First Term Exams Information Technology SS1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 13
Week 13 Examination: Information Technology (SS1, First Term)
Exam Instructions
For Teachers:
- Supervise the students vigilantly. Make sure that all students sit in their assigned seats.
- Collect all electronic devices and materials not allowed in the exam hall.
- Remind students to remain silent during the exam and raise their hands if they need assistance.
- Ensure the students understand that any form of malpractice will lead to disciplinary action.
- Monitor all students closely to maintain an atmosphere of honesty and integrity.
For Students:
- Keep only your writing materials on your desk.
- No talking or communicating with others. Raise your hand if you have questions.
- Do not look at anyone else’s paper or share your answers.
- Read each question carefully before answering.
- Remember that cheating of any form is strictly forbidden and can lead to severe penalties.
Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)
- The main function of a monitor is to:
a) Enter data
b) Store files
c) Show information
d) Process data - Python is a type of:
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Peripheral
d) Device - Charles Babbage is known as the:
a) First programmer
b) Father of the computer
c) Creator of Python
d) First coder - An input device is used to:
a) Display results
b) Enter information
c) Store data
d) Print documents - The system unit contains:
a) Monitor
b) Keyboard
c) CPU
d) Mouse - System software includes:
a) Applications
b) Operating systems
c) Keyboards
d) Mice - GUI stands for:
a) General User Interface
b) Graphic User Interface
c) Google User Interface
d) General Utility Interface - CLI allows users to:
a) Click icons
b) Type commands
c) Use touch screens
d) View graphics - An example of output device is:
a) Mouse
b) Keyboard
c) Printer
d) Hard disk - Functions in Python are created with the word:
a) define
b) function
c) def
d) start - Storage devices help us to:
a) Enter data
b) Process data
c) Save files
d) Print documents - System software is also called:
a) Input device
b) Application
c) Operating system
d) Peripheral - Application software is designed to:
a) Operate the system
b) Perform specific tasks
c) Enter data
d) Store data - Python is mainly used for:
a) Editing videos
b) Programming
c) Managing files
d) Creating images - The abacus was used for:
a) Computing
b) Programming
c) Communication
d) Drawing - The keyboard is an example of:
a) Storage device
b) Output device
c) Input device
d) System unit - Charles Babbage designed the:
a) Mouse
b) Abacus
c) Analytical Engine
d) GUI - Mouse is used to:
a) Save files
b) Move the pointer
c) Type text
d) Display images - True or False: The CPU is found in the system unit.
a) True
b) False - The ‘print’ function in Python:
a) Saves data
b) Outputs data
c) Moves data
d) Deletes data - Storage devices include:
a) Monitor
b) Printer
c) Hard drive
d) Mouse - CLI is a type of:
a) Application
b) Graphic tool
c) User interface
d) Hardware - Output devices are used to:
a) Store files
b) Display data
c) Enter information
d) Process data - Python interpreter is used to:
a) Type text
b) Print files
c) Run Python code
d) Play music - Impact printers use:
a) Ink
b) Laser
c) Hammering
d) Heat - GUI operating systems use:
a) Images and icons
b) Command lines
c) Sounds
d) Keyboards - Application software helps in:
a) Managing hardware
b) Completing tasks
c) Entering commands
d) Running the system - True or False: The mouse is an input device.
a) True
b) False - The CPU processes:
a) Text only
b) Commands only
c) Data
d) Pictures only - Python functions are defined with:
a) the word “function”
b) the word “def”
c) the word “create”
d) the word “make”
Part B: Theory Questions
- Define computer system.
- What does CPU stand for?
- Name two input devices.
- Give an example of an output device.
- What is the purpose of storage devices?
- Who is the father of computers?
- Describe the function of an operating system.
- What does GUI mean?
- Explain the difference between CLI and GUI.
- Define Python.
- What does the ‘input’ command do in Python?
- Name one function of application software.
- Give an example of system software.
- What is the purpose of a printer?
- What does storage device mean?
- Name two types of software.
- Define hardware.
- Explain the use of Python in programming.
- What is the role of the monitor?
- Give one example of a storage device.
- What is abacus used for?
- Define system unit.
- Give one example of an operating system.
- Describe Command Line Interface (CLI).
- Explain Python function.
- Define application software.
- What is output device?
- Describe impact printers.
- What is the main role of CPU?
- Name one example of a GUI operating system.
Part C: True or False Questions
- The mouse is an input device. (True/False)
- CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. (True/False)
- The monitor is used to enter information. (True/False)
- Python is a hardware device. (True/False)
- The system unit houses the CPU. (True/False)
- Operating system is a type of application software. (True/False)
- CLI stands for Command Line Interface. (True/False)
- Storage devices save files and data. (True/False)
- A printer is an input device. (True/False)
- The abacus was used for calculations. (True/False)
- Python is used for programming. (True/False)
- Charles Babbage created the first mouse. (True/False)
- System software includes operating systems. (True/False)
- Output devices show information. (True/False)
- Keyboard is an output device. (True/False)
- Monitor is a type of output device. (True/False)
- Application software helps with specific tasks. (True/False)
- The CPU is inside the system unit. (True/False)
- Hard drives are used to save data. (True/False)
- Python interpreter is for running Python code. (True/False)
- CLI uses images and icons. (True/False)
- GUI stands for Graphic User Interface. (True/False)
- Printers show pictures on screen. (True/False)
- System unit includes storage. (True/False)
- Python was made by Charles Babbage. (True/False)
- Application software manages hardware. (True/False)
- Operating system is part of system software. (True/False)
- Storage device includes CD and USB. (True/False)
- Mouse is an output device. (True/False)
- System software includes Windows. (True/False)
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions
- System unit contains the ___.
- A monitor is an ___ device.
- Python is used for ___.
- Charles Babbage is called the ___ of computers.
- Keyboard is an example of ___ device.
- Output devices show ___ on the screen.
- The CPU is located in the ___.
- GUI stands for ___.
- Python functions start with the word ___.
- The printer is an example of an ___ device.
- System software includes ___.
- A mouse helps to ___ the pointer.
- The abacus was an ancient ___ device.
- Storage devices hold ___.
- Application software performs ___ tasks.
- Command Line Interface uses ___.
- Operating systems are types of ___ software.
- Python is known as a ___ language.
- A mouse is an ___ device.
- Output devices include the printer and ___.
- CLI stands for ___.
- Functions in Python help in organizing ___.
- Operating systems control ___ resources.
- Charles Babbage invented the ___.
- Storage devices are used to ___ data.
- A hard drive is a type of ___.
- Printers can be classified as ___ or non-impact.
- The ‘print’ function in Python is used to ___ data.
- System software is also called ___ software.
- **True or False: The mouse is an input device
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About The Author
Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.