Week 1
Topic: Review of two and three lettered words .read and write capital letters
Objectives :At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce , write two and three lettered words , andwrite the letters of the alphabet in capital.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: Materials used in the previous introduction of two and three lettered words
Activities: Teacher should take the pupils through spelling process for two and three lettered words using large movable alphabets .
Evaluation : Ask relevant questions eg. Write 5 examples each for two and three lettered words
Week 2
Topic: Review the phonogram “th”
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce words that have “th” phonogram such as that, these etc.
Lesson: 4 Lessons
Materials: synthetic phonic cubes, large movable alphabet, flash cards.
Activities: The teacher further treats phonograms “th” and gives more examples
Week 3& 4
Topic: Introduce longer phonetic words with large movable alphabet blue picture cards
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce longer phonetic words like basket, crump.
Lesson : 8 Lessons
Materials: blue picture cards , large movable alphabet
Activities: The teacher should produce a word list, dictate the word, fill in missing letters , match words with words and letters and also build new longer phonetic words
Evaluation: Evaluation should be done according to the activities
Week 5 & 6
Page 5 Topic: Introduce phonograms “oo”
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce word that has the phonogram “oo” eg. Hook.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Materials: phonogram cards in this category.
Activities: The teacher should build words that have the phonogram “oo” and guide the pupils to pronounce the words . Pupils should also be taken through dictation and oral off hand spelling of some of these words-hook, book, food, zoo, cool, fool, brook, tool, wool etc.
Evaluation: The teacher should consider the activities carried out closely during the evaluation. NB : The teacher should prepare a simple comprehension passage that will help the child to commit these words to his or her memory….the old fool sat by the cool pool in the hot noon. He dip his foot into the cool pool . He looks into the book of zoo with him.
Week 7 & 8
Topic: Introduce the Queen Primer 2
NB: Right from now, comprehension passages from the Queen Primer and other supplementary readings textbooks selected by the school should be used with questions and answers coming from them.
Lesson: 8 Lessons
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to able to read better and with fluency
Materials : pupils textbooks and and audio visuals
Activities: The teacher reads the comprehension psssage severally while the pupils listen. The pupils are also directed to read in turns while the teacher listens and f urther corrects their errors.
Evaluation: Evaluation is done with the questions emanating from the comprehension passage.
Week 9 & 10
Topic: Phonograms “ee” and “ ine”
NB: Build words such as weed, seed, see , meek, need, bleed. Dictate, fill in, match etc. Form into comprehension passage as in week 5 & 6 . And questions orally and in written form.
Though, the children learn some of the letters of the alphabet in their immediate environment, the teacher should make it a point of duty to teach the alphabet and explain according to the pupils level of understanding ,the difference between sounds of English words and letters of the alphabet.
PAGE 6 Week 11 Revision, examination and closing
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.