leave such organisations or institutions or schools.

So love your parents, motivate them, respect their views and get them involved in events of the school.

Send your parents birthday wishes, visit them when they are sick and if you are less busy, you may attend one or two of their social functions.

It makes the bond stronger

It is also a means of advertising your school most especially when you attend such social functions with the school bus of your school.

It’s may also lead to more pupils enrolment in your school there by increasing the number of pupils in your school

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