Resumption test
Resumption test
Resumption test
– Identifying topic sentences
– Identifying key ideas
– Identifying words/expressions that
redirect attention to main points in paragraphs and passages that reflect on issues
of national concern e.g. population explosion, youth unemployment.
1). The teacher select materials or text
that contain topic sentences and key ideas.
2). Guides the students to identify topic
sentences in given text/material.
3). Students identify topic sentences and
key ideas in materials/text used.
4). Students to practice identifying key
sentences/ideas in group.
Summary writing on selected
passage/materials. On contemporary issues such as
– the roles of consumer in the market e.g.
i). buying goods and services
ii). Providing teed back in goods and
1). The teacher provides and reaches
appropriate passage on selected topic.
2). Students to identify key topic
3). Guides students to identify key ideas
in the passage/materials read.
Adverbial clauses:-
1). Adverbial clause of purpose e.g. He
went to bed early so that he will not be late to school.
2). Identification of adverbials in given
passages on:-
i) Our culture
ii) Human Right
1). The teacher leads students to read
given passages.
.2). Guides them to identify adverbial
3). Make sample sentences with the
4). Students construct sentences using
adverbial clause of purpose.
Vowel – /a/ and /a:/
/a:/ = fart, cart, harm
/a/ = man, rag, batch.
1). The teacher to guide the students in
vowel sound articulation.
2). Guide the students to produce words
watch these sounds.
Types of poetry:-
Epic, lyric, ballads and dirge.
1). The teacher discusses different types
of poetry.
2). The teacher gives examples of types of
Students to write types of poetry and give
example of each.
Summary reading techniques:-
1). Identifying topic sentences key and
words and expression that signal attention to the main points from paragraphs
and passages that reflect issues of national concern e.g. hunger/poverty or
any relevant topic.
1). The teacher asks the students questions
to direct them to provisions lesson on this topic.
2). The students to identify the three
3). The teacher guides the students to draw
out the techniques from given passage/paragraph.
Summary writing on selected passages on
contemporary issues such as:-
i) Factors that influence buying decisions.
ii) Consumer decision making process
– impulse buying
-rational buying
1). The teacher recaps the previous lesson
on this topic.
2). The teacher leads the students to
discuss factors that influence buying decisions.
3). Teacher guides the students to explain
impulse and rational buying.
Adverbial clause:-
Forms of expressing conditions e.g. if,
unless, provided, as long as etc.
– introduces a possible situation and its
consequences e.g.
i). if you do well in your exams,
you will easily get into University.
1. The teacher leads students to identify
Adverbial clause of condition in given passages/text
2. Students to construct sentences using
Adverbial clause of condition.
3. Teaching/learning resources: sentences,
ships, charts, passages etc.
i. rising tone
– rises from low pitch slowly until it gets
to the highest level.
– For making request
– for asking yes or no questions.
– for making controversial statements.
1). The teacher guides the students to make
sentences with rising tonation
2). Provides passages with varied tonation
for students to identify rising tone.
3). Teaching/learning resources:- sentence,
strips, charts etc.
Language of poetry:- concise, unique, high.
1. The teacher leads the students to read a
selection of poems from the recommended poetry text/supplementary book.
2. The students discuss the meaning and
contents of the poem.
3. Teacher guides the students to identify
the language used.
4. Leads the students to write a poem.
5. Teaching and learning resources:-
recommended and supplementary text or poetry.
Reading to identify facts and opinions e.g.
“The merits of exclusive breastfeeding for infants” or any other topic of
1. Teacher to select and present an
appropriate passage
2. Teacher guides students to read selected
materials in group to identify facts and opinions in given passage.
3. Teacher guides additional
practice/exercises to students
4. Teaching/learning resources: selected
passages, selection from other subjects area etc.
Speeches or materials (live or recorded)
based on any of the following:
1). The family
a. nuclear
b. extended
2). Discipline in schools
3). Our environment
4). Examination malpractice etc.
1. The teacher reads or plays selected
materials identify and explain the main ideas in the materials listed to.
2. Teacer guides them to identify speaker’s
mood and intentions.
3. Teaching/learning resources:- recorded
speeches/materials etc.
– Present Perfect – an action that has been
completed e.g. They have heard the news of his death.
– Past perfect tense – action had been
concluded e.g. They had heard the news of his death.
1. The teacher present passages and
paragraphs containing the two tenses.
2. Teacer guides the students to identify
present and past perfect tenses in the passage/paragraph provided.
3. Teacer leads students to make sentences
with the present and past perfect tenses.
4. Teaching/learning resources:-
passages/paragraphs presented or supplementary readers, charts, or sentence
strips etc.
Intonation: falling tone
1. This representsthepitch that falls.
Its functions:-
– For making commands (imperative
statement) e.g. walk out of here!
– For making questions starting with
interrogative adverbs; WH questions e.g. How many are they? Who saw them? Why
are you here?
1. The teacher guides students to make
sentences with falling tone.
2. Provides passages/text for students to
identify falling tone.
3. Students to write sentences indicating
falling tone.
4. Teaching/learning resources:- charts,
sentences strips
i. Narrative
ii. Ballads
– Identify each of these poems
– Identify language used in each of them.
– Identify the theme of the poem.
1. The teacher discusses the two types of
poetry with the students.
2. The teacher presents samples of the
poems for discussion.
3. Students to identify each of the poems
4. Students to be grouped to write sample
of any of the two types of poems.
5. Teaching/learning resources:- sample
poems presented, recommended poetry book.
1. Identify key points/ideas in different
passages/paragraphs presented.
2. Write summary of passage/paragraph
1. The teacher presents selected
materials/passages to student.
2. Group students to identify key
points/ideas in a given passage or paragraph.
3. Students to identify words, expressions
or sentences that direct attention to the main points in the
4. Teaching/Learning Resources:- Course
book, other relevant materials e.t.c.
1. Speeches and materials (recorded or
live) based on selected topics e.g examination malpractice.
2. Identify possible interpretations based
on material presented
Teacher provides recorded or live materials for student use.
2. The students listen to provided material
and give interpretation.
3.The teacher guides the students to
summarise given material.
4. Teaching and learning resources recorded
speeches/materials, course book e.t.c.
Tenses:-Past Continuous Tenses:- refers to
a continuing action that happened in the pasty.
i. Sentences/paragraphs with the Past
Continuous Tense.
ii. Identify the given tense from passage
I was sewing the dress until
We were doing it.
1. The teacher provides paragraphs/
2. The students to underline the given
tenses from the paragraphs/sentences.
3. Teaching/Learning Resources:- Course book,
charts or sentence strip.
Intonation:- Rising Tone and Falling Tones
-Present sentences/ passages with rising
and falling tones.
-identify the tones in the given
1. The teacher provides paragraphs/
2. The students to identify the tones in
the given material.
3. Teaching/Learning Resources:- Charts,
sentence strip e.t.c.
1. Drama Text:-
– Kings of Drama:- Comedy and Tragedy.
– Features of Drama:- Theme, stage costumes
1. The teacher leads the students to state
kinds and features of Drama.
2. The students to identify and discuss
different types of drama.
3. Teaching and Learning Resources:-  Selected plays from recommended texts,
supplementary readers e.t.c.
Reading to answer questions:-
1.Reading and answering other types of
questions that require
-Conclusion to be drawn
-To make projections
-To elicit students opinion.
Teacher selected suitable contemporary passages.
2. The teacher drawn suitable comprehension
questions on selected passages to cover all levels of comprehensive e.g.
where, when, how, why, what e.t.c.
3. The students respond to teacher’s
questions on passages read.
4.Answer questions on all levels of
5.Teaching/Learning Resources:-
Selection  from other subject areas,
Newspaper/Magazine cutting, recommended text.
Writing a composition:-
1.Write a composition on the topic
-My favorite subject/teacher or any other
topic of your choice.
-Bear in mind the three elements of
composition writing.
-Using appropriate words and expression.
1.The teacher guides the students by using
a selected topic.
2.The students generate ideas and write on
the selected topic.
3.Students discuss the ideas in the
selected topics.
Tenses:- Present continuous tense:-
-Usually carry “ing”
-Used when action is happening.
1. Selected appropriate texts/passages with
the required tenses.
2. Identify the tense (Present Continuous)
in the given text or passages.
3.Make sentences using the present
continuous tense. 
1.The teacher present a passage or texts
with the present continuous tense
2. Leads the students to identify the
tenses in the passage/text.
3. The students to identify the tenses in
the passage/text.
4.Teaching/Learning Resources:-Sentence
Strips, passages/text from course book e.t.c.
Question Tags:- a very short clause at the
end of a statement which changes a statement into a question e.g.
T. Today is Monday, isn’t it?
S. Yes, it is.
1. The teacher engages the students in pair
activities with reference to questions and their tags.
2. Teacher initiates activities.
3. Students participates in activities.
4.Teaching/learning resources:- Charts and
sentences strip.
Drama text:- From recommended text book.
1. Message of the text.
2. Essential props/costumes
1. The teacher guides the students to read
the selected play.
2. Leads them to identify the message in
the play/discuss the story line.
3. Lead them to identify props/costumes.
4. Act the play.
5. Teaching/learning Resources:- Selected
play, props/costumes required e.t.c.
Reading for meanings of words in various
context through
-Clues provided by surrounding words
-Alternative words that can fit into the
context using presented passage/material
1. Teachers guide students to think of
alternative words in place of target words.
2. Teacer guides students to use previous
experience to identify the meaning of target words.
3. The students to use previous experiences
to figure out the meaning of words.
4. The students to give alternative
words/phrases to target words.
5. Teaching/learning Resources:- Various
passages/materials. Course books.
Written composition:- “My Future career” Or
any topic chosen include:-
– Introduction
– Main body
– Conclusion
1. The teacher guides the students on the
given/individual topics
2. The students plan their composition.
3. Students to write out the given composition.
Conditional statements:- Contrasting
conditional statement using
even though
at least E.g. I may go to school, even though I might
be late.
From a given passage/paragraphs identify
conditional statement.
1. The teacher guides the students by
giving them sample sentences.
2. Teachers present a passage or paragraph
for students to identify the conditional statements.
3. Lead students to make conditional
4. Teaching/learning Resources:-Passages
course book, sentence strips e.t.c.
Question tags:- e.g. :-
Joy : Grace is dutiful, isn’t she?
Fati: Yes, she is.
Isah: Ibrahim is a Christian isn’t he?
John: No, he isn’t
Use appropriate stress and intonation in
questions and their tags
1. Engage students in pairs and guides them
to make their own questions and sentences using appropriate intonation.
2. Teacer guides them to produce questions
3. Teacer leads them to give appropriate
4. Teaching/Learning resources:-Recorded
materials, supplementary reader e.t.c.
Prose:- Reading of literature text.
1. Identify type of prose.
2. Discuss features of the prose e.g. plot,
characterization, style, setting, language, and theme.
1. The teacher presents the text.
2. Engage the students in the discussion of
the features of the prose.
3. Students to identify the type of prose.
4. Teaching/learning Resource:-  Course book.
Reading to acquire new words.
– Present a passage/text that has specific
register of words on:-
1. The teacher presents passages/materials
on chosen topic.
2. Teacer guides the students to read and
identify specific register of words.
3. Students to read and identify register
of words in a given passage.
4. Teaching /learning Resources:-
passages/text or any relevant materials.
Organizing main ideas correctly into
paragraphs:- From a given text or passage or relevant material.
1. Identify the different ideas presented.
2. Organise each of the ideas identified
into paragraphs
1. The material/text to be used to be
presented by the teacher.
2. Discuss the text/material with students.
3. Students to identify the main ideas and
organize them into paragraphs.
4. Teaching learning resources:-
Text/passage, Newspaper cutting e.t.c.
Qualifiers:- Adjectives:-
1.Identification of adjectives in a given
2. Functions of adjectives.
3. Making sentences with Adjectives.
1. Teacher gets students to read passages.
2. Leads them to identify and state
functions of Adjectives used in the passage.
3. students to identify  and make sentences with Adjectives
Vowel sounds (Diphthongs) /au/ – know, go,
Sentences, Paragraphs, passages, poems and
plays should form the content for highlighting the sounds indicated.
1. The teacher produces materials
highlighting the pronunciation of target sound.
2. Emphasizes the correct articulacy
movements in the pronunciation. 
3. Students listen to the teachers and
practice the articulation of the sounds in context.
4.Teaching/learning resources:- flash
cards, recorded material e.t.c.
Drama Text:- Short play
– Identify the essential language features
of the play.
– Identify the major character(s).
– Act out the play
1. The teacher guides the students to read
selected play.
2. Teacher selects students to act out the
play and read aloud.
3. Listens to their diction.
4. Students to identify language and major
characters of the play.
5. Teaching /learning resources:- a short
-Read selected passage to identify facts
and opinion.
-Identify authors techniques
-Teacher explains what facts and opinions
are in given passages.
-Students practice critical evaluation
through extensive discussion in groups.
-Learning resources: selected passages.
Write on any of the following topics:-
-Why I chose to become a doctor.
-Why I chose to become a teacher.
-Make out an outline for introduction, body,
and conclusion.
-Write out essay.
-Teacher guides students to make an outline
on choosing topic.
-Students identify type of essay.
-Students write out essay
Turning sentences into questions e.g.
-The boys went away = Did the boys go away?
-They have done the work = Have they done
the work?
Note the tense of the verbs in the
-Teacher guides students to ask questions
-Students identify the tenses of the verbs
in the questions
-Learning resources: charts, flash cards.
Oral comprehension: listen to speech or
recorded material on a selected topic.
-Students identify and explain main ideas
from material listed to.
-Teacher leads students to identify
possible interpretations of material they have listened tp.
_Learning resources: recorded
-Definition of irony: using words to
suggest the opposite of their literal meaning in a humorous way. e.g. when a
fat woman is described as a very thin woman, that is an irony.
-Identify irony in literature text.
-Construction of correct sentences with
-Teacher explains the meaning of irony and
gives examples.
-Teacher guides students to identify irony
in literature text.
– Students make correct sentences with
Reading to acquire new words:- Selected
passage on any chosen topic that has register or words e.g. Engineering,
Lawyers e.t.c.
1. Read and identify register of the given
2. Explain meaning of the words.
3. Make sentences with the words.
1. The teacher presents the selected
2. Guides the students to read and identify
the words.
3. Students to make sentences using the
words identified.
4. Teaching/learning Resources:- Selected
Write an essay on the topic “my school”
-Identify the topic of the essay
-Write outline of the essay.
1. Teacher guides the students to write an
2. Students to write out the essay.
Modifiers (Adverbs) e.g. easily, simply.
Passage/paragraphs, text and other reading
-Identify adverbs
-Functions of Adverbs
-Make sentences with adverbs.
1. Teacher states the relevant article.
2. Leads students to identify and state
functions of adverbs used in the passage.
3. Students are to make sentences with adverbs
Vowels sounds (Diphthongs): two sounds that
have been joined together when pronounced. /ia/ = as in rear, idea, here,
-Teacher guides students to produce sounds
in context and in isolation.
2. Students give other words that have the
sound /ia/.
3.Teaching/learning resources: recorded
materials, flash cards, sentences strips
Figure of speech: Hyperbole:- deliberate
and obvious exaggeration e.g. I can drink 10 gallons of water a day.
-Identification of hyperbole in literature
-construction of correct sentences with
1. The teacher explains the meaning of
2. Teacer
leads students to identify hyperbole in text.
3. Teacer guides students to construct
sentences with hyperbole.
4. Students ask and answer questions.
5. Teaching/learning resources: passage,
poem, sentences strip, e.t.c.
-Reading to obtain main substance in
selected text.
-Time reading and measure reader’s ability
to comprehend while reading at first pace.
-Teacher organizes within- class
competition e.g. boys and girls.
-Teacher gives questions to be answered
before the reading.
-Students read to obtain answer to
-Learning resources: Newspapers, reproduced
-List Requirement for writing a formal
letter and an informal letter. e.g.
-Formal letter requires two addresses e.t.c
-Write outline for introduction, body and
conclusion of a letter to a friend.
-Teacher guides students to review
requirements for letter writing, formal and informal.
-Students write outline of a letter to a
i. Direct statements e.g. commands and
-I am no longer a child he said.
-“Can I have an orange please” Toyin
ii. Indirect statement e.g.
-He said that he was no longer a child.
Toyin asked if she could have an orange.
-Teacher gives exercises to do orally and
in writing.
-Students turn direct speech to indirect
speech sentences both orally and in writing.
-Contrast the following sounds: /f/ and
/p/; /r/ and /l/; /ch/ and /s/.
-Produce sounds in words and in context.
-Use sounds in sentences and identify
correct sound used.
-Teacher guides students to produce sounds
in words and context.
-Students identify correct sound used in
-Student makes sentences using sounds.
-Characterization and summary of the
literature texts
-Teacher guides students to discuss:
characters and to summarize literature texts.
-Students engage in discussion.
-Learning resources- literature texts