First Term

Letter Work. First Term Examinations Nursery Two

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: LETTER WORK TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL___________________ _________________ DATE __________     Fill in the gap with the correct options 1. a n ____ (a, m, t) 2. b ____ g (a, g, u) 3. ____ a t (e, p, c) 4. d o ___

First Term Examinations pry 4 English Grammar

First Term Examination   EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ The Fisherman’s castle It was a huge stone castle with dark green ivy growing up the walls. There was a grand staircase and a hundred rooms. All the rooms had beautiful furniture’s. The chairs

First Term Examinations Verbal Reasoning Grade 4

First Term EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ Underline the word that would come first if these words were arranged alphabetically. 1) Cleave dank blend mould kit 2) Cute seem red brave danger 3) Minister speaker senator president judge 4) Silk seek same scent

Grade 4 Vocation First Term

EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ Underline the correct answers 1) Which of these is not a vocation? (a) farming (b) trading (c) Apprentice 2) Vocational training teaches the ………………….. for doing a particular job. (a) skills (b) profession (c) occupation 3) The vocational name

Grade 4 Agric First Term Exams

CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ 1. ………………… are cultivated plants grown by farmers and used as food. (a) crops (b) leaves (c) stem. 2. ………………. Biennial crop and perennial crop are classes of crops we have. (a) cotyledon (b) stem (c)

Civic Education Primary 4 First Term Exams

CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ OBJECTIVES 1. _______ means the division of government into executive, Legislative and judiciary at the Local, State and Federal government. (a) Arms of government (b) efficiency of government (c) executive of government. 2. Arms of government


CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: COMPUTER                                                                      TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE   4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________              Objectives A computer game is ………………… (a) an electronic game  (b) played on the computer ( c) played on the electronic keyboard Which of the following is a computer game? ……………… (a) Test drive (b)


CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS                                                                    TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE   4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________   Objective Write one hundred and seventeen thousand and fifty-nine in figure. (a) 117 059 (b) 107 509 (c) 117 509 Write 17 000 000 000 in words. (a) seventeen million (b) seventeen billion (c) seventeen thousand.

Bible Knowledge Grade 2 First Term

  CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 2 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ 1. ____________ is the willingness to obey (a) Obedience (b) Tribe of used (c) Man 2. “Children obey your parents in the lord” This can be found in the book of ________ (a) Psalm

Computer Studies First Term Grade 2

CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: COMPUTER TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE 2 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ 1. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________ refers to the people who develop or use the computer system (a) hardware (b) userware (c) software 2. __________ is the physical components that a computer system requires to function (a) hardware (b) software (c)