English 3rd term basic six

Read the passages below carefully answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate of the option letter A to E  
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Akin. Akin had a bad habit of dipping his finger into the soup pot’s, whether it was his mother’s or any soup pot in the neighbourhood often the soup would go sour and their owners would be wondering what went wrong. Akin continued with the habit until he was caught read-handed one sunny afternoon, with meat stuck in his throat in a neighbour’s kitchen. When the owner of the kitchen came in and saw Akin trying hard to spit out the meat, she started shouting, thief, thief!! thief!!! People gathered and some tried to get the meat out but could not. Surprisingly when the woman tried out came the meat. Akin was beaten and made to dance around the village square with empty milk cans and leaves hung around his neck. By evening that day, he was on his kneels crying and begging for forgiveness. He was forgiven and he promised to stop stealing. Not long after, Akin began to preach against all forms of bad habits to his friends.
1.)   From your understanding of the passage what is a bad habit? A bad habit is doing ___ (a)  What makes you happy       (b) What is good                   (c) What is not good (d)  What people like                  (e) What you like  
2.)   According to the passage, what kind of bad habit did Akin have? (a)  Dipping his fingers into soup pots                                    (b) Eating only meat (c) Fighting children around     (d) Licking soup from the pot  (e) Refusing to eat food
  3.)   How was Akin caught. He was caught ________ (a)  Chewing meat           (b) Cooking food in a neighbor kitchen (c) Dancing around the village square  (d) With a pot in his hand
  4.)   What punishment did the people give to him ______  (a) They made him cry with soup on his fingers, mouth and chin (b) They made him dance round the village square with a big tyre around his neck  (c) They made him dance round the village square with empty milk cans and leaves hung around his neck  (d) They made him run round the village square  (e) They made him to sing and preach to them
  5.)   According to the passage, what did Akin do to show that he was truly sorry? He began to____________ (a) Dance round the village  (b) Be dishonest (c) Steal again (d)  Preach against all forms of bad habits  (e) Cry and beg for forgiveness  
Section B:
Lexis Choose from the options lettered A – E the one that is nearest in meaning to the word that is underlined  
6.)   The hunter retired to his abode at the end of the day (a) camp (b) cubicle (c) family (d) home (e) village    
  7.)   The man was sluggish (a) fast     (b) hasty    (c) quick    (d) slow    (e) smart
8.)   The girl asked for a slice of bread (a) loaf     (b) peace  (c) piece  (d) quantity  (e) roll
9.)   This class is unclean, we cannot have our lesson here (a)  clean (b) dark (c) dirty (d) noisy (e) stuffy  
10.) I borrowed this rules from her. (a) Lent (b) loaned (c) received (d) snatched (e) stole  
Part C:
Write out the antonyms of the underlined words
11.) Mary was glad that she arrived home safely (a)  angry (b) delighted (c) furious (d) happy (e) sad  
12.) We went into the hall through the exit (a) door    (b) entrance    (c) entry     (d) inside    (e) sideway  
13.) The former principal was strict with students (a) friendly    (b) fierce   (c) unhappy   (d) lenient   (e) wicked to  
14.) Biodun is lazy while her brother is ________ (a)  capable (b) clever (c) dull (d) hardworking (e) serious  
15.) The baby has a smooth skin (a) cool   (b) dry   (c) soft   (d) shiny   (e) wrinkled  
Section D:
Complete each of the following statement with the most appropriate of the option lettered A to E
  16.) Neither the Headmaster ____ the teacher is present in school (a)  and      (b) but            (c) nor            (d) or              (e) with  
17.) The patient was advised to _____ a qualified doctor (a)  approach     (b) consult    (c) contact   (d) inform    (e) check  
18.) This is my brother’s book _____ I brought from home (a)  who     (b) what         (c) which       (d) whom       (e) whose  
19.) The principal was angry with the teacher ____ injured the little girl. (a)  That    (b) which       (c) whom       (d) who          (e) why  
20.) _____ class are you?    (a) What        (b) which       (c) when    (d) why   (e) who  
21.) I will not attend the part ____ I am formally invited (a)  if         (b) unless       (c) until          (d) when        (e) where
  22.) Daily exercise is good for ______ fitness (a)  academic    (b) emotional   (c) mental   (d) physical   (e) spiritual  
23.) I was one of the _____ who watched the football match (a)  mob     (b) audience    (c) congregation   (d) crowd    (e) spectators  
24.) The tree I _____ is already growing well (a)  has planted     (b) have plant     (c) plant    (d) planted    (e) planting
  25.) I ______ the meal last night (a)  am enjoying   (b) could enjoy    (c) enjoy     (d) enjoyed     (e) should enjoy  
26.) If she continues to spend like this, by mid-month, all her money would _____ spent (a) had been    (b) has been   (c) has being   (d) have been   (e) have being    
 27.) The sun ___ in the west  (a) is setting (b) set (c) will set (d) will be set (e) will bee set  
28.) Every Saturday I __________________ biscuit         (a) am baking     (b) bake    (c) baked     (d) will bake    (e) would be baking  
29.) James is ____________________ to succeed (a) determine   (b) determined   (c) determining   (d) determines  (e) to determined  
Direct Speech                                                     Indirect Speech
1.)   Edet said “I can jump”                                      _________________________________
2.)   The farmers said “this harvest is good”         _________________________________
3.)    _______________________________        The woman said that she was the new chef
4.)   _______________________________        the teacher said that Africa is a continent
5.)   _______________________________        Anna said that they had drunk tea  
Put the sentences right
6.)   Daddy have just go out _____________________________________________________________________  
7.)   Have you sweep the floor _____________________________________________________________________  
8.)   I want you to borrow me your pencil _____________________________________________________________________  
9.)   James is very brilliant. He do his homework by himself _____________________________________________________________________   10.)          Everyday I follow school bus to school _____________________________________________________________________  

Active Voice                                     Passive Voice
11.) He does the work                      __________________________________________
12.) He did the work                        __________________________________________
13.) He is doing the work                __________________________________________
14.) He has done the work              ___________________________________________
15.) He can do the work                  ___________________________________________  
Write a composition that is not less than one hundred and twenty words on “The Evils of Alcohol  
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