Class: Primary 6 Verbal Reasoning Test


Class: Primary 6

Subject : Verbal Reasoning

Topic : Test

Instruction : Write out the word from option lettered A to D the one that describes what the other three words are

1. (A) Engineering (B) law (C) medicine (D) profession

2. (a) day (b) month (c) period (d) year

3. (a) Church (b) market (c) mosque (d) place

4. (a) ailment (b) fever (c) headache (d) malaria

5. (a) engine oil (b) groundnut oil (c) palm oil (d) liquid

Section B

Instruction : Write out the world that does not belong to the group

6. (a) bus (b) lorry (c) canoe (d) car

7. (a) dance (b) Road (c) jump (d) sleep

8. (a) vehicle (b) Valley (c) Mountain (d) Hill

9. (a) river (b) forest (c) stream (d) ocean

10. (a) song (b) whistle (c) whisper (d) jump