FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK EIGHT TOPIC: CRUCIFIXION AND BURIAL OF JESUS (MATT 27. 32-56) CONTENT i) The Burial of Jesus Matt 27:57-61 ii) The Words of Jesus on the cross iii) Significance of Christ death and the lessons to learn. After Jesus had been condemned
FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK SEVEN TOPIC: THE TRIALS OF CHRIST CONTENT · Christ before the High Priest Matt. 26:36-75, Mk 14:53-72,LK. 22 · Christ before Pilate and the Roman Authorities Matt 27:11-13, MK 23:1-25, LK. 23:1-5 · Christ before Herod Lk.23:6-12 The Trials of Christ (Matt 26:57-68) There were basically
FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK FIVE AND SIX TOPIC: MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES CONTENT · Mission of the twelve – Matt. 10:1-15, Matt. 10:1-15, Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:1-16 · Mission of the seventy – Luke 10:1-24 · Lessons to Learn from the two missions and the significance. Mission of the
FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK FOUR TOPIC: The Demands of Discipleship CONTENT · What discipleship entails. · Lessons to Learn from demands of discipleship and call to discipleship. What discipleship entails In anything one wants to do, there must be some difficulties. In most cases, one has to sacrifice
WEEK THREE TOPIC: DISCIPLESHIP CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP Matthew 4: 18 – 25, 9: 9 – 13, Mark 1: 16 – 20, 2: 13 – 17; Luke 5: 1 – 11, 27 – 32 Matthew and Mark’s account In Matthew’s account of the call of the first disciples, it was done by Jesus himself. Jesus
WEEK TWO TOPIC: COMPARATIVE ACCOUNT OF THE TEMPTATION IN THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS. Mat 4: 1-11, Mark 1: 12-13. Luke 4: 1-13 CONTENT The temptation accounts The significance of the temptation Jesus Christ fasted for forty days and forty nights and was tempted in the wilderness by the devil. According to Mathew and Luke the
WEEK ONE TOPIC: COMPARATIVE ACCOUNT OF THE BAPTISM IN THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS. MAT. 3: 13 – 17, MARK 1: 9 – 11, Luke, 3: 21 –22 CONTENT Meaning of the synoptic gospels The baptism of Jesus Christ Significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ SYNOPTIC GOSPELS Synoptic Gospels are the first three gospels, which have
WEEK 10 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS 2 DATE: ……………………………… TOPIC: EXAMPLE OF ELI, SAMUEL AND ASA (THEME 4: PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) CONTENT: The irresponsible behaviour of Eli’s sons and Samuel 1 Samuel 2: 12-25; 8: 1-9. God’s pronouncement of judgment on Eli and his sons, 1 Samuel 2; 27-36; 3: 1-18. The fulfillment of
WEEK 9 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS2 DATE: …. TOPIC: PROTECTION CONTENT: God’s protection over the Israelites. Exodus 14: 10-31. God’s protection over an individual. Daniel 6: 16-23. God’s protection available for all people at all times. Psalm 91. Sub-Topic 1: GOD PROTECTION OVER THE ISRAELITES. Exo. 14: 10-31. The Israelites were protected
WEEK 8 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS2 DATE: ……………………………… TOPIC: PROVISION CONTENT: PROVISION: God provided for his people (food, water, light for night journey and shade for sunny days journey). God provided sustenance for Elijah and Zarephath widow during draught. God requires our obedience to affect his provision. Abraham genesis 22: 1-13; Elijah 1
WEEK 6 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS2 DATE: ……………………………… TOPIC: GUIDANCE (GOD’S CARE FOR HIS PEOPLE) THEME 3 CONTENT: Guidance: (a) God guided his people-the Israelites. (b) God guides his people through the teachings of Jesus CHRIST in the bible. Sub-Topic: 1. GUIDANCE:(A) GOD GUIDED HIS PEOPLE- THE ISRAELITES. EXODUS 13: 17-22;
WEEK 5 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS2 DATE: ……………………………… TOPIC: JOSHUA AS LEADER CONTENT: 1. Joshua is chosen and equipped to lead Israel. (b) Deborah leads the people to victory. Sub-Topic: 1. JOSHUA IS CHOSEN AND EQUIPPED TO LEAD ISRAEL. Num. 13:16 – 14:10; Num. 27:15-23; Josh. 1:1-9 Joshua the son of Nun
WEEK 4 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS 2 TOPIC: MOSES AS LEADER CONTENT: The early life and call of Moses God equips and sends Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt Moses led his people out of Egypt Sub-Topic: 1. THE EARLY LIFE AND CALL OF MOSES: EXODUS CHAPTERS 1-3. A new Pharaoh
WEEK 3 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS2 TOPIC: JOSEPH AS A LEADER CONTENT: Joseph’s. early life and arrival in Egypt. Joseph the governor of Egypt. Joseph reconciles with his brothers. Sub-Topic: 1. JOSEPH’S EARLY LIFE AND ARRIVAL IN EGYPT: GENESIS 37: 1-28 Joseph’s father was Jacob and his mother was Rachael living in
Subject: Christian Religious Studies CRS [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 2 Class: SS 2 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Say who is