Third Term Examinations Questions Computer Studies Primary 6 Third Term



Multiple Choice Questions

1.) The pressing and releasing of the left mouse button twice rapidly is known as ___________
(a) double clicking
(b) clicking
(c) right click

2.) It is important to secure our computer to prevent them from ______
(a) theft
(b) draft
(c) soft

3.) The black line that blinks on our monitor screen is called ____
(a) cursor
(b) arrow
(c) line

4.) The shortcut to align a text to the center direction is _____
(a) Ctrl + J
(b) Ctrl + E
(c) Ctrl + R

5.) The process of putting off the computer is by ______________________________
(a) starting
(b) warming
(c) shutting down

6.) Which of the following keys is used for typing in uppercase letter?
(a) function key
(b) shift key
(c) cap lock key

7.) The best way to guard our system against a virus is to install __________________________
(a) antivirus software
(b) firewall
(c) email filters

8.) In formatting a text one must _______ the words?
(a) highlight
(b) high jump
(c) high dark

9.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________
(a) application software
(b) flash disk
(c) computer games

10.) Microsoft is owned by __________
(a) Sir Charles Babbage
(b) Blaise Pascal
(c) Bill Gates

11.) __________ is used to re-save an existing document
(a) copy
(b) save as
(c) delete

12.) We should take care of our computer by preventing power surge and _______ by connecting it to a UPS.
(a) punctuation
(b) fluctuation
(c) continuation

13.) The _____ and _______ keys when pressed together will change your text to italics.
(a) Ctrl + U
(b) Ctrl + Y
(c) Ctrl + I

14.) ________ is one of the programs used to create or draw objects
(a) Art
(b) MS Paint
(c) Photoshop

15.) The short-cut for underline is _____________________________
(a) Ctrl + U
(b) Ctrl + D
(c) Ctrl + P

16.) Ctrl + X is used to ______ words or sentences in MS Word.
(a) copy
(b) underline
(c) cut

17.) ______________ is used to decorate a text or sentence in Microsoft Word
(a) MS Art
(b) Word Art
(c) Paint Art

18.) There are how many ways a text can be aligned in MS Word?
(a) 5
(b) 2
(c) 4

19.) The drawing area in MS Paint is called a ______
(a) shoe
(b) canvas
(c) sandal

20.) __ is located at the bottom left corner of the desktop screen.
(a) Gadgets
(b) Start menu
(c) Icons

21.) The __________ key is used to open a new document in most software applications.
(a) Ctrl + N
(b) Ctrl + O
(c) Ctrl + S

22.) To copy a selected text in MS Word, which of the following shortcut keys is used?
(a) Ctrl + C
(b) Ctrl + V
(c) Ctrl + A

23.) The taskbar in Windows is used to ________
(a) store files
(b) open programs
(c) restart the computer

24.) Which of these is NOT an example of output devices?
(a) monitor
(b) keyboard
(c) printer

25.) An operating system is used to __________
(a) run the computer
(b) play games
(c) draw pictures

26.) The Recycle Bin in Windows is used to ________
(a) delete files permanently
(b) temporarily store deleted files
(c) store programs

27.) A web browser is used for ___________
(a) browsing websites
(b) typing documents
(c) creating drawings

28.) To increase the size of text in MS Word, we use the __________ option.
(a) Font size
(b) Text color
(c) Bold

29.) The __________ is used to move between items on the computer screen.
(a) keyboard
(b) mouse
(c) touchpad

30.) Which of the following is a common type of computer storage device?
(a) keyboard
(b) RAM
(c) printer

31.) A ______________ is used to connect a computer to the internet.
(a) modem
(b) monitor
(c) printer

32.) What does “URL” stand for in internet browsing?
(a) Uniform Resource Locator
(b) Universal Resource Locator
(c) Universal Registered Locator

33.) __________ is used to adjust the volume of sound on a computer.
(a) Volume control
(b) Mouse settings
(c) Display settings

34.) Which of the following is an example of a hardware device?
(a) Microsoft Word
(b) Operating System
(c) Printer

35.) The shortcut to close a document in most software applications is _______
(a) Ctrl + F
(b) Ctrl + W
(c) Ctrl + Q

36.) A device that provides backup power during power failure is called ________
(a) UPS
(b) keyboard
(c) modem

37.) To search for a word in MS Word, you can use the shortcut key ______
(a) Ctrl + F
(b) Ctrl + P
(c) Ctrl + S

38.) The Windows logo key is used to open the ________
(a) Start menu
(b) Search box
(c) Task manager

39.) A computer virus is a type of software that can __________
(a) improve performance
(b) damage or harm your computer
(c) increase storage

40.) The ______________ is the main part of a computer where data is processed.
(a) CPU
(b) monitor
(c) keyboard

41.) Which of these is a function of the printer?
(a) printing documents
(b) displaying images
(c) storing files

42.) A device that allows you to capture images or videos for your computer is called a ________
(a) webcam
(b) mouse
(c) printer

43.) Which is used to store files and documents in a computer?
(a) keyboard
(b) hard drive
(c) monitor

44.) The shortcut for “undo” in most software applications is ________
(a) Ctrl + Z
(b) Ctrl + Y
(c) Ctrl + U

45.) The “Taskbar” in Windows allows you to _______
(a) open files
(b) switch between open applications
(c) organize documents

46.) _________ is used to organize files in a computer system.
(a) File explorer
(b) Recycle bin
(c) MS Paint

47.) The function of the ‘Cut’ command in MS Word is to ________
(a) delete text
(b) copy text
(c) move text to another location

48.) The main function of the operating system is to __________
(a) help open files
(b) manage hardware and software resources
(c) create drawings

49.) The Microsoft Office suite includes which of the following?
(a) Word, Excel, PowerPoint
(b) Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
(c) Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari

50.) The keyboard key used to cancel an operation or close a window is the ________
(a) Esc key
(b) Tab key
(c) Enter key


1.) List two ways of taking care of our computers:
(a) __________________________________
(b) __________________________________

2.) Draw the Nigerian Flag using Microsoft Word.