Subject: Physical and Health Education Class: Primary 5 Term: Ongoing Week: 4 Topic: Introduction to Judo Sub-topic: Rules, Skills, and Demonstration of Judo Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will understand the basic rules of Judo. Students will recognize key skills involved in Judo. Students will observe and participate in a Judo demonstration. Key Vocabulary
Subject: Physical and Health Education Class: Primary 5 Term: Third Term Week: 3 Topic: Exploring the History and Importance of Judo in Nigeria Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will understand the origin and development of Judo in Nigeria. Students will recognize the importance of Judo in developing mental alertness and physical fitness. Students will
Subject : PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Topic : Characteristics of nutrition deficient Person Consequence of family Size on Nutrition Sub-topic: Exploring characteristics of nutrition deficiency and consequences of large family size on nutrition Duration: 45 minutes Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Begin by asking students if they know what it means to be healthy and
Subject: Physical and Health Education Class: Primary 5 Term: Third Term Week: 1 Topic: Understanding Nutrients and Nutritional Deficiency Diseases Sub-topic: Exploring the sources of nutrients and common nutritional deficiency diseases Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will be able to identify different types of nutrients and their sources. Students will understand the importance of