Jss 2 Home Economics Past Question first term second term third term. Revision Questions

   JSS 2 1. Conflict resolution methods include all of these except (a) dialogue (b) mediation (c) family changes (d) listening



2. Conflict can be stressful and damaging to ………….. (a) Parent (b) friends(c) brothers (d) relationship



3. Conflict in a family is a situation where family members are ………… (a) feeding themselves (b) involved in sharing of food (c) involve in a serious disagreement (d) having a party


4. Which of the following best explain family values (a) family values are social living (b) family values depend upon each other for many things (c) family values are those things that family have or do because they are useful or popular (d) each family has family values


5. Which of the following is not a factor influencing family values and family lifestyles (a) income (b) peace (c) size of the family (d) likes and dislikes


6. Which of these best explains lifestyles (a) life style is the importance a family places on things (b) Life style is the proper planning and management of family resources (c) life style is the way in which a family lives and works (d) life style is the way of life of the wealthy people


7. Which of the following is not one of the rights of the child (a) Every child shall be held in slavery (b) Every child is born free and equal in dignity and right (c) No child shall be subjected to torture or to cruel treatment (d) All children have the right to security



8. Human right violation includes all these except (a) holding someone in slavery (b) subjecting someone to arbitrary  arrest, detention or exile (c) tempering with someone’s right to freedom of opinion (d) the right of equal access to public service


9.Which of the following is not a type of food nutrient (a) Carbohydrate (b) Protein (c) Legumes (d) fat and oil


10. Nutrients are …………. (a) Chemical materials in foods (b) liquid substance (c) protective foods (d) edible substances


11. Protein is ……………. (a) body-building food (b) essential food (c) incomplete foods (d) complete foods


13. Which of the following is not affected by family crisis (a) family relationship (b) family cycle (c) family goals (d) family values


14. The following are types of family crisis except …………. (a) good education (b) cultism (c) bereavement (d) accident


15. The following are the nutrients in the food we eat except (a) balanced diet (b) vitamin (c) protein (d) fats and oil


16. For the welfare of the family, conflicts are best (a) overlooked (b) resolved (c) buried (d) ignored


17. The struggle between two or more people who disagree is called (a) conflict (b) crisis (c) problem (d) challenge


18. Conflict in families can arise from any of the following (a) situations, personality, unity (b) situations, personality, power struggles (c) personality situations, affection (d) personality, power struggles, love


19. A situation that marks a turning-point, when things cease to go on as usual in a family is called (a) crisis (b) conflict (c) debate (d) right


20. Surplus carbohydrates in the body is stored as (a) starch (b) acid (c) fat (d) glucose


21. Which of the following is a deficiency disease (a) malaria (b) fever (c) AIDS (d) Kwashiorkor


22. …………… is important for body tissues and fluids (a) fats (b) maize (c) Water (d) bread


23. …………… are for protecting the body from diseases (a) starch (b) vitamins (c) carbohydrate (d) oils


24. Which of the following is a body builder (a) Yam (b) fat (c) beans (d) oil


25. Cooking food in hot oil is (a) boiling (b) frying (c) stewing (d) oiling





1.       (a)Briefly explain “family crisis” (b) State three causes of conflicts in the family (b) List five fundamental human rights in Nigeria


2.    (a) State any three uses of food in the body               (b) List three sources each of the following (i) carbohydrates (ii) fats and oils (iii) proteins (iv) vitamins               (c) List five deficiency diseases


3.      (a) list three methods of food preservation (b) List three methods of food storage (c) List three methods of cooking foods